Women who you are most atracted to are attarted you more than other women.


Oct 22, 2006
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TillTheEndOfTime said:
Unfortunately I never seem to experience this idea. Whenever I am really attracted to a girl, she does not find me remotely attractive.

The girls that fall for me and are all over me, I wouldn't touch with a 10 foot pole. :rolleyes:

Some people have sh1t for luck.
i think this theory is more in terms of ideals, wants and qualities in a relationship. superficial attraction doesnt means anything in terms of this theory. physical attraction is the initial, but when u really learn if ur attracted to a girl is when u get to know her.

what u look for, or what is attractive to u in a woman, is what those woman will most likely find attractive in u.
e.g. a party girl will most likely find a party guy more attractive then an introvert.
Jun 20, 2006
Reaction score
yeah i dont get that clearly, but a psychologyst told me that the girls you are most atracted they are also atracted to you as well...

i have been atracted to a lot of girls and they arent atracted to me


DJF or John

Oct 29, 2006
Reaction score
Hate to Play the Devil's' Boy

Well, I hate to play the devil's boy, but this is not true guys. I mean come on....

Put on your nerd glasses, Steve Urkel clothes, and walk in the bar. While you will like just about every sexy thing walking in there, they will avoid you like you have a pile of shyt smeared over your face. I mean, they will probably scream when you walk up to them, they will probably run away real fast, and the security guards will kick your azz and you'll be arrested. You'll have a court date, and the judge will say, "Well, what's your story?" And you'll stand there looking dumbfounded....because you really don't know what you did!

If opposites attracted, nobody would be successful in business. For me to be successful in business, I need business partners who share the same visions.

To add to that, on the flipside, if people more like each other attracted, then we would all fvck our sisters.

I just really think you guys put way too much into this, but hey, maybe if you guys really didn't put that much into this, this site wouldn't be in existence. Maybe I should sell a E-Book, I probably could make $50,000 off you guys, lol.

But guys listen, all these theories are stupid, any theory that can be made on relationships and dating will be proven wrong each and every time.

Women just want a guy, that's seductive, calm, and sexual. Men just want a chick that has a body. This is sexuality as a whole. Men want the body, women want the mind. Men love bodies, women love minds that take them on this sexual imaginative journey.

While it's hard for me to explain, to sum it up, just relax, be calm and seductive. There's nothing else to it. And pick any girl, it doesn't matter if she looks like you or not. Again, you guys just put too much "thought" into this, and I really don't think you put much action.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2006
Reaction score
When you see something(or someone) attractive, your pupils dilate.

Studies were done on test groups of several hundred people that show we are attracted to larger pupils. They were given two different versions of the same photo, one normal, the other with modified(larger) pupils. Almost unanimously, the one with larger pupils was deemed the more attractive one, except surprisingly... Nobody could say why. It was subconscious.

So if you see one of those girls you find insanely attractive, your pupils dilate. She makes eye contact with you--at that point your pupils are about 100% larger than normal--and finds you more attractive... Although she doesn't know why. It is subconscious.


Don Juan
Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
my experience

I'll bite..

I've known about this phenomenon for a while now guys. I reckon theres truth in it. For the longest time i never really found a chick that fully did it for me. I'd always be like yeah she's pretty, and when guys pointed out girls they like I'd go oh yeah she's nice. Then one day i met this chick and i was like hot damn, I want my **** inside her right this very second. Too me she was damn hot, and she looked nothing like what i thought i wanted. She was and still is a slut. So...it turns out I'm attracted to sluts. And all along I was looking at the nice girls. No attraction there. In fact this girl that hooked me
smokes pot (never smelt it on her breathe while kissing), gets wasted, parties hard, swears, you name it she does it and i like it all. Me on the other hand, I'm this good guy, i hear it all the time. Ppl can jus look at me and go yep good guy right there. I hate it! i want to be bad. So i'm drawn to those bad chicks. I'm happy now i know what I'm looking for girlwise, but its hard cos these girls r nuts and trying to lock one down as in gf/bf is tough. The girls are tough. And when u meet their parents u can tell where they get it from. I met this chicks old man and jesus christ he looked tough like noone would be messin with him. We got along great. It occurred to me that its their genes that i was after, and she was after mine. So yes, it is genetic attraction, but at the same time for it 2 work, you both gotta at least have same morals. Bottom line and this has always worked for me. IF U THINK THEY ARE BIG TIME HOT CHANCE IS HIGH THAT SHE THINKS THE SAME OF YOU. Sex should ensue even if your morals don't match up. My problem is I get the sex, but i want that closeness, that intimacy that u get in a relationship and i jus can't get it with these kind of girls. If anyone can help me with that, I'm all ears.

