Women..I swear..are jacked in the head


Jun 26, 2007
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oh on another note, maybe she didnt like that you talked to her for 7 hours and only "made out a little", and maybe her other options "give her orgasms" and she didnt wanna do a "dinner and pool"


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
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Gold Coast. Aust.
I am wondering -
Do women FLAKE on arrangements that they make to meet with their G/friends, sisters/ workmates etc.
I suspect not.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
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steadyguy2000 said:
If she had not made the second date and even talked about it afterwards, then great, move on and go our separate ways. But don''t make a date then just disappear.
I posted about a chick pulling some similar crap on me recently.

Matter of fact, even though she pulled this sh!t more than once I decided "what the fukk" and I texted her a couple of weeks ago just for the hell of it. Only reason I did was because she was nothing more than a sex toy. If I were looking for a relationship she would have been nexted long ago.

I basically put the ball back in her court. She confirmed that she is moving out of state at the end of this month and she said "I really wanna see you before I go". So I said "Yea, hit me up" and that was that.

So she's leaving town this weekend and I haven't heard squat from her and I seriously doubt I will. No biggie. I got laid a few times by a pretty hot chick, and she even talked me into snapping a few photos which I kept as souvenirs :rockon:

She turned out to be the biggest flake I've ever dealt with. Gotta let that sh!t roll off your back, move on with your life, and not over analyze it.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
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baller1985 said:
shes not jacked in the head, i do that all the time to girls

its called having lotsa options
No, it's called being rude and disrespectful.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
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jophil28 said:
I am wondering -
Do women FLAKE on arrangements that they make to meet with their G/friends, sisters/ workmates etc.
I suspect not.


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
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Gold Coast. Aust.
Pen Kitten, the NEXT option was included in a few replies.
This thread has developed into a valuable discussion about how women's 'flaking' on dates is rude and unacceptable to most of us here.
We are of several minds about what to do about flaking in general and this case in particular .
Do you have anything significant to add to the debate?


Senior Don Juan
Jun 16, 2007
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Rude or not, she upset you move on, there are plenty of fish in the see


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
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at our house
if something came up and she could explain it, or wanted to explain it because she wanted to re schedule, i think she would have done it by now.

but who knows, maybe shes off int he hospital somewhere and has just left her computer on and her myspace page up.


Master Don Juan
Feb 13, 2007
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reset said:
When a woman flakes on you it doesn't necessarily mean she's not interested. Often it's a shyt test to see how needy you are.

If you don't make a big deal out of it, then you're not so needy. And if the girl does that to you, you already have information about her: she likes to play games. Maybe there's nothing wrong with her, but the simple fact that she played game #1 should automatically lower your interest level in her, and by doing that, you're less needy.

I read the first post and thought "shyt test". IF it were me I would have completely forgotten about her (or tried to). In your mind, a date was "set", she knew it was coming up. She knew you were going to contact her.

But, whatever. Only you know the dymanics of the situation. The key here, as a man, is whether or not you played it right, or she played it right (who knows?) the result wasn't what you wanted, and you should focus more on getting what you want out of life rather than getting mad at other people (giving them power over you) and beating yourself up because deep down you know you lost your cool (spying on her on myspace, too many calls).

I would say take this experience as an opportunity to grow. You know that you need to give less importance to the actions of others, and that you need to be stronger so something like this doesn't phase you too much.

You can turn this into a positive, if you want. Shyt happens. Who cares who's fault it was. What matters is how you learn from this.
I like this post Reset, because it's a great attitude to have with regards to shyt tests.

I'd say it's all about what you are looking for. If you are looking for a piece of A$$, then "pass" this type of shyt test. If you are looking for something more, next this gal asap.

That's my test. If a woman pulls this kind of crap to me, I smile. I smile knowing that I found this out early without too much investment. I figure if a woman does a shyt test like this in the beginning, it's a predictor of a long relationship of me having to pass through a whole bunch of her tests to get to the holy grail...not worth it.

