You should read this.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2006
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I came to this website in the same manner that probably a solid 75% of you have. Im assuming the majority of us ended up here because of a search engine such as or We probably where searching things such as "Attracting woman, Approaching woman, self improvement". Point being, mainly all of us have ended up here on the same quest, to improve our chances with that one woman, or woman in general. I have read countless post's on here that are so "Hey how do I do this, help me help me.....why this why that, blah blah" And to be honest, I can see where these people are coming from. They are just like alot of us used to be or still are. I have taken in thousands of pages of information in the past 2 month's. I have read a substantial amount of E-Book's, went to the library, read books on psychology, body language, and so on. I would not even be posting this if it meant nothing to me, I am here noticing that there is an AMAZING wealth of knowledge. All of the above was written to express my gratitude to this community, and to ensure that I know this will sound repetitive and potentially annoying.

Anyhow, thats the pre-lude. On to the story......

Imagine the most AFC thing you have ever done, Imagine some of the most AFC situations you have seen a fellow male in. Picture the amount of come on's you have absently missed. Either you can remember one in an instant, or you dont. If you dont you probably are not that bad with woman in the first place. If you can rememeber a gigantic afc move you did, or a gigantic come on that you missed, you are probably a recovering afc or a season vet, that looks back at it and wants to puke.

I was one of those guys, get this.....a girl was talking to me on aim 2 years ago. She mentioned, "hey, what are you should come over, nobody is home". I told her, thats cool...I gotta go hangout with my buddy. I 100% missed it. Didnt even 2nd guess what she said. Girl's did stuff like that to me constantly for a year and I never noticed it. I may have wondered, "hey does she like me or something"? But I never went farther than that because I was at such a low level of self-esteem that woman advancing on me was something I simply did not take notice of. After a solid year or so of me being completly blind to all these come on's and offerings to go on dates, get together 1 on 1, or even simply hangout, I sunk into a low area of social status, and woman basically lost interest in me. Occasionally a girl would try to advance with me, but they would find out that I was such a sucker that they gave up and we ended up as friends or somebody to ignore. Now, here I am a bit over 2 years later and with all of this improvement I have been doing, women are starting to approach ME again, and I am getting numbers, and to be 100% honest.....I have never even hung out with an attractive female 1 on 1 until 3 days ago.....this is where my problem begins, and the main focus will be on this part of my story/advice plea.

3 Days ago, I am sitting here listening to some tunes, talking with some buddies on aim, and this girl that used to talk to me all the time instant messaged me, she always tried to get me to party with her, go swimming, go out to eat, hangout, she did this for literally 2 to 3 years and with me constantly forming an excuse to not hangout or see each other 1 on 1. The farthest I ever went was going out to lunch with her a couple of times, at school that is, and whenever I did...I was completly shy and 100% AFC. she seemingly placed me in that "friend zone". We proceeded to talk on aim, and after a few minutes of chatter, I did something that I would have never done before sosuave. I asked her "So, when are we going to hangout? I havent seen you in like 4 months?" She replied, "What are you doing thursday?" I told her nothing, and she said. "Wanna go get some lunch, or see a movie?" I accepted the movie option, when thursday rolled around, she called me and asked me if we were still going out later in the evening to see a movie, I accepted and she said she was so excited. She called again to get directions to my place, she said she was excited and asked me if I was too. Apparently after she graduated she said she doesnt really hangout with anybody anymore.

So here she is picking me up from my home, she needs to stop at an ATM and get some money. After getting the money, she brings up the topic...."I broke up with my boyfriend". She described how she couldnt handle him and so forth. Than she gets a call from a friend, its her buddies 21st birthday, she informs him that she is hangin out with her friend, going to see a movie...than hangs up. Phone convo lasted a mere minute. Me and this girl are pretty comfortable with each other, she used to sit in class and rest her legs on top of mine during a movie, use my sweatshirt as a pillow, wear my stuff, pinch me, punch me, but I never got the hint really... that was last school year. She had a boyfriend when she did this stuff too....A few miles down the rode we losen up and start talking like we used to, get to the movie theatre, and I got her laughing like crazy and all that good stuff.

We get our tickets, use the bathroom, and proceed to our assigned auditorium. We sit next to each other, watch the movie, laugh, finish it, than head for the door. When we got to a door she stopped and me never hanging out with a lady, I didnt open it....she stopped and obviously thought I was going to, lmao....I didnt notice till it was too late. The door was locked, and we proceeded to the next....I made sure that I was the one that opened it this time. We get in her car and start heading home, we laughed hard and so on, she said I say the funniest stuff, and halfway home, she mentioned her nose piercing, and I told her I didnt even notice it....I said "look at me" she obeyed and I stared her in the eyes, than her nose and complimented it. The whole time I didnt initiate kino, nor did she try. I didnt neg hit or anything either. She dropped me off at my home, and as I got out I told her it was fun and that we where going to hangout again. She said "for sure, call me sometime."

My questions to those of you that read this far are as follows.

