Why She Goes Cold After ~6 Months


Oct 20, 2006
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You've been there. You met a dream girl. It was love at first sight. You got her number and a date right away. Sex happened soon and was magical and got better and better. You crossed the 3 month mark with flying colors. You thought your lonely days were over.

Then one day it happened. Something wasn't right. You felt it in your gut. You hoped for once your gut was wrong but it's never wrong. If you were weaker you asked "What's wrong, honey?" and she answered "Nothing!". But something was wrong. She stopped producing enough Oxytocin to be under your spell, and now she was "coming to". You were going from Superman back to Clark Kent in her eyes. Suddenly she adjusted your glasses and frowned.

Why did this occur? Did you forget to floss? Did you snore last night? No, this was her Biological Stopwatch going off. Think about it: if you had met during ancient times and started having sex for 6 months, after that much time she should have been pregnant. If she wasn't she needed to pull away and sleep with another mate. And she wouldn't just dump you, she would pull away in a manner that drove you (if you were weak especially) crazy and she would draw you into her circle of beta orbiters. This also had a biological imperative - for her having backups that thought the kids might be hers increased her kids chances of survival.

Are we as men expecting the impossible? Does wanting a girl who loves us but doesn't have kids over the long term ever really work, even if she doesn't think she wants kids?

In any event, we shouldn't take it personally when this happens. It always happens. Or worse, you marry her. Remember that this scenario is close to best-case scenario, unless you wanted kids with a flake.


Jan 28, 2017
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The City
Are we as men expecting the impossible? Does wanting a girl who loves us but doesn't have kids over the long term ever really work, even if she doesn't think she wants kids?

In any event, we shouldn't take it personally when this happens. It always happens. Or worse, you marry her. Remember that this scenario is close to best-case scenario, unless you wanted kids with a flake.
No, it only works if you are willing to surrender yourself to her.

The relationship definitely takes a sharp decline after the honeymoon stage. After that, its maintained by the guy being desperate to keep her. So he offers more and more VALUE while expecting less and less in return.

Ever wonder why your male friends disappear and become pathetic when they are in a LTR for more than a year? Its because they have to keep offering MORE of themselves to keep the relationship going lol.

Offering more to the girl means offering less to everyone else.

Its why men eventually get married. They know they have to keep offering MORE. So they eventually sign a legal contract completely surrendering themselves and all things they own to a woman in order to keep her.

Women always want MORE. At least until they pass 30 or 40.


Oct 20, 2006
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A woman won't cheat on a man she is head-over-heels for. For that whole 3 month period.

Bob S

Don Juan
Dec 7, 2017
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It seems very counter intuitive to think that males as the sex that should be sowing as much seed as possible on as many "fields" as possible before they die are the same sex that can so easily fall in love. That's something I am yet to understand. Even after reading Rollo's books, this I still do not get. We should have a backbone. My only plausible thought for why is the case is the conditioning we have had since birth. We grew in a femcentric universe. We know no different until our red pill awakening. We had no idea women do not love like we do. It's like not believing what happened before you were born because you didn't exist so how could it have happened you did not experience it or see it with your own eyes.

Regarding wanting a women to stay with us over 6 months, we are partly to blame as much as is a women's hypergamy. She want's the best male. We let ourselves go through cocooned comfort and doing more and more for her and having less and less time for ourselves (cardio, weights, self care). What happens, we get obese, lazy and she sees this and moves on. Ironically, or so it seems, by keeping ourselves in the frame and not her's by doing our own thing we should be able to look after ourselves AND keep her interest. Her saying you don't spend much time doing things with (for) me might sound like you should go do that and you should to some degree but keep it your terms. Maybe do something in the morning with her, then just go and do what you want to better yourself (hobby etc). Never ask her to do your own hobbies etc. Just do it. Even if she snuffs at it, just do it and act like it doesn't affect you until it actually doesn't affect you. I learnt this from Rollo's book Rational Male. I also saw it in my parents relationship and it is true. They were happily married until my father sadly passed.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
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A woman won't cheat on a man she is head-over-heels for. For that whole 3 month period.
No it works indefinitely. They're actually less likely to leave you the more time they have in. Women are like unions; they're into seniority.

If you game her for 5 years, she ain't going no where. That's if you still have your manhood. The problem is mostly men relax to much and become their girlfriends *****.


Oct 20, 2006
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No it works indefinitely. .
Tell that to the average married man.

They're actually less likely to leave you the more time they have in. Women are like unions; they're into seniority.

If you game her for 5 years, she ain't going no where. That's if you still have your manhood. The problem is mostly men relax to much and become their girlfriends *****.
As always, setting off the chick detector. If only we could show our manhood by arm wrestling.

Question: How do you prove your point that women with high interest remain faithful forever? You should start a Marriage Insurance company. You could build a towering skyscraper with your name on it.


Oct 20, 2006
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Regarding wanting a women to stay with us over 6 months, we are partly to blame as much as is a women's hypergamy. She want's the best male. We let ourselves go through cocooned comfort and doing more and more for her and having less and less time for ourselves (cardio, weights, self care). What happens, we get obese, lazy and she sees this and moves on.
Fat girl, is that you? What if we worked out with a physical trainer the whole time, trying to prevent this same cycle?


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
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Tell that to the average married man.
The average married man is a bytch.

Question: How do you prove your point that women with high interest remain faithful forever? You should start a Marriage Insurance company. You could build a towering skyscraper with your name on it.
Women in love (i.e. high interest level) don't cheat. They can't cheat. That's a dual reality... a contradiction.


Don Juan
Oct 19, 2013
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You crossed the 3 month mark with flying colors. You thought your lonely days were over.

Then one day it happened. Something wasn't right. You felt it in your gut. You hoped for once your gut was wrong but it's never wrong. If you were weaker you asked "What's wrong, honey?" and she answered "Nothing!". But something was wrong. She stopped producing enough Oxytocin to be under your spell, and now she was "coming to". You were going from Superman back to Clark Kent in her eyes. Suddenly she adjusted your glasses and frowned.

Why did this occur? Did you forget to floss? Did you snore last night?
That is when she started to see you as how you really are instead of her idealization of you.


Oct 20, 2006
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Readers will note that last summer EyeBRollin insisted that my then girlfriend had got a divorce and dumped me during the same instant. A week later my girl came back and we picked up where we left off. She thanked me for being the one person who truly gave her space. EyeBRollin (in his/her usual attempt to say whatever sounds worst for me personally) claimed my girl "was in love with someone else, and that it would last forever" (see below). Wrong. In general EyeBRollin's policy is to try to distract readers from any truth I reveal. S/he shadows me here that way. Count on LOTS of replies from EyeBRollin, where s/he breaks down every comment but applies female logic to each one - all as a smokescreen to protect Feminism.
The average married man is a bytch. Women in love (i.e. high interest level) don't cheat. They can't cheat. That's a dual reality... a contradiction.
Most men are b!tches?? You mean throughout history? The ones who built civilization?

How do you measure if she is in love? And this lasts forever?

Having had enough of this person spewing Feminist crap here, I'm going to come right out and ask them: do you, EyeBRollin solemnly swear that you are a heterosexual male?