Writing a revolutionary sex guide book to help you guys


Senior Don Juan
Mar 6, 2008
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Just beyond reach
Before I share a little about the book, let me first ask you if you are focusing all of your efforts on how to pick up women, but dont know what to do once you get one. If so, you might be going about it completely backwards. I ascertain than if you truly know and understand what women want in bed, you wont have to bother with any of this PU stuff. They will gravitate to you, track you down, stalk you, and then tell all their friends about you, who will in turn do the same. Do want to be known as the greatest fvck of all time? Do you understand how powerful this would be for you?

About the book

I am a professional musician, and like to relate things to music, because life and music are the same. And having sex with a woman the correct way is no different than playing any instrument correctly. Here are the points that will be explained, relating sex and music. I'll leave it to you for now to understand from it what you can


If you are not incorporating all, or at least a few of these elements to their full effect, you are a lousy fvck, and will not have any return customers, or many new ones either, regardless of the clever line opener you came up with.

When I finish this book I will give away here for free before it gets published.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
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Inside her mind
aww one of my old Mentors Mistic aka Dong Fu

I'm interested in this book, one of the things I would like to see is how to last longer with a new girl, sometimes Mr. peter gets a tad to excited and well....

ha ha


Senior Don Juan
Mar 6, 2008
Reaction score
Just beyond reach
SandHawk said:
You're too late. "Sex God Method" is the perfection on how to write a book towards having sex. You cannot and will not do better.
While I dont doubt that this book may be great, it has nothing to do with my book. What I will talk about are things that have not been previously realized. So I am not too late, and I am sorry you have such a limited scarcity mentality. I will go ahead and check you off of the free book list, not that you care anyway, SandKawk :rolleyes:


Master Don Juan
Mar 1, 2009
Reaction score
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Mistic said:
While I dont doubt that this book may be great, it has nothing to do with my book. What I will talk about are things that have not been previously realized. So I am not too late, and I am sorry you have such a limited scarcity mentality. I will go ahead and check you off of the free book list, not that you care anyway, SandKawk :rolleyes:
Butthurt much?


Don Juan
Jan 5, 2010
Reaction score
Why anybody cares what you do with your time, whether it be writing a book or not, is beyond me. I think the idea is awesome, definitely something I would read, I like the musical relation, cool idea man, good luck.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 6, 2008
Reaction score
Just beyond reach
Solomon said:
aww one of my old Mentors Mistic aka Dong Fu

I'm interested in this book, one of the things I would like to see is how to last longer with a new girl, sometimes Mr. peter gets a tad to excited and well....

ha ha

That comes with age and self control, and of course after having fvcked a ton of girls it gets easier. Otherwise they make that numbing cream. Wears off after half hour or so.

I'll give you a tip though, most guys, once they start fvcking, they keep going until the end. This is bad. You should stop several times and revert to eating her out, letting her blow you for a minute, or just pull her back up on her knees facing you and make out for a few until you settle down.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 6, 2008
Reaction score
Just beyond reach
SandHawk said:
You're too late. "Sex God Method" is the perfection on how to write a book towards having sex. You cannot and will not do better.
Out of curiosity and open minded research I downloaded this book. Honestly, not really impressed at all. Seems like mostly the same regurgitated stuff you can find in a dozen other books. It is something I would expect someone of your level to really like. The fact that it's just an ebook also speaks of it's quality. I am actually writing a real book, hopefully co-written, as I like co created projects, that will either be published for real, or shelved. The only ebook version that would exist would be something I would give away free here as a limited gift.


Master Don Juan
Mar 1, 2009
Reaction score
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Mistic said:
Out of curiosity and open minded research I downloaded this book. Honestly, not really impressed at all. Seems like mostly the same regurgitated stuff you can find in a dozen other books. It is something I would expect someone of your level to really like. The fact that it's just an ebook also speaks of it's quality. I am actually writing a real book, hopefully co-written, as I like co created projects, that will either be published for real, or shelved. The only ebook version that would exist would be something I would give away free here as a limited gift.
Lol, you have no clue about my "level". It's quite hilarious how you're judging me based on a single comment made here. In fact, there is only one way for you to judge my skills sexually, and that's to watch me have sex, and we all know, that's not going to happen. Please don't result to personal insults if you cannot come up with a proper rebuttal, it is a sign of weakness.