Do you think I blew it?
Do I stand a chance at being more than friends?
Her mentioning a breakup, good or bad?
Her obviously wanting me to open the door's, good / bad?
Should I have treated it as a date, or a casual hangout?
Was I wrong for for being so normal, and non flirty?

And overall, if you wish.....comment on ANY other part of this post and let me know what's on your mind.

This will more than likely have over 100 view's. Lets hear what you have to say.

Please and thank's. Sorry for the length, I bet I gave you something to do eh? =P


Don Juan
Nov 6, 2006
Reaction score
that was a good read :up:

I don't believe in all this 'friend zone' rubbish - I'm sure someone will correct me hehe ;) if she like you in 'that way' she like you, simple! women probably won't go out with someone they don't actually like, and YOU got HER to drive? :D nice one! haha

in all honesty, you can't really tell whether or not she fancied you, but I'm gonna be bold here and say she probably mate! and no I don't think you have blown your chances!


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2006
Reaction score
Labourer said:
that was a good read :up:

I don't believe in all this 'friend zone' rubbish - I'm sure someone will correct me hehe ;) if she like you in 'that way' she like you, simple! women probably won't go out with someone they don't actually like, and YOU got HER to drive? :D nice one! haha

in all honesty, you can't really tell whether or not she fancied you, but I'm gonna be bold here and say she probably mate! and no I don't think you have blown your chances!
haha, glad to give you something to read :rock:

Anybody wanna examine this a bit more in depth?


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2006
Reaction score
Look at that 100 views and 1 reply, =) I feel like a champion.

Sean O

Senior Don Juan
Mar 26, 2006
Reaction score
Well, I can say with reasonable certainty that she's into you. Also, in my opinion, it wasn't necessarily a bad thing that you didn't make your move. You said that you and her had known each other for a while prior to your outing, yes? It would probably have been a little awkward to simply rush right into a kiss. Think of your outing with her as a "priming" date. You've re-established the connection, you got some good signs, and now you've got your foot in the door for a real date when you see her next.

In other words, go for it, bro :up:. Nothing ventured, nothing gained, yeah? Just be sure to amp up the kino next time. Honest to god it is the most effective way to flirt. Teasing, C+F, neg-hitting and the like are fine, but physical touch works so much better and on a far deeper level. It's also a great way to transition into a kiss.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
She abruptly told you that she broke up with her boyfriend. Do you need her to wave a neon sign and jump up and down topless?

Seems like you're still missing the obvious signs buddy. :whistle:


Don Juan
Nov 17, 2006
Reaction score
She may be on the rebound. You mentioned she behaved with you the same way she did when she was with her boyfriend, she also told you she'd broken up, she also said "she couldn't handle him" (???!!!) so she may have been looking for an AFC self-esteem boost. Hard to say for sure from one date, maybe try not to get too caught up in this one evening and assess things over time? presuming you get another date that is.

Flirting and making a move would have given you more things to consider I think. You would have got a better idea if SHE was interested, as you clearly are. I reckon you should play it as cool as you can and not put yourself in line for a rebound session. If she goes out with you again, make it fun, be the gentlemen, but if you're keen on her, make a smooth, controlled move and see how she reacts.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2006
Reaction score
TillTheEndOfTime said:
She abruptly told you that she broke up with her boyfriend. Do you need her to wave a neon sign and jump up and down topless?

Seems like you're still missing the obvious signs buddy. :whistle:
You see, I mentioned this because I dont know if she was using my as her "emotional tampon".

I suppose I should of took it in a good way that she mentioned the break up.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2006
Reaction score

I got that 2nd outing with her.......she asked me on aim if I wanted to hangout soon. She asked if I wanted to go out to eat....any tips to offer????

I need help with kino, help a clueless fella out! Read the original post if you havent read this yet....

2nd chance! I dont wanna **** up

Sean O

Senior Don Juan
Mar 26, 2006
Reaction score
Good job, bro. Things look like they're going very well for ya.

The best advice I can give about kino is to A) realize that she will LOVE it when you do it, and 2) let it come out naturally. As with anything else, if you force yourself to use kino it will come across as contrived. Hard to explain how she'll be able to tell... it's just a vibe, yeah? Anyway, "playful" kino works rather well for the stage you're at. You could also do "affectionate" kino, but it's gotta be in the right moment. How do you know what that moment is? The second you get that instinctive flash of thought in your mind that says "put your arm around her, damnit!", just go for it. :up:


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2006
Reaction score
Got the 2nd outing...

Went out to eat, she offered to pay....I let her =P haha, told her I would pay her back somehow.

Than she wanted a tatoo on her foot, so she took me with her to get that done. I had to hold her hand for near an hour. lmao, she said "Nick, this is the first time we have held hands" And the fella's doing the tatoo's where asking me if I was going to be boning her later on in the night. hahaha, cool guys.

She thanked me for going, and wants to hangout some more.

