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  1. K

    Working out in the morning

    when do you guys eat? and what do you eat? i try to eat something small about 30 mins before my workout, then a real meal after, but that's really hard to maintain because of the time restriction
  2. K

    Welcome the Approach Anxiety

    Approach anxiety is a good thing. What?! No really. I was in a relationship and started getting, you could say, a bit "settled?" well anyways that ended but there was a end effect of it too. I lost approach anxiety, or a want to approach at all. For example, I would see a HB...
  3. K

    Skateboard crew: I just got my first board, the deck seems warped

    the wood is warped/twisted/bent whatever to the point that the third wheel is almost half an inch off the floor, and i know it can't just be the trucks because i looked at the board and it's obviously warped. Should i take it back to the store, or will it buff right out after i ride it for a...
  4. K

    AFC moves congruent with a DJ approach/style. Discuss

    The thought popped up into my mind lately as I was sitting in my friend's room reading her Cosmopolitan magazine. I was bored okay, ****.:crackup: So anyways, if any of you have ever picked up one of those girl magazines, there are usually some pretty interesting topics in there including...
  5. K

    From a girl that friendzoned me: (An explanation?)

    Background story: Went out with this girl a whiel back, got friendzoned since the moment she met me because i'm asian and younger than her (that's what she said anyways, who knows, who cares). So I say **** it, mind as well see what happened. So I ask her why she friendzoned me, and she tells me...
  6. K

    BAY AREA CA MEET! Sunday August 26 2007

    pm, email, aim me if you're interested
  7. K

    Attention Bay Area Crew!

    I am setting up a tentative date for a meet. We will be approaching, discussing whatever, chilling, having fun, all the good times. Reply here, or better yet email/PM me if you're interested. Date has not been set yet, but should happen sometime soon. Cheers, Kev:rockon:
  8. K

    Fish oil vrs flaxseed oil

    I've been taking fish oil for a while now, it's a great investment Anyway, I saw some flaxseed oil pills on sale buy one get one free so i decided to pick them up. What are the pros and cons between fish and flaxseed oils?
  9. K

    tips/advice appreciated: Traffic court coming up

    I Rolled through a stop sign at around 1-3 mph im estimating, got a ticket for 165 bucks Does anybody have any tips/suggestions for me to get the ticket lowered? I thought about saying that I'm saving up for college this fall but seems kinda meh almost stopped, i was probably rolling...
  10. K

    Myth confirmation: Dancing well WILL get you laid.

    Ever heard of people saying that a guy who can dance is a pimp? It's true, experience tells. I have never been much of a good dancer, but I just practice and practice and I dished out my best dance a few days ago (and that's not even that good compared to some of my friends). I danced...
  11. K

    whoa damn, just found out the girl i was hitting on is 29 yrs old

    I was talking to this fob vietnamese girl who shows a bunch of interest in me at work, and i SWEAR she looks 21. she does not act 29. i bet she's lying about her age. but anyways WTF? :cuss:
  12. K

    Apparently, there is a forum for strippers

    I find it funny/interesting :rock:
  13. K

    Arm starts to hurt when throwing footballs

    This has been going on for about 3 weeks already. I would play on saturdays, my arm would blow out, wait til next week play again and arm blows out again, and it happened again today, wtf? pain is kinda like a muscle pull, one pain between shoulders and biceps in front, another one right at...
  14. K

    15 year old girl has unprotected sex all the time, wants baby, has fastest mouth ever Listening to her bvtch makes my ears bleed. the bad thing isn't that she's had sex a million times unprotected (her claim? it's her body she can do what she wants), just the way she backs it up is like a bullet to my head. The...
  15. K

    Threadless Shirts on sale orig. $15, now $10

    Alright, I guess you can call me advertising for my own good, because for every shirt you buy I get $1.50 in store credit. but that doesn't change the fact that there are some awesome shirts on sale! check it out guys, I bought 4 shirts last sale (early spring) and I'll likely buy a few...
  16. K

    UC Riverside Honors program (or other UC's that have this), comments/experiences?

    I was admitted into the UCR honors program, but I'm not really sure if I want to join it though. There seems to be many benefits to the program (they give you money towards residence halls, i think it was $1500, not much but w/e. and preferential scheduling and other crap like that. Then...
  17. K

    With prom coming up, here's an important dancing thread bump This is a very powerful post. If you are interested in dancing in any way (which you should be if you're going to go to prom) read this and lets discuss dancing tips, technique whatever. One thing KC says in his post is that when you...
  18. K

    The debate on swimming, discuss!

    benefits and cons of swimming as cardio workout, towards someone who wants to bulk vrs get lean/toned. I would assume that swimming is not ideal for bulking. but what about for those who want to cut off that extra fat around their body? Do you think swimming would be more effective than...
  19. K

    Whatever happened to madcow disease

    it seems like the government and all the media just stopped talking about it out of nowhere
  20. K

    Prom date showing amazingly low interest

    This is annoying the crap out of me. she was a lot more enthusiastic before and during the day i asked her, now she seems very uninterested, doesn't even make eye contact with me, whereas before she would come up and give high 5s and hugs :confused:, she also seemed pretty happy when i asked...