You should only pursue women when your life is set


Apr 9, 2010
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First focus on going to college in pursuit of having a high paying salary job. Get your own place (apartment) and luxurious car. Workout and try to be aesthetic as possible regardless how tall you are or how your face looks. Do not be in debt, and pay it all off if you are in it. Maintain a good credit score. Improve your looks anyway possible (getting haircuts every two weeks, tattoos you will never regret, ways to improve your smile/teeth). Get better fit clothes, good hygiene, and work on mastering your mind. This mean meditating every day if possible.

After you are set, then go pursuit women. Women should be last on your priority list. Start by socializing, having a charming and charismatic, yet cool calm and collective personality. The more you socialize, the bigger your social circles get. Obtain women through social circles and not random approaches or online dating.

Also remember you are the prize after this is all accomplished.

Only then can you become a Don Juan.


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2013
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I vehemently disagree with this thread. It risks causing a potential DJ to think, "when THIS happens, only THEN can I become a don juan." And, as most of us have garnered from life experience, you quite often don't get what you expected you would, so you never really reach that THIS or THEN.

Even if you were to achieve that specific goal, chances are that ambition that propelled you to achieve it would inhibit you from becoming a DJ - because you wouldn't be satisfied. You'd say, "Okay, that's done, BUT now I must first achieve THIS, only THEN can I be a DJ."

There's no such thing as a perfect moment. There's no such thing as bad timing. The past is gone. Tomorrow isn't here yet. All there is, is this moment.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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Well, isn't this thread teaching people how to become a beta? If you look at it, it just appeals to LMS. If you have LMS then women would be throwing themselves at you and you don't need game. In that sense, game would just be advertising HV through LMS.

Things do not work out that way anyway. You can go to college, get a degree, but get saddled with debt and either find a low-wage menial job or join the unemployment line. If you look at the stats, it's more likely you'll end up in debt rather than a high-paying job.

You can work out, but if you do not have the facial looks or come across a certain way, then no amount of working out in the world is going to help that. Lots of threads of people who went to the gym just to become an ackward person with allot of muscles. You STILL have to talk to girls even if you have the right body. You think they'll just throw themselves at you and hand over their phone numbers because you went to the gym? Been there done that.

The logic of this is off. First of all, if the OP is correct, then women should be throwing themselves at you. If you go through all of that trouble, just to start pursuing women and still getting rejected, then it's better to take some money and just use an escort if you are that hard-up rather than to spend all of this money and time on the gym, college, etc.... just to end up in student debt, dead-end job and getting rejected by women anyway.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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SeymourCake said:
First focus on going to college in pursuit of having a high paying salary job. Get your own place (apartment) and luxurious car. Workout and try to be aesthetic as possible regardless how tall you are or how your face looks. Do not be in debt, and pay it all off if you are in it. Maintain a good credit score. Improve your looks anyway possible (getting haircuts every two weeks, tattoos you will never regret, ways to improve your smile/teeth). Get better fit clothes, good hygiene, and work on mastering your mind.
As a guy who has all of the above, I disagree. There is really no need to cut women out of your life while you work on accomplishing your other goals. I mean, what do you think is going to change once you get a good job, nice car, no debt, etc? It's not like women are going to suddenly start jumping of your c0ck. At least, not in a western country. You will still have to deal with the same BS from women.


Don Juan
Oct 20, 2012
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I think there is something to be said for having something to bring to the table, especially as you get older. This doesn't mean that you can't get girls and hook ups along the way. Experience is the best teacher. I've had LTR's with some very beautiful women as a college student, working random low-wage jobs. Long run, yeah, keep improving yourself & your life for YOUR sake. Perhaps this logic could be more useful for enhancing your selection of the types/quality of women you can date, but the experience of knowing how to handle them will only make it that much better.


Master Don Juan
Apr 14, 2013
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SeymourCake is correct you need to be a man. This "Beta" and "alpha" are just words you guys are stuck on.

After not being on this SS for awhile im starting to see there is weak minded people plaguing this site. And you people think your defined by women. Your defined by what you do in life.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 19, 2012
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beta, alpha. you're all so mongy. does anyone have any life experience?

all the **** I re-learned on this site seems to be lost. not even often I see myself agreeing with **** that is obviously right anymore.

Sorry but this site is turning to ****. I see that and I've been here about a year?


Master Don Juan
Oct 8, 2008
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You can forget all of that.

Sex isn't the motivation for you to improve. It's a nice sideline activity. So while you are getting your life together you should, every once in awhile, engage. It actually will make it easier to improve in my opinion.

