Why this is the best website in the world (NO JOKE)


Don Juan
Jul 2, 2003
Reaction score
Well, I first posted on this board and started reading the DJB slightly over 24 hours ago. Some of you know me as the poor sap that didn't get the hint when the girl of my infatuation was blowing me off. When earlier this morning she finally responded with an emphatic no (which I didn't even clearly understand until advice from you folks) I finally realized I was AFC with a hardcore case of oneitis.

Well, less than 16 hours since my pathetic post this morning, it is over and done with!

I am new here, and I don't mean to come off sounding arrogant, but I think mine is a true success story.

I went out tonight determined to forget about her and have a good time, armed only with the knowledge gained by a few hours of reading posts and the first 2 weeks' worth of articles from the DJB (I read that post about "evil ways".... very disturbing, I don't intend to follow THAT advice)

And my game was 100% on. And I mean ON, like it has never been before, ANYTIME in my life (and I have had success with women in the past). I was c+f like I have never been before, brimming with confidence, and totally convinced that I was God's gift to women. I was charming, quick-witted, and totally in control.

I was flirting with a waitress at one of the bars I was at tonight (hanging out with a friend) for almost four hours. She was fairly cute and had to come and go as she was busy, so she could never talk long. Finally I told her something along the lines of: "I should ask you for your phone number, because I've barely gotten the chance to talk to you tonight." And I said that not giving a rat's ass what she said in response!!! I just said it for the hell of it. I already knew she was 25 (I'm 23, and I refuse to date women who are older than me 99.999999% of the time) but I asked her anyway. She said she had a boyfriend, and I don't think she was lying, because I asked the boyfriend's name and watched her expression carefully to see which way her eyes went (if they go up and to the left, she is lying)... and she was looking me straight in the eyes the whole time. Even if she was lying, what did I care? I was just having fun!

But the night got better. I met up with another friend of mine who I hadn't seen in a while at another bar, and he brought one of his friends with him. I knew my game was on 100% so I did not even hesitate with this girl. I just laid it on like there was no tomorrow. EXTREME c+f, like I have never done before, for about an hour at this other bar. As the bar was closing, I got up to get a pen and a napkin, and brought it back to her, and said: "Amy I think you know what to do." And she wrote down her number (I said, "Amy, this is your real number, right?" right in front of everyone, ****y tone of voice and roguish grin in full force) as well as A PROMISE FOR A DATE TOMORROW!!! (for 4th of july bbq)

All this, a drastic change I noted even by myself, IN LESS THAN 16 HOURS. I kid you not. This morning I was totally the most pathetic of AFCs and now at 5 am I know I am the biggest pimp in the world. I admit to being a fast learner, but if a chump like me can do it, anyone else can!

To all the DJs that helped me out, thanks for all eternity. Success stories don't get much better than this!


Don Juan
Jul 2, 2003
Reaction score
Although I still like the girl I was infatuated with :(

That just goes to show that no matter how much you think you know, there is still more to be learned.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 20, 2003
Reaction score
Congrats my friend. :D


Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2002
Reaction score
Sounds like an adrenalin rush from finally seeing that your oneitis isn't interested. You'll come back down to earth soon and that's ok too. Glad you had fun last night. Keep reading the Bible.
