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  1. K

    Girl LJBFs me then keeps contacting me

    Had a date a few weeks ago with a girl I met through social circle. It went fairly well. Lots of making out and etc. Went back to her apartment, came super close to sex and she puts up last minute resistance. I tried to push through it but she eventually kicks me out. Texts me LJBF the next day...
  2. K

    Booking a hotel for sex

    Had an awesome date with a hot, fun girl last weekend. Ended up ****ing her in the backseat of my car. Her interest level seems very high and we've made plans for next weekend. Only problem is, neither of us has a place to ****. We're both pretty new to the area and living with our parents for...
  3. K

    I don't get it... string of failures followed by success?

    Just moved to a new city and have been doing the POF spamming thing for targets of opportunity. I came up with a hilarious/outrageous message that I just send to every single attractive girl that comes up, and I actually have a very high response rate. In the last month and a half I've been out...
  4. K

    Rejected 4 times in the last month

    I've been on 4 dates in the last month, all of which ended in rejection. Girl 1: Thought it went pretty well, kept conversation going the whole time, no awkwardness, even got the kiss at the end. She then completely cut contact, didn't answer calls/texts. Girl 2: Right away felt like she...
  5. K

    What should I do with my life?

    I just graduated from college. I majored in accounting and I'm not very interested in it at all. I knew when I enrolled that finding a job would be really tough by the time I graduated, so I wanted to study something marketable rather than a "hobby degree"; but I'm not smart enough to do a hard...
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    Rejected kiss, how to proceed?

    Met a girl on a dating site, went for a walk and talked for a while. When we were leaving I hugged her and went for the kiss and she turned her head, first time this has ever happened to me. But she texted me later that day, and she texted me the next day too so I know she's at least...
  7. K

    I swear to god, if one more fat girl hits on me...

    While every decent looking girl ignores/blows me off, I am just gonna snap and do some crazy ****. :mad: :cuss: :cry: :( I'm glad I'm graduating soon, at least I won't be surrounded by these insanely hot unattainable women all day anymore. This is so ****ing frustrating.
  8. K

    No results online dating

    I do not know a single girl and have no way to meet any, so I'm relying on online dating :( In the past week, I've contacted 12 women. Here were the results: 1. Unread deleted 2. Read no response 3. Read no response 4. Read, sent a few messages back and forth. She seemed interested and added me...
  9. K

    Seeing a therapist

    Does/has anyone here see a psychotherapist? I have a lot of issues that I just can't deal with on my own, but I'm very skeptical about psychology in general, a lot of it just seems like quackery to me. At this point I'm willing to try almost anything though.
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    Life after college

    Due to dysfunctional family, social anxiety, and severe depression, I basically didn't have a childhood, didn't have any friends/fun in high school, and I'm in my last year of college but no real changes so far despite me desperately trying to turn things around. So I've basically missed out on...
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    Expanding my social circle in college

    I'm in my last year at a large state school. I transferred here from an out of state community college so I don't know anyone and pretty much only hang out with my roommates, but a lot of the time I feel like I'm mooching off of them because they always have some party or group of people to meet...
  12. K

    I'm bored with my girlfriend

    A little background info: I had HORRIBLE social anxiety and depression, etc. up to a couple of years ago. No experience with girls, etc. I'm like a totally different person now (I've had several instances where people I haven't seen in a few years literally haven't recognized me) and about a...
  13. K

    Westside program question

    IDK if anyone here knows anything about Westside-style programming. I've been reading a lot about it lately and I feel like giving it a try. I'm getting a little bored of doing the same exercises over and over and I'm at a gym now that has all kinds of neat stuff so I can do the special...
  14. K

    Girlfriend and college summer break

    If you guys are in college and in a relationship, how do you deal with not seeing the girl over summer? I've been dating this girl for 6 months and like her a lot. She's my first girlfriend and the relationship is great. Lately she's been asking about my plans for summer and almost started...
  15. K

    The "relationship" talk

    I've been dating this girl for about 5 months. We've already agreed to be exclusive (she brought it up a couple weeks after we met, I stalled for a couple weeks and then agreed) and she calls me her "boyfriend". A couple nights ago we were lying in bed after sex and all of a sudden she turns to...
  16. K

    Beef + veggies

    I'm always reading "beef + veggies" recommended to people on here. How do you guys cook your beef + veggies so it tastes decent and you can stand eating it so much? What kind of veggies do you use? I've been trying to eat more but they taste like paper to me.
  17. K

    Being too aloof?

    I am an introverted, pretty quiet, very reserved guy. I have had girls say that I was "stand offish", "I never know how you feel", "I can't read you", etc. I almost never initiate contact with girls that I'm dating because I don't really feel like I need to. They always contact me first. I've...
  18. K

    Girls on dating sites looking for "friends"?

    What's the deal with girls on online dating sites who say that they are not looking for a relationship, but just "friends"? Since women rarely say what they really mean, and there's no reason an attractive girl needs to go on a dating site to find friends, I can think of two reasons: 1...
  19. K

    Was this some kind of test?

    Background info: I met this girl and went out with her a couple of times. Had sex with her. The next day, had sex with her again. I enjoyed it. I think she did too. Then today (the day after the 2nd time we had sex) I get online late at night and she IMs me saying she isn't sleeping well. She...
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    Eating the same thing at the same time every day

    I know it would be boring, but I've really fallen off the wagon in terms of nutrition lately. My training has been going great, but I have been eating and drinking (alcohol) entirely too much. Sometimes I go all day without eating because I just get too focused on other stuff, and then end up...