You know what, I don't know how to live this life.


Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2009
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Okay, I am 22. Might be an old enough age to have sh!t together, but as it seems, I don't know how the fvck I should live this life; here you go plunging into this story, so listen carefully :)

As many of you know, I have been here for quite while; I have bytched and moaned about not getting laid, being a virgin, etc. I fvcked a girl last summer, so technically, I am not a virgin, but I am still sad/depressed, bitter, and still haven't figured out how to live this life. I thought that the act of my penis coming in physical contact with a vaginal membrane was good enough to transform my life from a coward in to Vladimir Putin.

But guess what? It didn't work out that easily. I have read (from Don Juan Tips) the famous "Just be yourself" from Squirrels, and as tremendously powerful and insightful it was, I still doubt myself all the time, whether I like it or not, whether I try not to or not. I also read "Your Pinnacle of Sex, Love and Happiness." Another great article from great insightful guy. But he is just out there, meaning he can love people unconditionally and genuinely appreciate people; I honestly don't give a fvck about people. I think in general people are boring, stupid, and think only to themselves. I am actually writing this while my roommate and his girlfriend are dancing to some music and laughing some fake-a$$ laughter. I would love to hit them in the face. Everytime I am talking to a girl, my subconscious generally think only about boning the chick. I don't give a dam about her in all honesty... And I am here trying to find THE WAY to be happy, motivated, successful, and get all the women I want with some hack of suave.

You know the worst part of all this is... when I finally think that I got it, that I figured out how I should live, how I should react to people, how my mind should be like, the whole thing just shatters day or two later, and I am back to feeling bad/depressed and trying to find ways to live my life. I am really tired of this.

And as "Just be yourself" suggested, how can I believe in myself to be the ideal guy or the best guy I know who I can be when my mind keeps doubting?; of course you will say, tell that doubt to go away, but come on, only if it were that simple. How can I think of nothing consciously and just "be myself", and still land everything perfect? Be it motivation, success, women, friends, social skills, school, work, happiness?

As Squirrel suggested, how can someone love everyone and have genuine interest and all that when in fact, I hate people. I just have this cynical, sarcastic view about the world, although I don't express it fully. How can I have genuine interest in women when their nature just pisses me off? Do I really have to love people anyways?

How am I supposed to live my life? Is everyone in their 20s a sailor of floating ship that does not know its destination? How do people live lives anyways? I don't want this bullshyt goose chase forever, and this is seriously affecting my motivation for life.

God dam that music really annoys me.


Having a woman or sex makes not one iota of difference to a man if he isn't happy with his life and the direction it is heading in. I used to make the same mistake by thinking that getting with a woman would make me happy and make life better and it doesn't.

You need to get a direction in your life, set yourself goals, have aspirations and a high level of motivation.


Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2009
Reaction score
that's what I always desire for: directions in life, standards, respect, motivation for success. It seems that I can't focus on them for some reason, and that's where it gets me. I don't know why? I can't seem to land on the directions. It is as if I am trapped in a phase of life where everything in front of me is totally dark and obscure.


Master Don Juan
Feb 5, 2011
Reaction score
moneyisking said:
Okay, I am 22. Might be an old enough age to have sh!t together, but as it seems, I don't know how the fvck I should live this life; here you go plunging into this story, so listen carefully :)
The only thing you mention in your story about your life is your (non existent) sex life. You have to have the rest in order too.

You know the worst part of all this is... when I finally think that I got it, that I figured out how I should live, how I should react to people, how my mind should be like, the whole thing just shatters day or two later, and I am back to feeling bad/depressed and trying to find ways to live my life. I am really tired of this.
You should be reacting to people LESS than they're reacting to you.
And as "Just be yourself" suggested, how can I believe in myself to be the ideal guy or the best guy I know who I can be when my mind keeps doubting?; of course you will say, tell that doubt to go away, but come on, only if it were that simple. How can I think of nothing consciously and just "be myself", and still land everything perfect? Be it motivation, success, women, friends, social skills, school, work, happiness?
You can't please everybody. What you got to do really is polarize. Which means forcing women to either accept you or reject you. It's part of the screening process to get rid of girls who don't understand you.

As Squirrel suggested, how can someone love everyone and have genuine interest and all that when in fact, I hate people. I just have this cynical, sarcastic view about the world, although I don't express it fully. How can I have genuine interest in women when their nature just pisses me off? Do I really have to love people anyways?
You don't have to love people. But realise that when people act stupid, they usually don't know any better. So don't condemn or complain. Never be a hater.

You should be interested in most strangers. Especially attractive ones. You should realise that you're supposed to be getting to know attractive women to find out what traits in women attract you and which repel you.

If you don't give a **** about some story from a person you already know, then ignore them.

