you ARE good enough for her!


Senior Don Juan
Feb 16, 2003
Reaction score
Something happened to me today that reminded me of something I should have remembered but I'd forgotten.

Basiacally I saw a girl I know in a corridor, when I say know though I've only had one conversation with her which was some months ago, anyway, I spotted her and she was looking hot. This was at a T-junction type place and as the corridor I was coming from led only to my workroom and the other direction led to the entrire rest of the university I knew we were both going in the same direction so I had 3 options,

  1. Acknowledge her prescence with eye contact and a smile, then wait for her to reach me and get talking to her
  2. Acknowledge her prescence with eye contact and a smile but keep walking so we dont end up talking (unless she tried to catch me up, not likely unless she really had the hots for me..)
  3. Pretend I've not seen her (she hadnt seen me initially) and keep walking

    Being a chickensh*t and having had a bad day, I found myself thinking "shes far too glamorous for me, she wont remember me, dont choose option 1" so I plumped for option 3, I didnt want to pick 2 in case she got the impression I didnt want to talk to her!

    Basically this was chump behaviour! You need to remember thinking you're not good enough for her means you arent, knowing you're good enough for her means you are, in fact these thoughts should not even be crossing your mind, you are good enough for every woman out there, as long as you remember that,
    I guess its all down to that all important quality confidence, and being aware of your self worth, YOU are the prize, what the f*ck after all did I have to lose by choosing option 1?

    answer.. nothing! I either get a good conversation out of her or better.. or I can know for sure that shes not interested and save myself the trouble of wasting time deciding wether to talk to her or not

    The point is, dont ever put yourself down, remember why you're a great person and the thought of people not realising this shouldnt cross your mind, that way you'll be more likely to pick option 1...

    glad I've got that off my chest,
    good luck