Also, I highly doubt you actually did research, because my first attempt at finding this book on the amazon.com website yielded this:
The Sex God Method: 2nd edition - Paperback. Oh wow, it's a real book! And not just an ebook. I guess it has quality now, because it's printed on paper. How a book is released, has nothing to with it's quality. A lot of scientific papers are exclusively released as electronic documents, which says nothing about the quality. Learn to do some proper research next time.

Also, since you're apparently a massive expert on this and have read dozens of other books, could you name a few of those? An expert knows his sources, and as a man of science, I believe you should therefore quote and name a few books. Because it is impossible that you have come up with all this information just by yourself.

Many DJs vow for the Sex God Method as it goes over the deeper layers of sex, instead of just how to act physically. Because knowing where a ****oris is, is useful, but once you know where it is, it's a matter of tuning and finding your style. The book explains how Daniel Rose believes it works following the DEVI system. I found my own style, without any books. I just read it for the fun of it, and it just confirmed what I already knew and moulded it into a nicely explainable system. Surely I've picked up a few nice tricks from the book too.

You should do yourself a favour and learn to deal with criticism. If you're going to write a book, especially on the subject of sex, you're going to receive a truckload of flak. People will viciously attack you on what you write. If you can't handle my few remarks without getting into a rage, I suggest you just bail on writing this book.

And for a final two notes: Having the aspiration to write a book, doesn't make you a writer yet. You need to be able to articulate yourself well, have a pleasant writing style that people want to read and write something worth reading. In fact, you want to do this with a co-writer, which therefore means you need someone with the same views on this approach and look on sex. And you seem to think that co-written projects are better than projects written by a single writer. Think again, it's all about the arguments and explanations. For all I care you write it with a hundred people, if you write bullsh*t, it still doesn't make it true because of a hundred names under it.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 6, 2008
Reaction score
Just beyond reach
SandHawk said:
Lol, you have no clue about my "level". It's quite hilarious how you're judging me based on a single comment made here. In fact, there is only one way for you to judge my skills sexually, and that's to watch me have sex, and we all know, that's not going to happen. Please don't result to personal insults if you cannot come up with a proper rebuttal, it is a sign of weakness.

Also, I highly doubt you actually did research, because my first attempt at finding this book on the amazon.com website yielded this:
The Sex God Method: 2nd edition - Paperback. Oh wow, it's a real book! And not just an ebook. I guess it has quality now, because it's printed on paper. How a book is released, has nothing to with it's quality. A lot of scientific papers are exclusively released as electronic documents, which says nothing about the quality. Learn to do some proper research next time.

Also, since you're apparently a massive expert on this and have read dozens of other books, could you name a few of those? An expert knows his sources, and as a man of science, I believe you should therefore quote and name a few books. Because it is impossible that you have come up with all this information just by yourself.

Many DJs vow for the Sex God Method as it goes over the deeper layers of sex, instead of just how to act physically. Because knowing where a ****oris is, is useful, but once you know where it is, it's a matter of tuning and finding your style. The book explains how Daniel Rose believes it works following the DEVI system. I found my own style, without any books. I just read it for the fun of it, and it just confirmed what I already knew and moulded it into a nicely explainable system. Surely I've picked up a few nice tricks from the book too.

You should do yourself a favour and learn to deal with criticism. If you're going to write a book, especially on the subject of sex, you're going to receive a truckload of flak. People will viciously attack you on what you write. If you can't handle my few remarks without getting into a rage, I suggest you just bail on writing this book.

And for a final two notes: Having the aspiration to write a book, doesn't make you a writer yet. You need to be able to articulate yourself well, have a pleasant writing style that people want to read and write something worth reading. In fact, you want to do this with a co-writer, which therefore means you need someone with the same views on this approach and look on sex. And you seem to think that co-written projects are better than projects written by a single writer. Think again, it's all about the arguments and explanations. For all I care you write it with a hundred people, if you write bullsh*t, it still doesn't make it true because of a hundred names under it.
Just so you know I didnt read anything you wrote here. Its not worth my time. You can go back to being a full time SS douche bag now. I wont be back for another 6 months or so, cuz I actually have a life. So, no need to write another long response. I wont be reading it. Peace


Master Don Juan
Mar 1, 2009
Reaction score
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Mistic said:
Just so you know I didnt read anything you wrote here. Its not worth my time. You can go back to being a full time SS douche bag now. I wont be back for another 6 months or so, cuz I actually have a life. So, no need to write another long response. I wont be reading it. Peace
You've just proven my point. Thank you.