Another thing, this chick was pretty dumb, and i loved that simplicity about her, whereas she loved how i was soo smart and came out with big words and stuff but i kept leaving her in the dust. Thinking about it now I still want to nail her :)


Senior Don Juan
Dec 11, 2006
Reaction score
The thread has strayed to a discussion of why opposites attract. The original thread topic was about reciprocal attraction; which does not necessarily imply opposites attracting.

I believe the theory is that if you are attracted to a woman, she is more likely to be attracted to you. I don't necessarily completely agree with the theory but I do see why this COULD be the case. Attraction to the woman would motivate the man to look his best around her, instigate interactions, impress her, etc. As opposed to a woman who he has absolutely no interest in, he may rarely even see her, so she won't be attracted to him. It's a pretty simply theory and does make sense, but there are a lot of "loopholes" in it. For example, you see chumps whipped on a girl who despises the guy. Or, you may withdraw attention and attraction from a girl and she may begin to develop feelings for you while you no longer have them for her. This is where I think the theory fails.


Don Juan
May 15, 2006
Reaction score
South Africa
Interesting theory, but would put in a vote for "not a chance".
I found loads of HB's attractive at the club last night, but they didn't even notice my existence, let alone be attracted to me.

Its a great theory and would be fantastic if it really was that way, becuase it implies that any guy x could find HB9 attractive and she'd be attracted to him, but anybody whose spent more than 5 minutes IRL knows this never hahppens.

DJF or John

Oct 29, 2006
Reaction score
Incog, you said,

"Attraction to the woman would motivate the man to look his best around her, instigate interactions, impress her, etc."

This is what 90% of men do, this is not a correct way of behavior though...

"As opposed to a woman who he has absolutely no interest in, he may rarely even see her, so she won't be attracted to him. It's a pretty simply theory and does make sense, but there are a lot of "loopholes" in it."

I hated science, but I know the definition of a "theory." Here's why all theories on relationships are wrong. A theory is a description of interaction, that is used to try and predit future occurrences or observations of the same or similar kind, and can be TESTED through experiment.

Every SINGLE theory...on relationships, when you test it, will fail at SOME time or another. Every one of them!

So the bottom line is, guys, STOP STUDYING ALL THESE DAMN THEORIES! Gunwitch, Pook, David D, Ross J, Justin Timberlake's Sexy Back E Book, just stop it!

Because at one time or another, the theory will prove itself wrong. So then the question comes up, what do we have to lean on? See, the reason you all believe in theories on relationships, is that you just want some confidence, some assurance, something to lean on when going up and doing the unthinkable, the undefeatable, the earth-shattering action of...."talking to that hot azz chick over there."

But let me give you some healing today, no not medicine.....healing. Because a theory is a good thing, but it's only medicine. See a theory makes you feel good on the inside, it takes away the "pain" but it doesn't cure the "disease." I hope you understand, pain can calm itself, but because the disease is still there, sooner or later, the pain rises again.

Here's some healing.......THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU. Right now, as you sit in front of this computer and read these words, you are already the man, you are already the best person you could ever be in life. You are already, a success.

You are a success in everything, business, women, your career, you name it.

No...I am not giving you another "theory," I am giving you life. The opposite of "theory" is life. A theory isn't life, a theory is something that you do so that you don't have to experience life. A theory servers as a safety net, and the irony is....while a theory is your safety net, there's really no room to fall!

So why do you need a safety net? Why do you need a theory?

Women.....women....women, let's see, there's a lot of them out there isn't it. Some are beautiful, some are ugly, some are rich, some are poor, some has great tasting pvssy, some have...well....you get what I'm saying.

Women are everywhere, but get this, there are women out there that are tailor made just for you. No, no, no....not the "social you," not the "popular you" not the "you with your mask on" but the you, the sensitive you, the hurt you, the down you, the funny you, the happy you, the God Damn Natural YOU!

YOU, YOU, YOU......there are women out there, oh my God help me, that just want to cater to YOU. You as a person is what makes them wet, they will love YOU.

And as for all the other women, well, these women don't really like YOU....they just like your value. They like your funnines, your dyck, your entertainment...your cash, your popularity....but then there's women out there who like YOU.

Understand, the women out there who like YOU...will be small in number, 95% of the women you encounter will only like you for the value you bring...and quite honestly, that value can be a great seductive/sexual encounter, it could be money, it could be your popularity, but understand it's a material/outside asset that she can USE.

But understand....then there are women out there who like YOU...the YOU while no one else is watching, the YOU when it's only you and God in the room, the YOU, THE YOU, THE YOU........