Oh, I forgot to mention that she made me go in her home with her....nobody was home, and I followed her into her room she had to get the Graphic for her foot tattoo. I didnt make any advances, she said "Im gonna get *****ed at for not making my bed", and she started making her bed. *SLAMS HEAD ON DESK* I was too nervous to think of howw to do anything. ahhhh im a **** up sometimes =P

how good do you guys think I did for a 2nd outing with a girl that is supposed to just be my friend. Im trying honestlY!

EDIT: She got a call from her parent's...and when she was on the phone, she said. "Is it alright if I hangout with ______ tonight" It was a guys name. That bummed me because I thought I was doing pretty good. I think I have alot of work ahead of me.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
One of the things I always did was assume the female was attracted to me unless she gave obvious signs that she wasn't (refuses to give number, LJBF, etc). I believe that mindset has secured me more dates than wondering "does she like me?" Just assume she wants to fvck your brains out and you'll do fine. Forget about reading into her body language and hints. It's not worth the frustration.

Do a search on Kino in the tips section. There's lots of posts on it. You need to get yourself comfortable with touching women in order to move things to the next level. If you can't touch her, you can't fvck her.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 31, 2006
Reaction score
You should have jumped on her bed and said, "I'm sorry, I'm going to have to monopolize the crap out of your bed." She'll get all flirty and it willl turn into a wrestling match with a kiss at the end.(Worked for me,anyway.)


Don Juan
Nov 22, 2006
Reaction score
You did a pretty good job even getting to her bedroom. If I had any chances of interacting with females in the past, I wouldn't even be past the front door.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 31, 2006
Reaction score
CactusMcDougal said:
You did a pretty good job even getting to her bedroom. If I had any chances of interacting with females in the past, I wouldn't even be past the front door.

Don't dis-credit yourself.And try not to use "females" like they are some crazy oher creature.Women,ladies,chicks,is better.:up:


Don Juan
Nov 22, 2006
Reaction score
I only discredit myself because, after running all the logical scenarios through my mind, I have come to the conclusion that it would be logically impossible.

As for my choice of wording, 'female' is a neutral term. I do not see females as "other-worldly creatures." I only use the term 'female' because 'woman' and 'girl' both imply a certain age.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2006
Reaction score
DevanE said:
Fear is good, it helps to penetrate through the mystery of our being.

That is exactly what is holding you back you know how I know because I have been in your situation. What you have to realize is that you WILL probably fuk up and learn from this which is perfectly fine. The real challenge is IF you can override your subconcious brain-washing by fuking this girl. Think of like this, your trying to re-write your own code for the Matrix which is causing conflictions with the already written one that you were assigned.

Even though conciously you don't realize this but I see it. This is all a new territory for you because you have NOT been in this situation. It happens to the best of us it happened to my best-friend who had just gotten out of a relationship and he was a full-fledged player. It's a stage maybe not everyone but many can understand. Your focusing too much of fukin up instead of fukin her. You have to overide this now or the next time around.

Read this very carefully.

Next time your at HER house by YOURSELF...just do this

Gently, grab her hands, pull her close to you and just hug her.
Don't say anything just hug her and hold her close.
Feel her and slowly start moving your hands around going lower.
Don't say anything let your actions speak.
Continue to slowly feel her curves and think about what you really want as a man.

This is going to be a huuuuge challenge for you BUT if you can fuk this girl you will be a fearless man and nothing will ever hold you back. The more you let this "linger" the more weird the situation will become and eventually she WILL stop talking to you. She just wants to fuk you because she is trying to get over her ex so do yourself, her, us and especially ME :yes: a favor and pipe her until she says stop. :)
I definently like the way you suggested going about things, one of those things you read, think about, and the endorphins start soaring =P

Just thinking about actually doing that, it doesnt seem very hard at all....but I know when the situation arises again, I will lose my cool.

I really need to just chill, and go for it :nervous: Im sure we are going to be hanging out again sometime within the week. Got any ideas for a broke fella like me? Besides getting a job =P haha im currently trying to get one.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 23, 2006
Reaction score
Desdinova said:
One of the things I always did was assume the female was attracted to me unless she gave obvious signs that she wasn't (refuses to give number, LJBF, etc). I believe that mindset has secured me more dates than wondering "does she like me?" Just assume she wants to fvck your brains out and you'll do fine. Forget about reading into her body language and hints. It's not worth the frustration.

Do a search on Kino in the tips section. There's lots of posts on it. You need to get yourself comfortable with touching women in order to move things to the next level. If you can't touch her, you can't fvck her.
I never expect any HB7-10 will be attracted to me, I sarge expecting to be rejected, though at the same time I have developed the ability to know if a girl is attracted to me or not and I quickly respond to this.
By having no expectation at all means that no type of rejection from any HB effects me, as I'm expecting her to reject me, this means that I can be very bold, use kino when I want to use it, and ask the HB out for a date.
There are many more HB7-10's who reject my advances, this never worries me, I keep on sarging and cold approaching as many HB7-10's as I can, I do it everywhere I go, and I get to fvck so many of them, using this type of philosophy. :D