Your wardrobe


Don Juan
Apr 13, 2008
Reaction score
I came back from the shops the other day after buying a new jacket. Once I got to my room to put it away i realised what a mess it was. Clothes i hadn't worn for weeks, joke maybe even a year which were just hanging there. In other words there is alot of useless sh** in there. :cuss:

So today I have been cleaning it all out which got me to many items of clothing do you guys have in your wardrobe? Do you guys buy new clothes cause you want it, or do you buy 'cause u need to replace/upgrade an item of clothing therefore throwing the old item out.

Don't mind my carrying on about the subject.... but this s*** has been driving me nuts. I feel as though i need a clothing guideline to follow in terms of how many items i should have lol if that makes sense. So i would like to know what you guys stick by?


Don Juan
Jan 21, 2008
Reaction score
In my wardrobe i have...16 coloured t-shirts which alternate between
3 pairs of jeans which i will wear
3 main formal outfits for clubbing
5 shirts for special occasions or nights out
2 pairs of cargo pants
2 pairs of three quarter length pants
1 suit
3 pairs of trainers.

Don't know if that's helped lol. I also buy clothes because i fancy an addition, to be honest with you i don't need to throw away any of my clothes which i have bought in the last year because there my style, i'll only get rid if they rip, or don't fit anymore.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
Lol. I got so much style I should have a weekly in GQ.

I get rid of clothes every spring, usually donation to salvation army for tax write off but really, I have some stuff I've owned for years that I still sport from time to time. I'm not going to list all of my clothes but lets say I have a section for all 4 seasons of the year. I have them all sectioned off in my closet and depending on the dates I focus on sections for selection of attire first then final cut off venues. Sound complicated? Well it is. Style is no joke for me. I do alot of looks and I do it well. From rugged to formal, I make sure I come correct.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
MetalFortress said:
I have way too many clothes for my own good, but my rule is: if I still wear it, keep it. If I might still wear it sometime in the future, keep it (IE - it's my size and it's my style).
Exactly. Only cycle out clothes that have little or no potential use for you in the future. I do have some clothes that I've owned for some time but they have a look that's for the most part timeless. I'll even go one further to say that I have some clothes that my dad gave me that he wore in the 70's but since they have similar looks to clothes being sold and worn now, I keep them around.

If you're looking to get rid of clothes, be sure it's for the right reasons. If your clothes no longer fit or have shrunk or altered in some way that's unappealing, get rid of them. Pack ratting clothes you don't use is the number one way to clutter your closet needlessly. Impulse buying is also a bad idea. I never buy clothes with one look in mind. EVERYTHING I've bought in the last 5 years has more than one function and range of styling. Watch your girlfriend shop one day. She'll see something that goes well with something she owns...JUST ONE ITEM in her wardrobe. You could follow suit but most likely you'll start to own just as much stuff as she does. Despite the number of cloths I own, my walk in closet is more then half empty because I shop wisely and not impulsively.

Be fierce with your fashion kids!