Master Don Juan
May 27, 2007
Reaction score
While im not a person who hates on anyone who says they're writing a book on here (90% of them probably never get started on it anyway) - i really have to question your knowledge to make a comment like this.

Mistic said:
Out of curiosity and open minded research I downloaded this book. Honestly, not really impressed at all. Seems like mostly the same regurgitated stuff you can find in a dozen other books.
This is bullsh!t and just you hating...

I'm probably one of the few people on here that reads just about everything sex and PUA related. the ONLY book i've ever read on sex that 100% got it was Sex God Method.

Did you just read the intro or something? Show me another book that suggest mixing dirty talk with emotional talk at the same time. Or being loving and rough at the same time. Or how you shouldn't let the woman be in control long (riding you, etc) because it takes away your dominance. I've never seen it; in fact - most sex books are geared towards both man and woman; and you wouldn't find anything like that in a feminized book. If you have - give me the name of the book because i would love to read it.

The only real thing i disagree with him on is that if you fvck your woman right inside the bedroom you don't have to worry about her acting up outside the bedroom. That's just not true in my experience and i make women's heads explode and legs wobble. The rest of his advice is golden.

Mistic said:
What I will talk about are things that have not been previously realized.
Give an example. Because your advice to Solo was as generic as it gets and i highly doubt it'll help him in any way.

Just give one example of true revolutionary knowledge, and i'll gladly look forward to your book.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 6, 2008
Reaction score
Just beyond reach
bukowski_merit said:
Just give one example of true revolutionary knowledge, and i'll gladly look forward to your book.
Well, did you read the list of concepts I will be discussing, that I wrote in the original thread. Read this list again, and tell me where you have read these concepts as they relate to sex, aside from technique, and emotion/feel.


I challenge YOU to stretch your imagination and try to see what these terms might mean in terms of sex.

Lets just use Space/Rest for one quick example - Part of what makes great music, and especially a great solo is the Space and Rest. The space in between notes are part of the grove, and are considered notes. Some of the greatest Jazz musicians could lay down a few notes of a solo, and the grove was set so strongly, that they were able to stop completely, but you would go on feeling their grove, even though they are not playing. That empty space was in fact loaded with emotional content. So how does this relate to sex.

Most of us think orgasms can only happen through some form of physical stimulation. But do you know that the most powerful, and best orgasms for men and women happen when you are not moving at all. Here's one way. You lead up to it by laying down a phat grove, in other words fvcking her in an amazing way. As she nears climax, you slow down your movements, while putting much more emphases on what you are doing. For example, maybe you put your hands softly on her face, and when you go into her each time, you pull a little harder into her, and hold it there before releasing. You repeat this, continuing to slow down, while also escalating emotions with your thoughts, and other subtle ways you touch her. As she get to the point of orgasm, you have stopped thrusting completely. Now you are keeping yourself pulled as deep as you can in her, and you flex your penis inside of her, in a rhythm that you must find for yourself. She will feel these small pulses more intensely than your previous thrusting. When she finally comes, do nothing but hold yourself in her, allowing her enough bodily freedom to move herself just slightly should she want to.

Here's another thing. When you can connect with a woman on a very deep sexual level, you can make her come just by thinking and project the words, "I love you." When you get to the point when you are almost stopped and she is about to come, saying this in your mind can push her right over the edge.

Science is slowly discovering and proving how thoughts are actually real things that you can use to effect peoples emotions. When you get a woman trusting you, and so open to you, when you are truly dominant, and not just dominant in the way that other book describes, but when you truly own her pvssy and her emotions, you can do things to her that you wouldnt believe until you have done it.

So there is a lesson for you on one aspect of space and rest, as space and rest also applies to times during the session where you stop fvcking her, pull her up on her knees to face you, and just hold her for a while. There are many aspects of space and rest. I have never read anything about this. Have you?


Master Don Juan
Feb 12, 2010
Reaction score
England, baby!
its not sex that is the problem for the average guy ............ITS GETTING TO THE SEX in the first place..........


Dec 17, 2009
Reaction score
Good job kingsam.................Half these guys on here can't even get to the stage of kissing a girl and this guy is talking about orgasms and phrasing. Take this bullshivt to a forum of married people who have sex on a regular basis. Half these kids are virgins on here. They can't even talk to women and this fuvking guy is talking about pleasing her. Just fuvk her brains out. Bend her ass over and pull her hair. Take control. Women would trade two minutes of rough sex for thirty minutes of slow and "romantic". They just want to be fuvked hard and often.