Most people in the world are having sex with someone they enjoy relations with. Most people do not have all the qualities you espouse. Most don't even have most. Yet they still have enough common sense to say the right things to the right girls and get laid.

As for the lux car...I don't think our generation cares too much about cars. At least not the kewl kidz.


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2012
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I understand where you're coming from, that you should have certain qualities to keep a girl, but you will pass many opportunities along the way, guaranteed. And why? Because you drive a Hyundai when you SHOULD be driving a Porsche? Because only Porsche guys get hot girls? Come on. Bring what you can to the table, always improve, and if some girl doesn't dig your life as is, she can hit the bricks.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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If I would have waited until I had my life together to pursue women, I probably would have been a virgin until I was 30. And that fact alone probably would have messed my head up, plus I would have had no experience.

Think of women as any other sort of recreation you enjoy in your downtime. You don't have to make them a priority, but that doesn't mean you can't have any fun.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 17, 2011
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Time is a very limited commodity...

There's no reason you can't multitask.


Don Juan
Nov 28, 2009
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Says everyone who doesn't work on those qualities...I have to agree with Seymour. As someone who has earned nearly all of those things, there is nothing better in life than pursuing your dreams and becoming the best looking and richest motherf*cker out there, along with social skills of course. Women give me all the attention I need because I am constantly working on my own life and rarely spend any time with them. I don't spend much time in my social circle, but the women in my circle adore me because I bring so much to the table.

Let me tell you though, doing all of these things leaves you little time to relax and can be stressful as f*ck, but in order to have it all, you gotta work hard and not be a little p*ssy. In high school I was ugly, skinny, full of acne, insecure, women never talked or even smiled at me, you name it. I decided I wanted to change that come college. Realized alcohol made my skin worse, so I quit the drinking, began meditation instead. Skin improved, working out and eating healthy made me look so much better. So I looked at myself and found that I wasn't ugly at all, but actually quite attractive. Women began giving me attention for the first time in my life and things were okay, but I wanted more. I began to really place a constant focus on my dreams and now I am on track to true happiness. Very successful so far in my career and am looking at making over 80k a year next year.

So here I am after all the sh*t I have gone through. Great job, car, health, intelligent, secure, women's attention, working towards master's degree in electrical engineering...All because I have absolutely worked my ass off. Believe me, women are not the answer. If you figure out what you want and work at it, you can have your cake and eat it too.


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2010
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New Jersey
I wholeheartedly disagree:

#1: Because my life won't be set... ever. I'm constantly evolving, constantly progressing, constantly moving forward.

#2: Why wait? You get the practice in and experience in. So what if you fail a few times? That's what leads to greater success eventually.

#3: You have some valid points... but these are things you should do anyway... like Zeek said, if you wait... you'd be a virgin until you are 30. You'd miss out on learning how to qualify women, so on and so forth.

If you want to wait... go ahead... I'll crush all those women you are missing out on in the meantime.


Senior Don Juan
May 9, 2011
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crossedup said:
In high school I was ugly, skinny, full of acne, insecure, women never talked or even smiled at me, you name it. I decided I wanted to change that come college.
Not to confuse 'women' with girls.


Jul 31, 2013
Reaction score
What are you guys going at? Life is always perfect as it is. For the lower ones, hey have the hope of getting quality girls and that gives them much excitement, joy. For the higher ones, they simply almost lost all interest in so called quality girls.


Don Juan
Oct 12, 2012
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Who said you can't do both? It's good to pursue life goals and focusing on it but do you wanna be old with no experience with women seeking you only for long term relationship possibly marriage? And then possibly cheating on you do to lack of experience with women.

What you should strive for is is pursuing your goals, improvement AND at the same damn time women as a side thing (not main focus).

It's really not that hard folks, you don't need to climb mountain Everest to get girls, you can't bring that Porsche or Audi into the bar/club, you floss your money and she will have her eyes on the dollar like illumaniti.

Out of self respect you don't want your game to be based off solely on the fact that your rich good looking provider. I 100% agree the women come with the fame and money but if you got no character and no experience/enough, the women will only see you as a credit card catch.

Its all about the game you can spit, confidence along with self respect and having fun.

Seymour your half right but you should also get some experience with women at the same time.


Don Juan
Jul 12, 2013
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change women to ltr and this is a great thread ltr are a waste of time when you are not set (of course there are exceptions)


Senior Don Juan
Dec 17, 2012
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Completely wrong. Your life will never be perfect. Waiting for perfect circumstances is an excuse.

The key to success is to fail early, fail hard, and fail repeatedly.

Also, having a high paying job just so you can buy expensive junk is a complete waste of time and also sets completely the wrong frame. Far better to work fewer hours and spend more time partying or chilling out.