Your DAILY routines. Share!


Senior Don Juan
Jul 22, 2004
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Okay guys.

This is one issue which I'm very particularly interested in knowing about... What are your daily routines like? How does it start? What do you do? How does it end? I'm curious to know everything from what time you wake up, when you eat, shower, do homework, go to work, come home from work, jackoff, visit this website, go to the gym, etc.

I think this will be useful... just so the rest of us can get an idea of how the successful guys spend their time, how to manage our time, even offer some feedback to others on time management.

I'll get things rolling...

Monday - Friday

6:30 am - wake up, eat, shower, listen to music, get ready for work
7:40 am - leave to work
8:00 am - arrive at work
4:30 pm - leave work
5:00 pm - arrive at home, eat, visit sosuave, read, chat online
7:00 pm - continue to be extremely bored... just sit my lazy ass online
8:00 pm - go to the gym
9:00 pm - come home from the gym, chat online, visit sosuave, continue to be bored
11:00 pm - go to sleep

I spent atleast 5 hours of my day (which is my free time), doing absolutely jack. I mean, atleast it's more constructive than 4 months ago... like I learn in my free time, but still, it's being BORED and LAZY. It's called NOT HAVING A LIFE. I'm looking to change this... make it even more constructive... maybe I can get some ideas from you guys.

Saturday & Sunday

I basically just sleep in a bit.. to about 10:00 am. Go to the gym on either one of these days. I try to make sure I have a date for the weekend. EVERY weekend I do something with my friends. Like, nearly every weekend we go to see a movie and play pool. On Sundays I've lately been trying to go out to the malls and do approaches.

Okay, now I'm interested in seeing your guys' feedback and routines...


Don Juan
Jul 21, 2004
Reaction score
Wake up
Jerk off
play games
go to work
get off work
get drunk
get high
go home
do it again

Wow, My life sucks


Senior Don Juan
Sep 27, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Tempest
Okay guys.

This is one issue which I'm very particularly interested in knowing about... What are your daily routines like? How does it start? What do you do? How does it end? I'm curious to know everything from what time you wake up, when you eat, shower, do homework, go to work, come home from work, jackoff, visit this website, go to the gym, etc.

I think this will be useful... just so the rest of us can get an idea of how the successful guys spend their time, how to manage our time, even offer some feedback to others on time management.

I'll get things rolling...

Monday - Friday

6:30 am - wake up, eat, shower, listen to music, get ready for work
7:40 am - leave to work
8:00 am - arrive at work
4:30 pm - leave work
5:00 pm - arrive at home, eat, visit sosuave, read, chat online
7:00 pm - continue to be extremely bored... just sit my lazy ass online
8:00 pm - go to the gym
9:00 pm - come home from the gym, chat online, visit sosuave, continue to be bored
11:00 pm - go to sleep

I spent atleast 5 hours of my day (which is my free time), doing absolutely jack. I mean, atleast it's more constructive than 4 months ago... like I learn in my free time, but still, it's being BORED and LAZY. It's called NOT HAVING A LIFE. I'm looking to change this... make it even more constructive... maybe I can get some ideas from you guys.

Saturday & Sunday

I basically just sleep in a bit.. to about 10:00 am. Go to the gym on either one of these days. I try to make sure I have a date for the weekend. EVERY weekend I do something with my friends. Like, nearly every weekend we go to see a movie and play pool. On Sundays I've lately been trying to go out to the malls and do approaches.

Okay, now I'm interested in seeing your guys' feedback and routines...
If you have 5 hrs free time a day, why dont you do approaches then. I go out just to sarge up to 3 times a week, and do approaches in my spare time whenever I can.. i.e when I'm at the train station, waiting for the bus, shopping, on my way somewhere, at school, after the gym etc.
You'll never get any good at approaching unless you invest some more time in it.

Dapper Swindler

Senior Don Juan
Aug 25, 2004
Reaction score
This is hard. Every day is different.
This is what I will be doing tomorrow.

1:00 pm Wake up
2:00 Go to class
3:00 Go to another class
4:15 Do two cold approaches for bootcamp
6:00 (I figure it will take that long) Go home and clean up my apartment
7:30 Find something to eat
8:00 Make plans for birthday party this Friday
9:00 Free time
10:00 Go to work
4:00 a.m. Get off work Work out/masturbate
5:00 a.m. Go to bed


Don Juan
Apr 9, 2003
Reaction score
My sched is different every day too.
9:30a wake up
10:00a eat breakfast/ shower.
11a class
3p go home/eat lunch/email etc.
4p coffee and studying
6p practice spinning records
8p work out
9p go home/shower/eat dinner
1030p go out with friends maybe do a couple approaches if im feelin it.
1am home messing around with the, chatting whatever.
2am sleep

strong like bull

Senior Don Juan
Nov 5, 2002
Reaction score
there just arent enough hours in the day anymore.

1.) in the gym 4-6 days a week. 2-3 lift days, 2-3 basketball/swim/hiking days. im naturally aggressive and need the release; competitive sports helps tone it down. if i dont exercise at least every other day, ill go ape-****.

2.) work 40-60 hrs a week. two jobs; one as a restaurant server. other in event staging ( going to get a 3rd a 4th job soon enough; couple banquet serving gigs.

3.) what LITTLE time i have left i spend with friends and girls. my work schedule keeps me from going out to clubs and whatnot on a regular basis. but i have my fun =)


Don Juan
Sep 12, 2004
Reaction score
7:00: am Wake up , run for 35-45 mins,shower etc
8:30: Eat, cook all my food for the day.
9:00: Start working on my comp, Im Freelance Artist
1:00: Hit my gym for 60-75 mins, shower etc
3:00: Usualy go out shopin for food and clothes etc.
6:00: Finish most of my work
7:00: Visit mates or whatever
9:00: Then usualy come home to work some more.

Good to like what you do, because you always got something to do.

You can see my work
Anyone else do CGI here ?

Then i usualy got to parties and clubs on friday and saturday.
Usualy dont work on sundays at all and just spend times with my mates.

The Bad Ass Canadian

Master Don Juan
Feb 15, 2003
Reaction score
I have a fear of routines.


The only real routine in my life is i go to bed and i get up and i eat at certain times. That's about it.

Other than that everything is pretty random.

When we're on tour, things get a bit routine, but that's a given. In my off time, i'm free to do as i please. It can be very exciting and can get really boring.... depending on how i spend my time.

The Bad Ass Canadian