Your Girlfriend.

Black suit

Don Juan
Jun 2, 2008
Reaction score
Don't worry, it bothers quite a lot of us too. I felt pissed cuz my ex said she *almost* gave a ******* to her earlier ex.

For different reasons, I didn't sleep with her. Haha, when I broke up with her she lamented over the fact I didn't screw her. I'm glad I didn't though. There are gonna be way better girls for me.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 28, 2008
Reaction score
Black suit said:
Don't worry, it bothers quite a lot of us too. I felt pissed cuz my ex said she *almost* gave a ******* to her earlier ex.

For different reasons, I didn't sleep with her. Haha, when I broke up with her she lamented over the fact I didn't screw her. I'm glad I didn't though. There are gonna be way better girls for me.
That's really insecure and AFC. You went out with this girl and chose not to get laid and are happy about this? Cuz she ALMOST blew some guy? Deep down she probably thinks your gay.


Master Don Juan
Oct 19, 2006
Reaction score
If she's not messing around with any other guys then don't think too much. Don't think about her past and don't think about the future. Live in the moment bro and have fun with your girl!~


Don Juan
Jan 23, 2008
Reaction score
Actually I dont care if im only messing around with a chick and she has banged enough men before me, cause I am not serious about her and just having fun. But if she wants to get serious with me, there is no chance in hell.
I accidentely found out I was like number 41 with my exGF (and it sure felt like it). And that bothered me to no end, because those wore not emotional connections, just physical fullfilment.
I dont want an LTR with a slut, who does/did it without any feelings or connection. Just doing it for the sake of getting off is not what i call real LTR material. Sure i would fck here and hang some, but no way in hell am i going to be your BF.
I dont care if she had 10 or 20 BFs, but banging and having multiple ONS and then asking me for an LTR, cause shess so head over heals, is disgusting and repelling in my eyes. Telling me no one made her feel like she did when she was with me as an defensive mechanisme does not work, atleast on me.
No, I dont believe its insecurity from my side, I'm protecting my own interests and I hope other people realise this. I dont want to be around her friends and them looking at me like "look its #". If a chick wants a LTR only her past can tell if shes actually capable, a few flings ok. But having a rotation with 3 guys cause she cant pick and just wants them for the sex is not my dish. My ex actually brought it up that she had some men, but not that many so in fact she lied and i dont like beeing disrespected.
Maybe some one else would love the fact she got around and now wants to settle down with ya, but I dont.

Black suit

Don Juan
Jun 2, 2008
Reaction score
TheBaconator said:
That's really insecure and AFC. You went out with this girl and chose not to get laid and are happy about this? Cuz she ALMOST blew some guy? Deep down she probably thinks your gay.
NO, are you kidding me? Noone would ever possibly do something like that.

As I said, there were other reasons.

Honestly though, I had problems with this chick. I would actually get turned off when we were too intimate. And that made me scared like ****!

Haha, you wouldn't believe how relieved I was the next time when I had another girl rubbing her ass on my crotch. ;)