Good sex, disrespectful wife and child


Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2013
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You should be hitting that eject button faster than a fighter jet pilot after missile lock detection. You are in Romania, where hot women are abundant and easy to get (if Andrew Tate can get laid in Romania, so can anyone). It doesn't sound like you've got much in the way of assets or income, so you don't have to worry about the financial implications of divorce. And your kid is already kind of messed up (sorry, but that's the truth), so you don't have to worry about negative impact on him. In fact, it will probably be good for him to live away from his crazy mom. What, exactly, do you have to lose?

Honestly I can't see how he can recover from this. He let this 304 run a train on him from day one.. I would dump her and go find a girl that treats you like a king.

Honestly man, why are you letting a woman treat you like this? They are like fukin children.. They are illogical and depend on us men for there very survival.

Don't let such a weak creature treat you like this. Dump her and find a new woman, new start, and do things better this time.

Money & Muscle

Master Don Juan
May 22, 2023
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Problem is, after getting sexlife "sorted out" she still name calls me, like she did since we met.
This is a boundaries problem.

Read here
How to build boundaries during your transition

Several people have been discussing about boundaries. The book NMMNG discusses how important it is to have them, and how very beta men lack them, but doesn't explain very well what they are and how to defend them.
Boundaries are what is important to you that you can defend. Boundaries encompass the areas of your life saying “this is my **** here”. By “my **** here”, I mean that this is stuff that is important to you and that you have the power and means to defend. If you can’t defend the boundary, you don’t have it. If you ***** but don’t defend the boundary, you don’t have a boundary.
Analogy "Ukraine": Ukraine couldn’t defend Crimea from Russian-backed forces. Russia took over the peninsula. Although Ukraine bitches and cries that this isn’t fair, for all intents and purposes in the ground, Russia has Crimea inside its boundaries, and Ukraine doesn’t. Is it fair? Who cares. What matters is that Ukraine couldn’t defend this boundary, so it lost the boundary. Ukraine bitching to the international community hasn’t done much to change the boundary because everyone knows Russia has the power to defend this boundary, and Ukraine didn’t.
It is similar with you. To understand your boundaries, you have to self examine, swallowing your ego, and really understand what you control, and what you don’t. Accept this, and from there, plan creatively on all ways you can defend the territory you want. And then consistently carry out the plan automatically. And if you can’t defend with actions a boundary, accept you don’t have the boundary, and change it to something you can defend. An example of a boundary you can’t defend: “My wife must respect me”. Why? Because as this is, you give her ALL the power to her over the boundary. An example of a boundary you can defend: “If wife is disrespectful, I’ll leave.”
Analogy "The Sign": Putting up a “Trespassers will be shot” sign is not defending a boundary. Defending it is shooting trespassers, or at least, shooting a warning shot or calling the police. Whatever action works. The sign in itself doesn’t defend the boundary, only actions do.
Boundaries are for you to decide. You can be flexible, but this must come from you, not in reaction to others. Remember, you chose the boundaries, but if people test them, always trigger automatic defenses. It is ok to plan an escalating way to defend the boundary, and try one thing after the other. But you must defend it.
Analogy "The King's Castle Alpha": You are a king in your castle. Your castle has strong walls, with trained archers. The entrance gate is well guarded. It is fine to let a harem in through the gate for your pleasures. Make sure they don’t carry weapons. Yet if women assassins try to run towards the castle castle walls in the middle of the night, your archer must shoot them. No questions asked, no nicely saying “please, go to the front gate and act sexily”. There is no time for the archers to ask you if you want these hot assassins scaling the walls, they must act automatically.
When you start enforcing boundaries, your wife might be upset and act up more. This is very frustrating. Just accept that it is your own fault: you gave her this territory because you didn’t defend it. Now you want it and she had internalized it was hers. It isn’t her fault, it is yours for not defending the terrain. It sucks for you, for her and for the relationship that you weren’t consistently defending it. So now you all pay the price of your irresponsibility. Be patient with her, blame yourself. Plan ahead escalating ways to defend the boundary, such that you find out what is the minimum level that will get her to back off. There is no point in overdoing it, after all, you don’t want to be an *******, you just want to act in ways that defend the boundary with the least cost to everyone. Of course, this will mean doing things she doesn’t like, but don’t over do it to punish her.
