New profile posts

To build talent within yourself, you really have to stick with it so that you recognize and fully understand all of the patterns associated with whatever you are doing.
Are you still looking for a wingman in Brooklyn or New York? I'm down to practice pickup with you. I have 20 cold approaches in my belt.
Hi Jesse,
This is Thomas, a 20 year old guy from New York trying to learn pick-up. If you ever come to New York, let's practice picking up some women together. I'm interested in joining your telegram group.
She basically showed me...she played me?

But she came over and reiterated...i only slept with you. But i will do the DNA test and you will regret it
Dont let her manipulate you. This is most likely a psycho-game. Wait for the test and go from there. Dont trust her.
AOC - If I am so dumb, how did I finish a jigsaw puzzle in 6 weeks when the box said 3-6 years.
ABooks I've read: No More Mister Nice Guy, How to Win Friends and Influence People; Currently reading: The Book of Pook, A Random Walk Down Wall Street---Books to read in the future: The Rational Male, The Book of Numbers: Analyzing the ROI on the Pursuit of Women, Mode One: Let the Women Know What You're REALLY Thinking, How To Be A 3% Man, Heartiste on Game; Bachelor Pad Economics,
W bigl-mvp, motorhead-aceofspades, track C60, photography, Man's Guide to Women, cruise: pineapple on door (swingers), nelly-dilemma, billyjoel-getitrightthefirsttime, Argentine tango, gaming, hiking groups, barwithscrubsandstethoscope
X v: sf18-30: 70% 24% m: 2.3% csfv: 18-24: 43%, 25-34: 25%, 35-44: 14%. Divorce: v 23%, nv 44%. 55% die unexp. cuddle, videos, clothes, jars. 64 mi; 200-300-400. 1500 p in 20 b in 17 c. CFP for investment advice. 3 times per day. Other: Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland
Y panhandling 20-50 per hr (or 10-15 per hr.). bodywork/massage skills, tantra
Live not as though waiting for a significant event in the future, but as though every moment is a significant event unfolding and being conquered by you.
This MoFo had the nerve to report me on March 13 2017, completely unjustified!!!!!

Ah Im just messin around. I cant remember what it was but I probably had it coming. Des you are a legend