Yes, She May Be Hot, But if Her Attitude Stinks, You Ain't Obliged To Put Up With It


Master Don Juan
Nov 22, 2006
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Recently I've been able to take some measures that I once long ago felt I would never be able to take. I have to admit that in the past, when I was able to begin dating a woman whom I found very beautiful and physically attractive, I was often willing to make certain compromises that usually included overlooking if her attitude stunk. We all wish to someday get married to very beautiful women as we would love to be with an attractive person for a longterm period and see that people appreciate the beauty of the person we are with.

But of recent I've developed a no tolerance policy with any woman whose looks and the attention she receives from men have so gotten to her head that she thinks all men have to put up with her even if her attitude stinks and worship the ground on which she walks. And trust me, the ability to do, something a good number of men are still very reluctant to do, is a wonderful, peaceful feeling. Being able to show such women that you have just as much other options as they think they do-and perhaps even more...makes you stand out and earn respect in the process.

I had been talking on and off a while ago to a woman whom unbeknownst to me grew up much of her life being used to hearing men and women compliment her on how beautiful she is and she kept hearing that over and over again to the point where she believes every guy should worship the ground she walks on. When she began to see that I wasn't being a push over/doormat to most of her antics and could stand up to her, things predictably began to slowly get out of hand and I saw so clearly that our personalities wouldn't match. I chose to move on and not be a doormat to her like other men she was used to.


Don Juan
Jun 17, 2013
Reaction score
Plus, even if you married that beautiful girl, she may eventually get fat. So now you have the worst of both worlds. A fat chick with an attitude.

I agree. Do NOT compromise on those qualities about her that bother you just because she is beautiful. Her looks may very will be temporary.

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
Reaction score
East Coast USA
Men only take sh!t from hot women because they believe in their mind they can't replace her.

Its like going to a good restaurant and getting crappy service. But you put up with it because the food is good and you BELIEVE you can't get better food elsewhere. Once you learn there is better food out there AND you can get it with great service.. you abandon that restaurant fast. Don't you?

Same with women. Knowing that you can replace ANY woman is the most powerful mindset you can have. The same attitude most hot girls have --> I can replace you so kiss my ass. Well.. it goes both ways son.

100% of women will lose their looks (unless they die first). Plus there is ALWAYS someone younger, hotter and nicer. Never get too hung up. Its the woman's job to get emo over relationship matters. If she doesn't give a sh!t neither should you. In fact, you should always care significantly less then her. This means for every sh!t she doesn't give.. you don't give 10 sh!ts. :yes:

The best rule of thumb is to give every woman the treatment she deserves based on your standards for human conduct.