Boundaries are what make people respect you. It makes women feel you are strong, reliable, and have integrity. Many of us, when married, start giving in our boundaries thinking that is what our wives want. I certainly did this when our son was born. This is terrible for us, for them, and for the relationship. Often, it leads to resentment on our part because of covert contracts that say that they have to respect our boundaries, and when enough resentment builds up, we have a victim puke. Bitching to your wife about how she is not respecting your boundary signals to her you don’t have a boundary, and only reinforces bad behavior. It is then your fault, not hers. Acting to defend the boundary with behaviors (not words) is the way to communicate the boundary in a way she understands it.
This comes from a fundamental misunderstanding of boundaries. Our boundaries are for us to respect. Since we respect them so much, we defend them. Women understand boundaries because we defend them. If we don’t defend them, they think we don’t respect the boundary, so they trample it, often without knowing. It is our responsibility, not that of our wives, to have strong boundaries. Especially, when you start putting up boundaries, wife will test and test and test. Don’t get angry at her, this is how she understands the boundary is important for you. Defend the boundary consistently if you want her to get it. Bitching to your wife about how she has to respect your boundary is weak and useless, and is just you blaming others for your failure.
Analogy "The King's Castle Beta ": The archers in the castle of the Beta King see assassins coming in to scale the wall and start shooting arrows to drive them away. The assassins wait just outside the range of the arrows, frustrated. The assassins start taunting the Beta King calling him a faggot, because they can't do anything more. The beta king orders the archers to stop shooting, and gets on his beautiful horse, leaves the castle, and goes to talk to the assassins to try to convince them he is not a faggot. The king shows his nice horse and shiny sword as proof that he isn’t a faggot, but a bad ass, from a line of bad asses. The assassins kill him for being a ****ing idiot and in the chaos take the castle.
This is what happens when you argue with your wife. You lose frame and perspective and do stupid **** that doesn't benefit you in any way. You are leaving your boundaries to exposed terrain, only because of your weak ego. Instead of arguing about your ego, become strong with frame so you don't feel insecure. Instead of focusing on her attacks, focus on your boundaries and defend them consistently.
Example in my marriage:
My wife used to make a false accusation that used to really get to me. I wanted her to stop it. When she used to say it, I would act all hurt, and argue with her to stop it, and she would just take more stabs at me. For days I would ***** about how she can’t do it. She never changed. If anything, she did it more. I kept talking about my boundary, but I wasn’t defending it, so I signal to her with actions that this territory was not worth defending for me. My words didn’t matter, if anything, they made me look even weaker. I was the king outside the boundaries, being stabbed by assassins, stupidly trying to convince them that they must stop because I am the king.
After failing at stopping her false accusation, I felt a lot of resentment, which only made me weaker. It was only when I planned an action to my responses to her that I made progress. I decided that if she said this, I would say “I’m not going to continue this conversation.” If bad behavior continued, I would escalate level of defenses. For me, this was just leaving the room to do something productive for me, or depending on the gravity of the situation, leave the house to workout, meditate, walk or get a beer.
The first few times I did this, she went nuts. She was used to me not having this boundary, so she was trying to see if she could scare me into backing off. It was afraid, I admit. But I had planned ahead my defenses, and decided I must carry them out regardless. So I ended up leaving the house for a few hours. First few times I felt a lot of guilt. But since I had planned ahead my defenses, I knew that I wasn’t being a hot head, I had planned rationally this. With time, it got easier to defend the boundaries. Heck, most times it feels really good now. She wants to piss me off? Ha, she lost, I’m not going to engage, and I have time for myself. She lost because she wanted me to react, I win because I get good time for myself.
I didn’t even have to explain why I was defending this, she knew what she did. There is no point in telling the assassin that the archers and walls mean a boundary. Only actions matter.
Now, she stopped with the false accusation. Last time she say it, I just did simple warning, and she stopped! She went away, and then apologized for what she said. Amazing. I didn't threaten, I just told her to stop, and since I had defended the boundary with actions consistently, I trained her I was serious so she responded well to my reminder of my actions. Pavlov's dog ****. Before she never stopped when I asked her, and she never apologized. But since I acted consistently, I trained her that this was serious. This is respect.

Money & Muscle

Master Don Juan
May 22, 2023
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It's like I'm trying to be a better dad than mine was and take **** from wife just for the sake of my son not growing up with father away/parents separated.
This is arguably worse than letting him not have a dad at all.

Money & Muscle

Master Don Juan
May 22, 2023
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Honestly I can't see how he can recover from this. He let this 304 run a train on him from day one.. I would dump her and go find a girl that treats you like a king.
Women will treat you as badly as you let them. All you can do is set your boundaries and stand by them. If she cannot respect them, then you exercise your right to walk away.

