You know, STR8UP might be right here...

Hooligan Harry

Master Don Juan
Jun 6, 2008
Reaction score
Women are always going to be looking for the bigger better deal. The problem is that most men are by and far very average. Same can be said for most women. The difference is that modern women believe they are entitled to more then they are worth and as a result it creates a massive rift.

You basically have 6's and 7's who feel they deserve a multi millionaire prince with 6 pack abs. So instead of being happy with the average guy they settle for him while always looking for the next catch. If not to land him, just to **** him. Women date up, so if you have a 6 or a 7 thinking she is an 8 or a 9, you have ridiculous expectations and a 50% divorce rate.

Marriage is not the problem. The problem is a sense of entitlement that western women have. When you have them flooding the universities in droves doing their arts degrees and organising marathon Desperate Housewives and Sex in the city sessions with their girlfriends its NO WONDER they think they are missing out.

Women never grow up. They want their fairytale dammit and they want it now!

Go to a country where there are a shortage of men and see what happens. The shoe is on the other foot. You have 8's and 9's that would share you outright then lose you. You have women fighting over you. Crying because you are going to another city for a few days and will probably meet someone else. Its like the twilight zone

Now I have a theory and it may be nuts but it may not be far off either. Men have always had shorter life expectancies then women. Even in peaceful times. During most of our history though, very few men went through a period in their life when they were not involved in wars or conflict of some sort. We basically dropped like flies.

Men were always dying and there were always more women then men. They were dying in conflict or they were dying doing dangerous work. That means that throughout our history there has always been a shortage of men and a shortage by a fair margin.

What that means for the gene pool is that women, even the good looking ones, had to COMPETE for men. There was always competition for good men. It was easy to breed, but to land a decent man they had to put in a tremendous amount of effort and also offer a lot to keep him. The male sex drive kept her in check and was her worst enemy.

Now, there is no shortage of men at all. They no longer have to compete for men because men are everywhere. They also no longer fear the male sex drive, they realise that that the male sex drive is what allows them to better control men. They dont need to offer much either because if this man refuses to put up with her demands she will snare another quite easily. Changes of course when they find that bigger better deal and they will eat glass to keep him. Men now have to compete for them because there is a shortage of worthwhile women who will give them the time of day.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
Reaction score
Excellent post Harry.

Knight's Cross

Senior Don Juan
Aug 31, 2007
Reaction score
My turn. The couple that I bought my house from. He's a housebuilder. She's a stay at home mom. Now....He's a 6 in the looks department. She's a 8+ built like a brick $hithouse lil 5'3" with store bought upper body. Why did they hit it off? Well she's a small town GA girl that found her $ ticket right out of high school. Now, I ran into her the other day at the grocery store... She lit up like a firefly when we said hello. Want my $ on the topic?
She'll jump tracks if the situation is right. Let alone they have 2 kids together. She likes the good life now that she's tasted it. Now that the building market is down....who knows what will happen. Will she stay with her 6, whose not making what he was 2 years ago. My's unknown. I do know IL when I see it, and she was willing to throw it at me, however innocent.



Senior Don Juan
Aug 7, 2007
Reaction score
She'll jump, KC. I've had married girls like her all over me. I never go there. But I could have.

Nice post, Harry. I do believe you're right about the man shortage. So where is this mythical country where men are scarce? ;-)

Hooligan Harry

Master Don Juan
Jun 6, 2008
Reaction score
Bud, almost every country in the eastern block, Russia and even some South American countries.

There is a physical shortage of men in places like Croatia, Serbia, Ukraine and Russia. Its not a massive shortage, but its there. Why I say there is a shortage of men is because there really is a shortage of eligible men.

Its not easy for women in those counties. You get a lot of decent guys out there but they just dont number the amount you find in western countries. Trust me, if you dont beat her, cheat on her once a week, drink like a fish and hold down a job (ANY JOB) you are already something of a catch. If you offer all of that and she is attracted to you they pretty much walk over coals for you.

I have been to both Russia and the Ukraine, of which I was in Russia for about 7 months. The efforts women go to to land men astounded me. Russian women are almost mercenary in their approach to land a man. They all take care of themselves, they expect you to lead, they dont play games.

