Woman I met at the bar called me "delicate"


Don Juan
Jul 8, 2004
Reaction score
New York, NY
Hey fellas,

I'll try to make this story as brief as possible. Please bear with me.

So I went out to a local bar last Saturday night and saw a 9 sitting by herself at a booth (her three friends who were with her had just left the booth to get a drink). So I approach her and she invites me to sit down next to her after I introduce myself. We end up talking about this and that, turns out she goes to my university (I'm an undergrad and she's a grad student there). So she's a bit older than me, no big deal.

Turns out we have a lot to talk about and we end up talking for the next couple hours until closing time at the bar. I get the impression that she more intelligent than most (we have a conversation about books, apparently she reads a lot... and she's working on her PhD in neuroscience). After closing time, she invites me to grab some food with her friends (2 girl friends and 1 guy who's dating one of the girl friends), so I agree and we head over to the restaurant together. On the way over to the restaurant she cracks a joke about her being a cradle robber, which I laugh at. But she also tells me she thinks I'm not like other guys, that I'm delicate and she called me "unobtrusive". I hope what she meant was that I'm not threatening, and I'm guessing she meant it as a compliment. Anyway, at the restaurant her friends are monopolizing the conversation so I barely have a chance to get a word in, but the words I do get in leave an impression, and after the restaurant I got her number and called it a night.

Still with me? Thanks guys. So that was last Saturday, and I waited till the following Tuesday to call her. We played a little phone tag during the week but she called back and I talked to her on the phone yesterday for the first time. After a little small talk, I ask her out to dinner for tonight (Saturday night). So we have our first date tonight.

So here's where you come in. I'm wondering, what advice do you all have for a beginner at the dating game? I've skimmed through the DJ Bible and know about the basics: confidence, ****y & funny, kino, etc. I'm just going to be natural on the date and not worry about trying to impress her, and just keep the good conversation and playful energy at a high. Are there any common mistakes I should avoid? Should I avoid holding her hand / trying to kiss her on the first date? She seems conservative and seems to be the type that would want to move slowly, which is fine because I just wanna ride the good feelings and not worry about getting in her pants right away. Any tips would be appreciated. Thanks guys!



Jul 7, 2006
Reaction score
Take control of everything!


Master Don Juan
May 13, 2005
Reaction score
Midwest America
She seems conservative and seems to be the type that would want to move slowly, which is fine because I just wanna ride the good feelings and not worry about getting in her pants right away.
Failure to escalate sexually is a huge noob mistake. If you don't set the frame right from the start that you and her are forming sexual relations, you'll "ride the good feelings" right into the friend zone. Why? She'll surmise that if you aren't advancing with her, that you either a) are too insecure to do so, or b) you actually want to be friends with her.

It's good to not be outcome dependent (worrying about laying her right away), but don't delude yourself into the romantic notion that things will magically happen over time. Avoid getting into deep discussions about stuff. Keep it light and fun. You need to playfully tease her, touch her (kino), give her lots of dominant eye contact, and make it clear that your date is an audition for her to get with you. She's expecting you to be confident and lead the way.

Good luck, and let us know how it goes.

Sammer VII

Don Juan
Jun 3, 2006
Reaction score
RedPill said:
Failure to escalate sexually is a huge noob mistake. If you don't set the frame right from the start that you and her are forming sexual relations, you'll "ride the good feelings" right into the friend zone. Why? She'll surmise that if you aren't advancing with her, that you either a) are too insecure to do so, or b) you actually want to be friends with her.
Lol, watch the movie... Just Friends... I have made that mistake at least 2-3 times, but Oh well... NEXT>>>


Jan 14, 2006
Reaction score
how u gettin into bars at the age of 20????

oh btw, u did everything rite when u met that chick except for one thing - u shoulda kissed her.

Hell, everythin else u did PERFECTLY since she was the one who invited u to go with her friends (big level of interest). Ur good, but after ur dinner date with her, do a lil kino/eye contact, and then non-chualantly invite her to ur place to "watch a movie" - this is where u will make ur first and last move ;)


Don Juan
Jul 8, 2004
Reaction score
New York, NY

Hey thanks for the tips guys. I'll be sure to avoid landing in the friends zone. I'll let you know how the date goes. Any more tips between now and then are welcomed :)


Jul 7, 2006
Reaction score
Ok, keep us posted.


Senior Don Juan
May 29, 2006
Reaction score
roman said:
Hey thanks for the tips guys. I'll be sure to avoid landing in the friends zone. I'll let you know how the date goes. Any more tips between now and then are welcomed :)

For your date, make a plan and a back up plan. Do your homework so that the plan works out. For example, if you go for late night ice cream, make sure the ice cream shop is still open. Be definite about every part of your date. Don't over do it by telling her your plan or make it seem like you are following a schedule, just take control and let the rest be fun.

Too many times AFCs will say "we should go out sometime" and she says "yea, lets go out sometime". But sometime never happens. A DJ will say "we should go out this Friday, I'll pick you up at 8" Never ask her what she wants to do on a date, beyond just generally finding out her interests. Plan on giving her a big hug at the end of the date (at the very least, if its a really good hug, go for the light kiss on the lips). This will keep you out of the friend zone without going for the pvssy too quicly. You call the shots.

If you make a plan, then you will appear confident. Also plan on being relaxed and both of you having a good time. Let the rest happen natually.


Don Juan
Jul 8, 2006
Reaction score
Chorleywood, Near London, England
To be honest i don't know much abou tthe don juan ways. But just take it slowly. U dont want to moveinto the 'just be friends trap. Show her that your not like any other man she has met, be interested in HER. After all, how many men know much about neuroscience, you must have left a real impression on her. Just do what you did the other night and act naturally. Dont get too hung up on all the things that everyone said. If you think about it too much it will cloud you rmind and you wont act naturally which will be a turn off. Just be like you were the other nght, eye contact amd a little kino. And of course the "wanna watch a video at my place?" and you should have a great time and a good result. Good luck!