Good women aren't born, they're trained.


Senior Don Juan
May 31, 2023
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I forgot to say, I'm 35 yo.

It just happens that I tested walking away today. It's like the 3rd time already these past months.

We'on vacation in Greece. At the terrace, the kid won't eat and asks for going into the water again, so she started calling him am idiot. I told her to stop. I asked him if he wants to eat anything from the menu, he said no. She said she doesn't want to eat anything anymore as well. So I ordered myself some fried shrimp and a lemonade.
Then she called me an ******* for not buying anything for the kid.
That's when I just left the table, her shouting and kid crying after me. A big ****ing scene. They followed me to the hotel room, kid crying, her shouting at him. I felt like **** and good at the same time.
I took my keys, got in my car and drove away, listening to music for an hour. Got myself a pair of glasses în another town drank some coffee and took in the sun, watched families act normal and ****.

She called me 3 times, on my way back I answered and she was oh so nice, got to the terrace, ordered food, kid was almost compliant, she was calm.

She's in day 10 of her cycle and usually horny. She just told me to shower, but I ****ing will not.

I notice people looking at us when she uses bad language, and I just want to shrivel and die.

Anyway, I'm getting close to a good outcome for me. I apreciate all of your answers and I'll keep you up to date if anyone's interested.
This brings back some painful memories for me. My ex-wife (who is as a truly bad person) used to behave like this on holidays, at family gatherings and in front of friends. It's really embarrassing and horrible bullying behaviour, and you've got to be very careful because you'll be the bad guy if you flare up in response. Then you'll be in real trouble if she goes to law (criminal or civil).

It's easy to say 'just leave' but people often don't because life's more complicated than that and you can lose a lot of confidence and vision when you're trapped in an abusive relationship - and that's what it is, abuse.

Either way, I suspect the marriage is doomed. In my experience, women who behave like this don't change whatever you do. Ultimately, the only way is to get out.


Senior Don Juan
May 31, 2023
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I forgot to say, I'm 35 yo.

It just happens that I tested walking away today. It's like the 3rd time already these past months.

We'on vacation in Greece. At the terrace, the kid won't eat and asks for going into the water again, so she started calling him am idiot. I told her to stop. I asked him if he wants to eat anything from the menu, he said no. She said she doesn't want to eat anything anymore as well. So I ordered myself some fried shrimp and a lemonade.
Then she called me an ******* for not buying anything for the kid.
That's when I just left the table, her shouting and kid crying after me. A big ****ing scene. They followed me to the hotel room, kid crying, her shouting at him. I felt like **** and good at the same time.
I took my keys, got in my car and drove away, listening to music for an hour. Got myself a pair of glasses în another town drank some coffee and took in the sun, watched families act normal and ****.

She called me 3 times, on my way back I answered and she was oh so nice, got to the terrace, ordered food, kid was almost compliant, she was calm.

She's in day 10 of her cycle and usually horny. She just told me to shower, but I ****ing will not.

I notice people looking at us when she uses bad language, and I just want to shrivel and die.

Anyway, I'm getting close to a good outcome for me. I apreciate all of your answers and I'll keep you up to date if anyone's interested.
This brings back some painful memories for me. My ex-wife (who is as a truly bad person) used to behave like this on holidays, at family gatherings and in front of friends. It's really embarrassing and horrible bullying behaviour, and you've got to be very careful because you'll be the bad guy if you flare up in response. Then you'll be in real trouble if she goes to law (criminal or civil).

It's easy to say 'just leave' but people often don't because life's more complicated than that and you can lose a lot of confidence and vision when you're trapped in an abusive relationship - because that's what it is, abuse.

Either way, I suspect the marriage is doomed. In my experience, women who behave like this don't change whatever you do. Ultimately, the only way is to get out.


Senior Don Juan
May 26, 2022
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I disagree but maybe you're right. Being a male nurse can be a high paying job. If he combines that w bodybuilding and occasionally boxing, he should have more than enough status for this kunt. She sounds like a trash mouthed low status woman herself (with all due respect OP). I would recommend that u read The Way of the Superior Man and tell her to read his book for girls: "its a guy thing" and/or "dear lover". Lead her towards a better framework for relationships. I always make my women read these books in order to brainwash them in a good way towards a more enlightened and conscious framework when it comes to relatisonhips. U need to destroy their old software.
The OP has two choices - to stay or leave.

Regardless of what path he choses, if there is something that he's significantly lacking (skill, career path, money, status), it's going to be a problem with other women as well. So he needs to identify it and improve it.


