Yes I know I may be AFC


Mar 19, 2006
Reaction score
Guys, im sorry for making a thread. I hope that you people arent getting annoyed by it, hopefully not but if you are i will lay off for a week.

Anyways, i had a long talk with my gf. I know i should dump her, i know she doesnt respect me, i know she isnt the same anymore.

(We've had sex about 8 times, ive eaten her out about 40 times, shes suckd my **** about 3 times :(, she was basically a nympho in bed. VERY seductive.
she use to love it when i touched her, we did it every single day. Now she doesnt even kiss me for days)

I had a talk about how i deserved more affection from her "if she loved me", and how i wanted her to start showing it. A simple request, too much to ask for( Shes an amazing woman, really perfect, great as friends, but the fact when it comes to her being a good girl friend and showing more affection is what she lacks) from a woman that loves me and someone ive been with for 8 months? Too much to ask for A kiss, rather than to force it upon her, or get rejected as if shes playing hard to get which confuses teh hell out of me?

She can show affection one moment, but be friends next, always confusing me. I asked her why. she wouldnt give me a direct answer.She says ever since we've gotten back together ive changed, i stopped letting her treat me like poop, ive improved, but she still does a little bit. I can tell she doesnt appreciate the low tolerence i have with her now.

anyways, yeah i asked for her love, for her to show affection with me, i told her it was the quality in the relationship that shes lacking.

Apparently it is too difficultfor her to show any affection. I asked why? She says, because i just cant anymore, its not the same. She blames it on the fact that i haev so many friends she thinks im talking behind her back (which i am, but she blows it compeltely out of proportion and makes it a huge deal and fills in all these puzzle peices and actually gets a negative view from me created out of her own mind), anyways ive always been honest with her, just left out a few things. But she blames it on that. She insists that i tell her the truth about this one girl, then she moves on to another guy, and refuses to change until i do, and i have told her the truth.

Is it just me or is she just making excuses to not be affectionat with me anymore?? I mean, shes said "eww" about 4 times this week when i tried to kiss her, or when i showed her my belly button, she wouldnt of ever felt that way back then, shed think it was sexy and i do work out. IT scares me.

Shes toying with me?? She says she loves me, I believe her, but her problem is showing her love with me like she use to. but its gone. i asked if it will ever come back? She says yes, once i start being honest with her. but I AM BEING HONEST!!!! i can tell her a billion times, she will never believe me.

No trust from her at all, teh most paranoid woman ever. It is killing our relationship.

She doesnt understand that shes making it a lot harder than it has to be, how she wont forfill a request which she should WANT TO DO if she loves me and thats showing more affection and making me feel loved. but it appears as if she just wants to argue and refuse to even make things better, but question me about all sorts of people... cus of her lack of trust.

Her interest level in me is gone, she acts as if i dont like it then go with anothr girl, She says shes not going to be all over my nuts, and be obsessed with me, but thats not what i asked her, but more affection and no disrespect and dissing.

Anyways........ she argues with me as it is my fault, but the way i see it , i think she just argues with me because she just doesnt want to be that woman for me, and wants me make me feel as if it is my fault... Im not giving myself up for her when she treated me like a dog... im holding my ground, but every now and then i go out and come back in.

All these damn games from her.. its like she doesnt even care.. but then again she seriously has no trust in me. there's nothing i can do about this...

its over right? :down:


Don Juan
Apr 6, 2006
Reaction score
San Diego, CA
Dude, its time to drop her. She has lost all attraction for you and if you don't drop her, she'll drop you.


Mar 19, 2006
Reaction score
Guys i have another question, if i let her get away with disrespcting me, treating me like a door mat for a while eTc, is it possible to suddenyl put my foot down and have her listsen and change after like 4 months of this behavior, or will she most likely just head out?


Don Juan
Apr 23, 2006
Reaction score
My man you already know the answer to this game! But I will tell you anways! You G*D Da#n know it's over! It is hard especially when your feelings and emotions are in it. I will break it down further... If I read your post correct you have dated her 8 months. You write, "(We've had sex about 8 times, ive eaten her out about 40 times, shes suckd my **** about 3 times. Dude only 8 times in 8 months should say enough considering when you start a decent relationship you should have had at least that much sex early on say like in a month! You have eaten her out 40 times and she has blown you 3 times. Does this seem fair? Hell no!!!!

Now, if you wish to continue down this long and tormenting road, by all means be my guest. I could be like anyone else on this board and say, "Next" but that is not what you need. You need to accept it is over, move on while you heal. I had just gone through a few months of torture myself and I got more from the lesson than anything I would have gotten from the women that screwed my mind up.

Starting over is difficult, but it will get better only if you let it. This site has got me looking at women a lot differently than I used to. It really is about you and not her. Good luck and let us know what happens!


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score
Keesler AFB, Mississippi
DasaniWater said:
Guys i have another question, if i let her get away with disrespcting me, treating me like a door mat for a while eTc, is it possible to suddenyl put my foot down and have her listsen and change after like 4 months of this behavior, or will she most likely just head out?

Now I want to punch you in the head twice, because you just blew another chance to dump that b!tch!


Don Juan
May 16, 2006
Reaction score
for god sake man...when i give you the tread on how to make her come back to you... and im glad it work...but you forgot the rule on what to do when she came back...and what the hell is that?.... could you please review that!....



Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
you are not 'maybe AFC'


i feel sorry for you.....i really do. but what is the point of making all these threads if you arent gonna listen to a single advice?

you didnt just disgrace yourself but the whole mankind. you made everyone on this forum feel AFCd...i feel sick:cuss:

dont blame your girl..blame yoself. fool:trouble:


Senior Don Juan
Oct 9, 2005
Reaction score

Please stop appologising for making thread after thread about the same thing! JUST DONT DO IT! You are not annoying me (us) you are just wasting time, that's all...

There is no point in posting the progress (or lack of) in your relationship. You already know what to do! What do you want? You want a signed letter? You want a written confession? What?


8 months, she had sex with you 8 times... Need i say more? And this was th eonly girl you were saying?! Howmany times did you choke the bishop while in this relationship?!

You need to wisen up A LOT. It's not just about being AFC, you are being plain naive! It doesn't even matter "what" she is doing ok... She may just be an evil wench who likes to play games and manipulate, she might be confused as hell, or she might just be sick and tired of you.


Grab your attention, take it away from her, put it on yourself... kthx. Now stop posting all this crap, you don't need "advice" or "opinions", you've had loads already and you know exactly what to do! Howmany times do you need to hear it?! If you are looking for a place to tell your sobstories or someone to make you feel better THIS IS NOT THE PLACE. All you will find here is people saying "get over it".

Now next time you hit the "post new topic" button, make sure it's some questions about this other chick you are gaming... or how to improve YOURSELF.

You know what to do! Just do it!

In case there is ANY kind of confusion still:

- Go over to her, say this "i don't think this relationship is going anywhere, LETS JUST BE FRIENDS".

- Go over to generic HB, run game on her, get a number.

- Go over to generic HB nr2, run game on her, get a number.

- Repeat 20 times.


Don Juan
Jan 25, 2006
Reaction score
DasaniWater said:
(We've had sex about 8 times, ive eaten her out about 40 times, shes suckd my **** about 3 times :(, she was basically a nympho in bed. VERY seductive.
she use to love it when i touched her, we did it every single day. Now she doesnt even kiss me for days)
Is that like a grand total for the relationship or just like the last week? How long was the relationship. Having sex 8 times is like 1 day or weekend together.

All in all it sounds like her attraction to you fell off into nothingness, but she still has affection for you. Affection will keep her around and in your life for a time, but it will be miserable for you.

Drop her immediately, and read all the stuff in the Bible and the Tips/Archive section on how to build and maintain attraction.

Letting her disrespect you or lead you can cause attraction to fail. Supplication of any form over an extended period will cause it to go away. Her saying 'eww' when you try to kiss her indicates that her attraction towards you is off the charts bad.

Move on, learn attraction, bag a hotter girl.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
Anyways, i had a long talk with my gf. I know i should dump her, i know she doesnt respect me, i know she isnt the same anymore.

(We've had sex about 8 times, blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah) blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.

I had a talk blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
You know damn well that this is all we're reading.

Is it just me or is she just making excuses to not be affectionat with me anymore??
I'll tell you who's making excuses...


You're the one who's making excuses for her and for yourself, so you don't have to toss this woman away. You've engulfed yourself in your emotions. That's the only thing that's keeping you with her - YOUR EMOTIONS. She doesn't love you, but you can't help but remember all the things that made you feel good in the past.

The past is in the past. Those things aren't happening in the present, so give me a damn good reason to hold onto her. It's like holding onto a formerly good pair of running shoes. They were comfortable, looked good, and provided you good arch support. Now, those shoes are falling apart, full of holes, look like hell, the traction is gone, the arch support is flat, and they smell bad. Is their former usefullness a good reason to hold onto those shoes? NO! They take up space and stink up the house. THROW THEM OUT.

I mean, shes said "eww" about 4 times this week when i tried to kiss her, or when i showed her my belly button, she wouldnt of ever felt that way back then, shed think it was sexy and i do work out. IT scares me.
You're getting negative attention from her. She's taking away from your happiness. There's no need to hold onto a woman like this. Toss her away and gain back your happiness! Life exists after women.


Don Juan
Apr 6, 2005
Reaction score
I know I am wasting my time my time writing this because you obviously only want to hear one thing, a jedi mind trick that will make her “be affectionate”. There are two major problems.