Go to South America, and I dont know what it is. I think they are just horny 100% of the time :). But its the same deal for them as it is for Russian girls and ladies from the eastern block. Maybe not as extreme, but eligible men are tough to find for them too.

Having worked and lived abroad in those regions for quite a while I have seen what happens when the shoe is on the other foot. When women have to compete for men, they are forced to keep themselves in check. They end up looking better, become more reliable and maybe tolerate a little more of our nonsense. The biggest difference is that the sense of entitlement is almost non existent.


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
Hooligan Harry said:
The biggest difference is that the sense of entitlement is almost non existent.
Same in SE Asia.
No entitlement, just a lot of gratitude from the local ladies there.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
Reaction score
That's why I say I'm going to TOLERATE these spoiled ass North American broads until I'm about 45, then I'm going to explore the world to find the countries where it isn't a constant UPHILL battle to find a decent woman who respects you as a man.

Thailand (LOVE the food!), Eastern Europe (culture, anyone?), and Central/South America (I fukking LOVE latinas), here I come!

Anyone with me?


Master Don Juan
Apr 22, 2008
Reaction score
Knight's Cross said:
My turn. The couple that I bought my house from. He's a housebuilder. She's a stay at home mom. Now....He's a 6 in the looks department. She's a 8+ built like a brick $hithouse lil 5'3" with store bought upper body. Why did they hit it off? Well she's a small town GA girl that found her $ ticket right out of high school. Now, I ran into her the other day at the grocery store... She lit up like a firefly when we said hello. Want my $ on the topic?
She'll jump tracks if the situation is right. Let alone they have 2 kids together. She likes the good life now that she's tasted it. Now that the building market is down....who knows what will happen. Will she stay with her 6, whose not making what he was 2 years ago. My's unknown. I do know IL when I see it, and she was willing to throw it at me, however innocent.

This is a bit nitpicky, but I don't think the fact that he's a "6" in looks is going to actually be a factor in this. When women trade up, they do so primarily for status and social standing, not for looks. We're the gender that trades up for looks.

A lot of times when women call a guy "sexy" or "cute" or whatever, it's less a function of their actual appearance than it is a case of a woman backwards rationalizing her attraction to power or perceived social standing. This is why playboy bunnies call a wrinkled old Hugh Hefner "cute." Alternately, a guy might look like a male model, but if he's extremely socially awkward and not regarded well among others, he becomes "creepy."

Now, as for the small town girl with the golden ticket, I would say that based on the limited description you gave, you could very well be right. A girl that marries that young is bound to reevaluate her life choices a few years down the line, and chances are, she's going to feel like she missed out on a lot while she was a young wife and mom. The only reason she, or any other woman with plenty of options, would stay married during a time of financial distress is because of a personal sense of commitment to her marriage and family, which is really based on her respect for her husband in conjunction with her own family values. That's it. You take that away, either because the woman selfishly desires to put herself before her family, or because her husband has turned so AFC that she no longer respects him, and it's "Let's Make a Deal!" time.

I find that women whose own parents were divorced are less likely to be committed to marriage and relationships, and I wonder if there are statistics to back that up. If so, it means the next generation is going to be even worse off than we are now.


Don Juan
Oct 21, 2008
Reaction score
Midwest USA
People talk about No Fault Divorce; but let's call it for what it is. By enacting these legal changes between '69-'79, what we have now created it is essentially: "No Fault Marriage".

This is the only type of marriage that is available today. It's not your grandpa's marriage. Different laws, different rules. It's not the type of marriage during Abraham&Sarah's time, nor Jesus' time either. That is why, the Church has no business peddling marriage to young people. It is a different product, made by a different manufacturer. Just because we call it the same things by it's short name, doesn't mean it's the same product. It's not.

The future is not bright for this beast called No Fault Marriage. Perhaps one day, after the beast is dead, they will bring back the old Biblical Marriage. It was definitely more just and attractive from a man's perspective. The current product is nothing but a death-trap (like the '94 Ford Explorer w/ Firestone tires, that was later recalled).