Master Don Juan
Sep 3, 2020
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I would consider family or couple therapy.
No..... like, the fvck NO!

In best case the therapist will acknoledge that his wife needs to work on herself and give her a participation trophy in each session for "trying" and scolding OP to be more understanding for her "giving her best" while he still is in a ****ty marriage and his boy learning that his father is a doormat.

Worst case will be the therapist and his wife gaslighting OP into him being the problem and emotionally abusive to his wife.

OP doesnt need a therapist, he needs frame and a decent wife! If anyone should see a therapist then his wife and her alone.


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2023
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I would consider family or couple therapy.
LMFAO so that the therapist takes the woman's side and tells him that he needs to do more chores in the house, needs to invite her to more of his activities and needs to thank her more for how difficult is to be a mother?

Are you're the guy who wants to open a youtube channel to give men advice? Find another hobby dude.

Modern Man Advice

Master Don Juan
Feb 3, 2021
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LMFAO so that the therapist takes the woman's side and tells him that he needs to do more chores in the house, needs to invite her to more of his activities and needs to thank her more for how difficult is to be a mother?

Are you're the guy who wants to open a youtube channel to give men advice? Find another hobby dude.
Feel better?


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2023
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Feel better?
I mean, for a guy who has "advice" in his username, to give the advice of "marriage counseling" knowing how all of that $hit is stacked against men, how that is only for female pedestalization and men emasculation, you gave a pretty $hitty advice.

Modern Man Advice

Master Don Juan
Feb 3, 2021
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I mean, for a guy who has "advice" in his username, to give the advice of "marriage counseling" knowing how all of that $hit is stacked against men, how that is only for female pedestalization and men emasculation, you gave a pretty $hitty advice.
Let it out, it's okay, let it out. I ask again, feel better?


Master Don Juan
Apr 28, 2018
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If we are being completely honest, given the longevity of the disrespect and verbal abuse, it is likely that this is not salvageable in any way. In fact, I think the ONLY thing that can be saved here is that your son grows up to respect his father. And let's be honest, so long as your wife continues to treat you like dogsh1t in front of him, he is going to grow up thinking you are a pushover and doormat.

Your best move is to start planning your exit strategy. Start putting away CASH in places no one thinks to look to soften your landing financially, but by all means get out of this thing. Have a target date for about 6-8 months from now after some clandestine saving to pull the trigger and file a divorce. Even limited time with your son 1 on 1 is going to be preferable to being around him all the time with your b1tch wife there acting like a cvnt to you 24/7 in front of him.


Master Don Juan
Apr 28, 2018
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I mean, for a guy who has "advice" in his username, to give the advice of "marriage counseling" knowing how all of that $hit is stacked against men, how that is only for female pedestalization and men emasculation, you gave a pretty $hitty advice.
I agree that marriage counseling generally is a waste of time. But not because of the reason you stated. The issue with marriage counseling is that, in order for it to work, BOTH sides need to be willing to compromise and understand/acknowledge some of the things they are doing are wrong. Now ask yourself the question - how many women do you know who will do those things? Especially when they harbor unreasonable resentment like most wives do?

Before my divorce, and back before I knew how pointless it really was, I was in marriage counseling with my ex-wife for about 8 months before I decided to pull the trigger and divorce. The counselor was a woman and a fairly liberal thinking one at that. During our last session, she actually told my ex-wife that "it was time for her (my wife) to wake the fvck up." My ex refused to go back to her after that. Thousands of dollars wasted. I filed for divorce a week later.


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2023
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BOTH sides need to be willing to compromise and understand/acknowledge some of the things they are doing are wrong.
Women act as $hitty as you let them. Compromising is just another word for negotiating compliance, doesn't work never will.

Its simple, if she's acting like a b!tch, you either didn't vet her properly or you became a drunken captain of the relationship. Women can't compromise in something she doesn't feel, if she doesn't feel respecting you, no matter how much she tries to acknowledge it, if the guy is behaving like a b!tch, she won't respect him.

The second situation takes time to reverse (if), typically eliminating covert contracts, the need for validation, dread, becoming your own pint of origin, becoming something great, after that, you won't like her anymore because you became so much more and just looking at her reminds you how much of a b!tch you were.- Happened to me


Master Don Juan
Apr 28, 2018
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Women act as $hitty as you let them. Compromising is just another word for negotiating compliance, doesn't work never will.