And I make a challenge to you gentlemen on this God Damn Forum. To STOP caring so much about what 95% of women want....who gives a rat's azz? But I want you to be like Anti-Dump, and I want you to write a vision of what you want your woman to be, and when you encounter the chick that doesn't fit that....tell that bytch you'll see her later. And gentlemen...if you REALLY WANT TO ENJOY, a woman, and all that she offers.....then build yourself an environment of women around you, that like.....YOU.

This will be difficult, and you'll have to filter like a motafvcka....but if you really want to see what REAL LOVING IS ABOUT....come to the otha side.


Master Don Juan
Jun 29, 2005
Reaction score
DJF or John said:
Every SINGLE theory...on relationships, when you test it, will fail at SOME time or another. Every one of them! ....

Because at one time or another, the theory will prove itself wrong. ....
I believe many of the theories are valid it all depends on the CIRCUMSTANCES and the ENVIRONMENT where and when it was used. ALSO it doesnt matter if a few women slips through because your aiming at the BULK MAJORITY of women; not the few minor exceptions.

DJF or John said:
So the bottom line is, guys, STOP STUDYING ALL THESE DAMN THEORIES! Gunwitch, Pook, David D, Ross J, Justin Timberlake's Sexy Back E Book, just stop it!....
I say guys SHOULD study from these guys. Why reinvent the wheel if you dont have to? Why spend years of research on the field when you can learn from someone who has already done it?
( of course should keep and open mind and actually go out and find out what works & what dont work.)


Master Don Juan
Jun 29, 2005
Reaction score
DJF or John said:
Here's some healing.......THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU. Right now, as you sit in front of this computer and read these words, you are already the man, you are already the best person you could ever be in life. You are already, a success.

You are a success in everything, business, women, your career, you name it.
IF THAT WAS TRUE every guy here should be swarming with women and getting laid every night. Now wheres my limo driver and million dollar mansion???? :whistle:

Jay Jay

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2006
Reaction score
My thoughts on this.

Okay, lets have a good look at this.

Firstly lets say that attraction is the mechanism which motivates us to procreate with a particular person.

Secondly let us agree that we are NOT necessarily motivated to procreate with the mate which would produce the BEST possible offspring.



Look at it like this. (I'm going to set some arbitry measures which do not exist in real life to simplify this concept.)

Girl 1: Offspring (as a successful human being in comparison to all others) rated 9 out of 10. Chance of actually producing this offspring 50%.

Girl 2: Offspirng rated 8 out of 10. Chance of actually producing offspring

You will be more attracted to girl 2.

Now I am sure we'd all like to stick it into Playmates.

But is that really who we are most attracted to? Personally I would pass one of those playmates over any day for that cute little rock chick I see in the pub every Sunday.


Coz the chances of it actually happening are way higher.


Coz it is obvious that we are compatible in many ways. Not only does she have a great rack but there are a thousand other little things that indicate the two of us would be good together.

All these things are perculated in my subconscious. All things are weighed and then our subconscious gives us ATTRACTION.

I am far more likely to score with Cute Little Rock Chick than Louise Glover and as a result my instincts are NOT going to urge me to go after Louise. Sure my eyes tell me that she is a magnificent physical specimen, probably superior in many ways to Cute Little Rock Chick.

But not that much more superior.

Definately not superior enough for me to be more motivated to go over to England and fight through the crowd of celebities and admirers to shag the Playmate of the Year.

Nope, evolution is smart and it knows the best chance for a successful offspring will be through Cute Little Rock Chick.

And just as my subconscious is saying "cute little rock chick; big boobs (meaning she has high estrogen levels), tick; pretty face (meaning balanced DNA), tick; clear skin (health), tick...

(These so far are physical things, but then there is other issues)

...Has personality traits I'm into ( I know becuase of her Juke box selections she likes Tool, Rage Against the Machine and SOD, in my subconscious I have made a link between people who like these kinds of bands as being similar to me in a multidude of ways), tick; a nice person (I see her laughing and having fun with her friends), tick; courageous (she isn;t intimidated by my crazy friends), tick...

And finally.

Is accessable, tick; is giving me IOI (becasue she has just gone through the same process as I have), tick.

Subconscious we have a match.


Now my being knows there is a mate with a high probablity of successful procreation in the room.

It takes steps to make me more attractive.

My central nervous system goes up a gear, enorphins and hormones instantly flood my system, me heart beat quickens, my eyes dialate, my skin flushes, my sweat pores eminate pheromones, I start talking louder and more confidently dominating my conversation (read acts alpha)... my balls even grow bigger.

My body is gearing up to take a woman.

Almost exactly the same thing is going on with the girl coz she goes through the female version of this entire process.

