Why we are not so different from women


New Member
Apr 7, 2009
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Its been said "Every time you see a beautiful women, remember that somebody somewhere is sick of her sh!t". Which is true for both sexies, but i get why it was said, to stop guys from making this perfect image of a woman who doesn't go to the toilet. I can't find the write words but i'm sure you get it, women are human beings also so theres no need to feel inferior to them, they have there own bagage too. Theres a lot of good knowledge here mixed with ignorence. Theres a saying the truth will set you free but theres another one that says the truth hurts. We live in a hypocritical culture (of which i'm one of) void of justice so no wonder people are filled with bagage, hate, selfishness you name it. On here we say women are manipulative, (which they are) vain, emotional and so on. But show me guy who hasn't been this way more than once. Just because theres plenty of stereo types in the world today doesn't mean all are like this nor does it exclude us of our faults as well. This forum has become something more than just chasing women, why because there too many threads to show why chasing women, is a wrong focus. Yes there are differences but there are also similar therefore rather than bashing women (i'm not saying we should accept the behaviour) we should uplift them, look at the person inside example not everything they do is bad (all women good or bad) just like us. My point is as Men we should lead by showing love, if they hurt you forgive them don't hold grudges, we must remember that we too as men do women wrong, justifying our behaviour and forgeting our own failures is stupid. As humans we forget the power of peer presure social conciousness (the matrix) how it influences us to behave in a manner contraditory to the truth which should set us free. And the truth is justice for one another love your neighbor love your enemy yes even your neighbor example a husband and wife while they love each other but because of different views of life and truth (ie what is considered good behaviour and so on) they become enemies. Conclusion our difference should not separate us but bring us together and love should make us view truth from another perspective and they hopefully will do the same for us. And if they don't they remain in the matrix in the bitterness of feminism or shovinism.

I might have left somethings unsaid or unclarified but i was trying not to make it long so i mean't to put more on this but naa
too much already. Pardon me if i have stepped on toes in any way just meant to start a discussion on this hopefully. Rather than hiding behind critical or observent thinking while still indulging in destructive ideologies forgetting what we once belived before we were Afc's. In the matrix the people were comfortable prisoners comfortable but still prisons. truth yall


Don Juan
May 20, 2008
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well yes women have the same needs and desires as men. i am clueless as hell to attraction but even i know that. **** we both have the same functions just one has a penis and one has a vagina


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
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Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
yes we are ... we have fewer choices and hence less power.. so we tend to be more sexually desperate women are more emotionally desperate cause most men are focussed on Fing not loving.. women look for love cause they already have all the sex they want..