Its simple, if she's acting like a b!tch, you either didn't vet her properly or you became a drunken captain of the relationship. Women can't compromise in something she doesn't feel, if she doesn't feel respecting you, no matter how much she tries to acknowledge it, if the guy is behaving like a b!tch, she won't respect him.

The second situation takes time to reverse (if), typically eliminating covert contracts, the need for validation, dread, becoming your own pint of origin, becoming something great, after that, you won't like her anymore because you became so much more and just looking at her reminds you how much of a b!tch you were.- Happened to me
Vetting is incredibly important. No doubt about it. But I can also tell you that relationship "depreciation" is almost unavoidable. It is impossible to screen for how certain things will affect a woman - no matter how long you vetted them. @SW15 likes to say that he thinks most LTRs have a shelf-life of 5 years of "goodness." I think that it can be longer than that, but I do agree that relationship malaise, which can cause disrespectful behavior, does happen to the best of relationships, regardless of how well you vetted a woman in the first 1-2 years.

These kind of situations are generally not fixable. In the OPs case, it is even worse because it doesn't sound like things were ever good. He basically knocked up a woman he should never have been with from Day 1. In his case, I would agree he didn't vet properly.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 2, 2022
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I get the impression that your wife might not be a gem, but not BPD. That term is used too loosely.
Also you are now revealing info where I can see how your wife is not satisfied with - well - you.
Her reaction is not constructive, it's destructive. She definitely tells you "I'm not content with your state of being, please be/do ..." when she calls you "idiot". It's an act of desperation. I'm not saying it's an intelligent act though.
Consider how you can make your life more satisfying (for yourself). Reach out to people who are helpful.
Maybe a divorce will become a part of that.


Don Juan
May 17, 2023
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Yeah, I've been on the berge of divorcing for some tine, and I brought it up to her.
I get the impression that your wife might not be a gem, but not BPD. That term is used too loosely.
Also you are now revealing info where I can see how your wife is not satisfied with - well - you.
Her reaction is not constructive, it's destructive. She definitely tells you "I'm not content with your state of being, please be/do ..." when she calls you "idiot". It's an act of desperation. I'm not saying it's an intelligent act though.
Consider how you can make your life more satisfying (for yourself). Reach out to people who are helpful.
Maybe a divorce will become a part of that.
Well, if I was aware of all that I have read these past years, before I would have met her, my wife would have been a girl that I would have dumped and never looked back on. Unfortunately for me, our child loves both of us, and that's the ONLY thing that has kept me so far from not walking. I have to really weigh the benefits and disatvantages from walking. I WILL consult a lawyer, because it's too damn hard FOR ME to learn all this **** and apply it to a relationship that, in my experience, has gone too far for me to even consider to work on. It's tiring and frustrating as hell.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 2, 2022
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Yeah, I've been on the berge of divorcing for some tine, and I brought it up to her.

Well, if I was aware of all that I have read these past years, before I would have met her, my wife would have been a girl that I would have dumped and never looked back on. Unfortunately for me, our child loves both of us, and that's the ONLY thing that has kept me so far from not walking. I have to really weigh the benefits and disatvantages from walking. I WILL consult a lawyer, because it's too damn hard FOR ME to learn all this **** and apply it to a relationship that, in my experience, has gone too far for me to even consider to work on. It's tiring and frustrating as hell.
You will need professional help (therapist), not 'RP techniques', when you want to have an OK relationship with your wife or ex-wife and especially for what kind of behaviours you want to teach your kid.
Silence and distance is better than putting up with disrespectful behaviour, but it's still aggressive. The golden way is to address is like I explicated in my first post in this thread.

Money & Muscle

Master Don Juan
May 22, 2023
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Yeah, I've been on the berge of divorcing for some tine, and I brought it up to her.

Well, if I was aware of all that I have read these past years, before I would have met her, my wife would have been a girl that I would have dumped and never looked back on. Unfortunately for me, our child loves both of us, and that's the ONLY thing that has kept me so far from not walking. I have to really weigh the benefits and disatvantages from walking. I WILL consult a lawyer, because it's too damn hard FOR ME to learn all this **** and apply it to a relationship that, in my experience, has gone too far for me to even consider to work on. It's tiring and frustrating as hell.
Whether you want to stay in the relationship or not, I suggest you make the changes in YOU that you need regardless. If you don't, your next girl will do the same, and the one after that, and the one after that...
I strongly recommend checking out r/MarriedRedPill and making improvements from there.

They're not broken, they are what they are - you're just letting them turn into the same disrespectful chick.

Your current wife can always be your practice wife; after all, she will be your harshest critic.