How am I supposed to live my life? Is everyone in their 20s a sailor of floating ship that does not know its destination?
Most are, yes. But you can guide yourself in the proper direction.
How do people live lives anyways? I don't want this bullshyt goose chase forever, and this is seriously affecting my motivation for life.
Well I live my life like this: I work on myself all the time.
I think about everything I'm doing all the time. Be assertive. Be alpha. Be proactive.

Maybe should read Dale Carnegie's book: "how to win friends and influence people".

It basically says that you should be polite. And you need to stop focussing on pvssy. It means you're putting women on a pedestal. It's true that they have the pvssy and they decide who gets entry, therefore we have to "audition". That's how simple life is. Women aren't special. We just have to audition.


Don Juan
Jun 30, 2011
Reaction score
life will always be the same. Happiness isn't permanent so its best to just accept it and move along.

Alex DeLarge

Master Don Juan
May 26, 2011
Reaction score
One of my best friends has fvcked probably over 50 girls in the last 3 or 4 years. He doesn't sarge, he doesn't know what this PUA sh1t is.. He's just a sociopath. And know what?...

He's terribly insecure, he's incredibly depressed, and he's very broke/unintelligent.

Me on the other hand.. I'm a virgin. I have awesome game, I make decent money (For a 22 year old currently in college), and I genuinely love every day of being alive even when I'm at my lame ass job. At only 19, I had achieved one of my biggest dreams to play guitar and tour in a rock band. Now I'm pursuing another dream of getting a college education, then attend graduate school at an Ivy league institution and eventually become a doctor.

Honestly, I used to feel very insecure about being a virgin. I go on a lot more dates than my friends, and sometimes they meet the girls I date if I bring them to a party, sometimes they don't. But most of the time it's my friends saying "WHOA! She's hot dude. Good for you!"

Then a few weeks later The girl or I cut contact and it's over. Then my friends will say "Well, did you bang her?" I reply with "No" Then they say.. "WHAT THE FVCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?"

You see, I don't let sex control my life. If I wanted to bang the girl I would have, but I didn't want to. It's not an insecurity thing, it's just that I don't want to. I can be very picky with women, not so much on looks (the women I date are going to look good) but most of the time it's personality.. Call me a pvssy if you really feel it's necessary, but that's what turns me on the most in the end.


moneyisking said:
that's what I always desire for: directions in life, standards, respect, motivation for success. It seems that I can't focus on them for some reason, and that's where it gets me. I don't know why? I can't seem to land on the directions. It is as if I am trapped in a phase of life where everything in front of me is totally dark and obscure.
You need to find out what is stopping you from reaching your potential. Until you find out what's stopping you, you'll never be able to find out the solutions and you won't reach your potential. You need to do some serious soul searching before you can set off in the direction you want and to reach your potential.


Don Juan
Sep 7, 2011
Reaction score
pacific NW
moneyisking said:
Okay, I am 22. Might be an old enough age to have sh!t together, but as it seems, I don't know how the fvck I should live this life; here you go plunging into this story, so listen carefully :)
You are still a kid, and the real learning begins now.

moneyisking said:
I thought that the act of my penis coming in physical contact with a vaginal membrane was good enough to transform my life from a coward in to Vladimir Putin.
There is nothing that pu$$y can do for you. You must get there yourself.

moneyisking said:
But guess what? It didn't work out that easily....

moneyisking said:
I honestly don't give a fvck about people. I think in general people are boring, stupid, and think only to themselves. ... I would love to hit them in the face. ... think only about boning the chick. I don't give a dam about her in all honesty...
Here's what I would be focusing on because the rest won't happen until you get this in order. Why are you so hateful? What makes you the way you are, and do you like being that way? Is it serving your needs? If not, then it's time for a change in perspective/lifestyle/environment.

moneyisking said:
You know the worst part of all this is... when I finally think that I got it, that I figured out how I should live, how I should react to people, how my mind should be like, the whole thing just shatters day or two later, and I am back to feeling bad/depressed and trying to find ways to live my life. I am really tired of this.
Look into meditation. Your life will never be what you "think" it will. Meditation gives you the perspective to see what you can affect and what needs to be left to flow down the river.

moneyisking said:
... in fact, I hate people. .... How can I have genuine interest in women when their nature just pisses me off? Do I really have to love people anyways?
You can't. Fix yourself first.

moneyisking said:
How am I supposed to live my life? Is everyone in their 20s a sailor of floating ship that does not know its destination? How do people live lives anyways? I don't want this bullshyt goose chase forever, and this is seriously affecting my motivation for life.
Your premise is wrong -> There is no destination, it's all about how you live the journey.

You are young! Why do you think you are supposed to have these answers? Go out there and live whatever sh!t your are served and make your life better one day at a time. Mold your life into what you want, by working with what you are given. That's how you will grow and become stronger.