Thus evolution works to make us attracted to people who are attracted to us coz it works best this way.

Thats how I see it anyway.




Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
Reaction score
The idea presented by the original poster is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. "Women you are most attracted to are most likely to like you back" <--stupid.

and btw, evolution and evolutionary psychology is just a theory. It has many many holes and problems with it that make it impossible or deem its predictions very uncertain.

Intelligent design also has problems too, even more than evolution theory.

Science has yet found an answer that exlains all observation as to how we got here etc.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2005
Reaction score
BluEyes said:
When you see something(or someone) attractive, your pupils dilate.

Studies were done on test groups of several hundred people that show we are attracted to larger pupils. They were given two different versions of the same photo, one normal, the other with modified(larger) pupils. Almost unanimously, the one with larger pupils was deemed the more attractive one, except surprisingly... Nobody could say why. It was subconscious.

So if you see one of those girls you find insanely attractive, your pupils dilate. She makes eye contact with you--at that point your pupils are about 100% larger than normal--and finds you more attractive... Although she doesn't know why. It is subconscious.
wow awsome point, also I noticed how my energy level changes when I talk to some one whom I find extreamly attractive.
Nov 13, 2004
Reaction score
Personally my experiences match the poster.

I regularly get shot down when I'm half-heartedly into a girl - maybe its because she picks up on my limited interest?

But there are two women I've known so far for whom I can say I've had a physical attraction for that have absolutely blown my mind, stopped me in my tracks and left me with no choice but to approach. These two responded most positively out of any girls I've approached. LTR with one, I still hookup with the other when I'm round her way (she lives in France) and every time its crazy!

I suspect that its because they literally forced me into a sexual frame of mind. So I can say that on pretty limited grounds - its worked for me.

I've dated and been with other girls - ones I just find attractive but wasn't frozen to the spot when our eyes met! My hit-rate with them has been as hit and miss as you'd expect.

That's where sosuave has helped me - I'm improving my hit-rate with these attractive girls that I like but don't love... (strictly in the blood boiling, mind racing, get over here right now sense of the word!)


Master Don Juan
May 30, 2006
Reaction score
Oh, I so fully agree with the original post.

I've had instant connections with MANY women over the years, and I've also seen it happen right in front of me with my friends. It's not a joke.

It's all about a vibe... sometimes it's there and sometimes it's not. I know a couple of times recently where customers have come into my store and said two words to me and I knew RIGHT AWAY that there could be something between us.

Now... before you freak out... this doesn't mean that these are the ONLY girls you can hook up with. There are a lot of factors at play here... she could be depressed or anxious, she might have a friend with her who's distracting her, she might be on her period... there are a lot of things that make her not like who she might normally be. And also, a short look or even a conversation might not reveal enough about a girl to let your brain know that she's money for you.

What does it all mean? I don't know... but I DO know that in the last couple of years as I've become more confident I've come to realize those special situations where you have instant chemistry... and have learned to act on them immediately. It's easy once you recognize it, it's almost preordained by something... biology, fate, who knows. But it's definitely there.

They call it love at first sight... but what this doesn't take into account is that it's a two-way sight. It's not when you first see HER... it's when the two of you make that first eye contact.

My first reaction when this kind of thing happens is "oh, sh*t, here we go". I get nervous and excited at the same time, because I know it's time to perform.


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2006
Reaction score
What do you do when you get that vibe with a girl who has a BF? Go for it anyway?

Last semester I had this girl in my history class. We would always look at each other. I either caught her looking at me or I looked at her and she ALWAYS caught it.

It was like ...this... stunning feeling. I can't even explain. Not infatuation, not horniness, not emotion, but this "She is designed for me". I never eve approached her because I look on FaceBook and she had a BF...


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
Reaction score
BluEyes said:
When you see something(or someone) attractive, your pupils dilate.

Studies were done on test groups of several hundred people that show we are attracted to larger pupils. They were given two different versions of the same photo, one normal, the other with modified(larger) pupils. Almost unanimously, the one with larger pupils was deemed the more attractive one, except surprisingly... Nobody could say why. It was subconscious.

So if you see one of those girls you find insanely attractive, your pupils dilate. She makes eye contact with you--at that point your pupils are about 100% larger than normal--and finds you more attractive... Although she doesn't know why. It is subconscious.
I call bullsh1t, I want to see the study for myself. post your source!!!


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
Reaction score
the point of the original poster is way off from reality.

Most men are really into the really hot "should be a stripper" type women, but this doesnt mean that these women are likely to be into all men.

Once you actually sit down and think about what the logic of the OP's point implies, the realism of the point disappears.