One is that you can’t see the difference between affection and attraction. You can love someone (feel affection), but not feel attracted to them. You can feel attraction for someone, but not love them, or even like them, for that matter. It’s nice when they go together, but it doesn’t have to. You can’t convince then to feel attraction, especially by saying they owe it to you, like you did. If you saw some hot girl walking down the street, would you think, “Boy, if I got to know her really well and found out that she’s a genuinely nice person, I would probably feel attracted to her”? No, you feel attraction from the first sight of her. You gf has affection for you, but no attraction. You have killed her attraction for you with your actions. The jedi mind trick you are looking for is to make her FEEL attraction by acting like someone who is worth being attracted to.

Which brings us to the second major problem. You are needy and clingy. Why is it that you are still obsessing over this one girl? Is it because she is so extremely hot? Or is it because you don’t believe you have any chance to get another? The answer is pretty obvious to all of us. You need to start pursuing other girls. Many other girls. It is the only way you can build confidence in yourself at getting girls and you will never have a good relationship with any girl until you have the confidence to let her go if you need to.

So you can continue to make yourself and this girl unhappy in a relationship that is doomed to failure, or you can start improving yourself and be happy. The choice is yours.


Mar 21, 2005
Reaction score
hey dude, we talked last night, and it seems after what you said to her she still wont listen, you gave her an ultimatum and shes refusing to give you what you want. SHE is not satisfying YOU, and that is what you should be thinking about. your not getting what you want out of it, so why are you in it? you know why, because youre emoti9onally attached to her, and you want those good old days back. But it aint gonna happen, she proved that to you on the phone last night didnt she?

Im sorry man, but it is time to end it. your 18, youve got alot ahead of you jsut like i do. i just broke up with my girl too, i know it sucks but dont be afraid, i was in the same situation but i feel GREAT now. so much more confidence, i feel so much happier, and ive already got some new prospects. You can do it, just man up and do what has to be done.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
Reaction score
Let's make it very simple:

She's not attracted to you because you are not a man!

Yes, you can change everything after 4 months of being an AFC simply by drawing the line, leaving her and not having any contact with her again, no matter how much she cries (read: manipulates you), begs (read: manipulates you), tells you she loves you (read: manipulates you) or anything else!

Now you have 2 choices: be a man and leave her for good or continue being a doormat and wait for her to leave you (or fvck someone else behind your back).


Don Juan
May 16, 2006
Reaction score
jesus christ man... your glad evryone is advising you like this!!!!! like jariel and desdinova have powerhouse team that really wasting there time for youre weak state of mind.... JUST DO IT DAMIT....


Master Don Juan
Jun 12, 2006
Reaction score
For the sake of your humanity and ALL manhood, dump her now, dump her now! It's bigger than, "wow I become a AFC", if you capitulate, then it impacts your future, it tears you down. AND it affects your future ability to do ANYTHING with women.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 10, 2006
Reaction score
I've learned from that same problem. NEXT her.

For temporary relief: Tell her you need space, Don't go to her, don't call her, don't go out of your way to see her, hang out with your guy friends, her interest level will rise, fvck her one more time, then quit and NEXT her.


Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
Reaction score
united states
ok guys im sure just about everyone here has had this same problem. your best move right now is to break up with her, actually if you break up with her and move on with your life and meet other girls your chances will go way up of getting her to like//respect you again

Man Of Adventure

Master Don Juan
May 21, 2001
Reaction score
Illinois USA
I know youre probably scrolling down these ****ing replies and youre like WTF so many of the same thing. God man, those ****in girls suck dont they? You know if a girl makes you feel that empty just find somebody else that will satisfy you...

You obviously thought you had someone truely special and everything just went to **** 8 months later. Guys here were very fortunate at some point in time Im sure to find a girl like that and she ends up just rippin your heart out and eating it while its still beating. Me personally: i thought my last gf could have very well been the one but I was wrong man. I mean, I had the feeling like the actual I think Im gonna end up marrying her in a few years feeling...and it just didnt turn out that way. I wasnt happy because I didnt get what I wanted out of the relationship. Thats why I ended it.

You need to end this too....just because you arent getting the sex you want, the time you want to spend with her, and the affection that should come with being in a great relationship. I mean, if you arent happy with this girl, end the lease of your relationship and ****in find a girl that will make you feel at home with your needs fulfilled. That is not selfish and I encourage you to look for a girl like that nomatter how long it takes. So its gonna take time and you may wanna try dating more that one girl until you find someone like that. I promise you and I promise myself that if you dont settle for less it will for one make you satisfied and two content to stay in the relationship.

Also, make sure on your part that you know she is just as into you as you are her. You can always improve yourself with time but for the moment you need an immediate answer to: How much is she into me? That means gauging her interest. If its really high then sweet man, **** yeah, give it a go and see what happens and nomatter what happens learn from it. A relationship is built by two people working together to make it work. So really, if you found each others match...the sparks of interest should theoretically stay forever Id think. If shes not seemingly that interested well then you need to drop her.

You know what, get the DJ Bible out and read the section about Anti-Dumps machine (all of those different posts) especially about weeding out bad prospects and finding good ones. I hope you find what I say useful for you and let me know how things go man. Talk to you later.