For me, the biggest lesson from this site is reading a woman's interest level. High IL. If a woman has high IL, and she is quality, you will not get this kind of test. Her actions, or reactions, are obvious that she is happy to get a call from you, excited to spend time with you, etc.

My guess, is that you read that she had IL when you met her, that's why it doesn't make sense that she did this. Some women are pretty good at faking IL too, so this is where actions speak louder than words. Her actions, unless for some unseen emergency, show you that she has low IL in you.

I would next her, unless she calls and apologizes and really tries to make it up to you.


Don Juan
Apr 22, 2002
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between two stems
I had a similar situation occur recently in my (failed) effort to meet/date non-American women. I'll spare you the philosophical and sociological reasons behind this move. I'll just note that I've concluded that ethnicity/race means nothing, culture is weak, and power is all important in sexual relationships.

The girl was Croatian, a former model, and lived 500 miles from my domicile. Anyways, the connection seemed there when we emailed (several times a day), chatted, were on the phone (usually 5-10 hours a week), met in person (once a month for four months), etc. - but I always had a nagging feeling the girl was spinning more than one plate - from the beginning before we met even. I don't know about the other guys, but I refused to pay for her plane tickets and tried to keep the spending even. I digress from my point... The signs of shadiness and the evidentiary support for my nagging suspicions: little things like forgetting where in the country I was from and what I did she'd forget and occasionally dissonant emotional states (too hot when I was lukewarm and vice-versa) and, of course, long disappearances and responding to my phone calls with text (aside: I hate text) - despite intense conversation. Making out was abbreviated and was progressing slowly: sex was also not forthcoming as she didn't "do that" with just any guy and had only been with two others. Right.

Anyways, I finally confronted her about my belief she was seeing other guys. It was a brazen move: most likely, she'd feign taking it to offense and leave me. She didn't actually. I played the "I know you better than you know yourself" angle and told her I was doing the same. She tried denying for a while, but then she caved. We had sex that night and I dropped her off at the airport the next morning. Despite how incredibly hot this girl was and the fact I could have hit it again, I never answered her phone calls or emails. And tears? -What a female snake's body generates when it seeks mercy. Turns out she had played this game with other guys as a way of getting to see the country, really. I felt cheap and used.

In the end, it was a foolish interlude. I had girls in the rotation that I had much more consistent and stable relationships with -- not to mention cheaper -- this was a distraction. Lessons learned:

1. Women from online sources, based on this experience and others, tend to have issues relating to their self-awareness. This is even moreso than women you come across in life and in meat-markets. Online-met women generally require peculiar forms and extra amounts of attention.
2. Women from other cultures, at least if they're even momentarily exposed to the US or have the tenacity to get here -- are no better, and probably more amoral and manipulative than American women.
3. Women with whom you think you have a super-sexual (beyond sexual) connection with may be bored or getting off on manipulating you pursuant to some psychological need, perhaps stemming from an absent father in childhood.

Lesson 1 and 3 may apply to you. Good luck. Don't expect much from this girl, even if her connection with you was genuine, her emoti-think would have stood at the precipice of love, on the one side, and, on the other, indifference -- and she's clearly leaped into the latter.


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
You forgot the simplest one of all:

4. No Long Distance Relationships (LDRs)

I'm all about the Eastern European women. But you really have to know one who already lives here. Or just live in Eastern Europe yourself.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
Reaction score
It might (and I say MIGHT because it won't erase the fact that you know what she did was rude) make you feel better, but it won't teach her anything other than the fact that she can get you riled up.

Horse Whisperer

Don Juan
Sep 27, 2005
Reaction score
Hmm.. some girls just don't want to face the embarassment of telling a guy they're not interested. It's easier for them to ignore calls, texts etc hoping the guy gets the message, rather than saying 'Listen, I do really like you as a friend' etc. Us chaps are guilty of that too of course. :whistle: