Why Modern Men are Desperate and Thirsty

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
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Hate to insult people, but the level of thirst and desperation I see on this site is just pathetic. But obviously.. telling people they are pathetic will not really help them. I hate seeing men like this.. so lets talk about why this situation even exists..

The Power Dynamic

Women are the gate keepers of sex, but men are the gate keepers of commitment and attention (time). This is why I am so hard on men who want commitment from women sooooo bad. Wanting female commitment cheapens a man and makes him weak. Women need commitment more than men.. so why do men want to give it away so fast?

Its just like being a woman who wants sex from men soooooo bad. Makes her cheap right?

We all know what happens when one side gives it up too easy right? What happens when too much money is printed? Exactly…

Women don’t value male attention because it is too available. Especially in 2015 with social media, dating sites, etc. A woman can get constant male attention and never leave her house now.

What Causes Emotional Attachment?

In short.. stress and uncertainty.

Research done on baby animals where they are punished or rewarded for certain behaviors was used to measure attachment. Conclusion? PUNISHMENT LEADS TO MORE ATTACHMENT. Also.. uncertainty leads to the MOST attachment. This basically explains beta desperation as well as women’s love for bad boys.

Modern women are very unpredictable and lack loyality because they no longer depend on men in the capacity they once did. This uncertainty about what a woman might do from one day to the next has created stronger male attachment. Desperate, pathetic betas who want “commitment” from women so bad they would chop off their foot to get it.

Research was also done on the prisoners of War (the Korean War). When the prisoners were sent home many of them were indifferent to the scenes of American victory and Americans returning home.. or even their own families welcoming them home. Many were brainwashed by the opposition and many of them even stayed there. Why? Dependency. As prisoners they became extremely dependent on their captors and brainwashed by the mindset of their captors. This created an atmosphere of fear due to inconsistency in how they were treated from one day to the next.

It can all be summed up as the polarity principal: Stress (or the mental stress of uncertainty) is a key ingredient in attachment (or love) as well has hatred if it becomes too extreme.

Another example.. if an athlete has no pressure on him to perform then he has no incentive to work hard. However, if he has too much pressure, then he becomes debilitated. However, give him the correct amount of stress.. and he is in a fine balance.

Your TIME is your Power

Getting back to women… you must remember that all you have as a man is your time. Therefore, the worst thing you can do is be a time wh0re (as most betas are).. giving your time to women for free. Women are very aware of how much attention they get and from who. They will take notice when one man gives them less than her other groveling orbiters.

Chasers, beta orbiters, white knights, time wh0res, etc. all have the same mindset: They believe, if they don’t “show up” then another man will. So they work hard to “show up” and prove themselves to the woman. What they don’t realize is they are giving away free commitment and devaluing themselves in the process. Like a woman who offers to f*ck you every 2 hours so that you won’t notice other women who want to f*ck you. This lowers her value.

A woman’s power comes from how she controls access to her body. A man’s power comes from how he controls access to his time/attention. If a man is willing to give ANYONE his time… what does that say about his time, his abundance, his ability to attract? In the same way.. if a woman gives any man her pvssy.. what does that say about her value?

The only way a man succeeds in this world is by having the ability to control his time.. not just give it to anything or anyone.

By not controlling your time.. you eventually find yourself in a situation where 100% of your time belongs to others (most married men). And guess what? They will demand more. Eventually they will nimble away your life and leave none of it for you. But this WILL be the destiny of most betas as society needs them in that role.

Time is your capital. So learn to walk away, say no and be rude. This applies to life as a whole.. not just women. Only true alphas understand these rules.


Master Don Juan
Feb 22, 2012
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Great stuff indeed. You should write a book.


Master Don Juan
Mar 28, 2011
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Great post. Another thing is that as valuing your own time over other's needs project yourself as a person of strong reality. It makes weeding out uninterested women so much easier as interested women would be sucked into your reality (i.e going along for the ride.) This includes not going out of your way to show attention to girls but let them come to you, sticking around to walk home together etc. Essentially, be your own man and let them come to you and you will not need to worry about establishing a strong frame from the start.

Of course some broads need a little goading, its like leaving crumbs of gold when they're on the journey to find that pot of gold at the end of rainbow. Just make sure that they don't find the pot of gold!


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
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USA, Louisiana
Women crave validation... commitment is the ultimate validation since a man is willing to surrender his entire self for the woman. You can be married to a women (the ultimate commitment) but if you fail to give her validation (affection, respect, romance) that HB8 you married will eventually morph into a fat b!tchy hag. Or if you are lucky.. she'll just divorce you and take half your stuff. You can give women what they want (validation) without commitment. The key is to understand that women love sex as much... if not more than men.

Yes sex is the principle tool for women... unfortunately for them it's a tool they REALLY like to use. The key is to get her emotions engaged so that she is fvcking you to get validation. This is where patience comes in. The key to making this work is to pass her physical attraction test, put out the vibe that you want to fvck her, and not to freely surrender validation until she has earned it.


Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2013
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Knowledge is power, all truths in this thread.

Let's face the facts tho, low self-esteem broads that need a monkey branch will always exist. AND there will always be a desperate and thirsty emotional tampons waiting in the wing. Woman l*ve men they can easily manipulate for their own greater good, but again we all know what this leads to.


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2014
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From the Heart and Soul, of a Woman
RangerMIke said:
Women crave validation... commitment is the ultimate validation since a man is willing to surrender his entire self for the woman. You can be married to a women (the ultimate commitment) but if you fail to give her validation (affection, respect, romance) that HB8 you married will eventually morph into a fat b!tchy hag. Or if you are lucky.. she'll just divorce you and take half your stuff. You can give women what they want (validation) without commitment. The key is to understand that women love sex as much... if not more than men.

Yes sex is the principle tool for women... unfortunately for them it's a tool they REALLY like to use. The key is to get her emotions engaged so that she is fvcking you to get validation. This is where patience comes in. The key to making this work is to pass her physical attraction test, put out the vibe that you want to fvck her, and not to freely surrender validation until she has earned it.


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2006
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hockeyfreak79 said:
Knowledge is power, all truths in this thread.

Let's face the facts tho, low self-esteem broads that need a monkey branch will always exist. AND there will always be a desperate and thirsty emotional tampons waiting in the wing. Woman l*ve men they can easily manipulate for their own greater good, but again we all know what this leads to.
Agree on one account : there will always be desperate men waiting when a women becomes "available". My own experiences state that their availability doesn't mean she will even go for them even if they are desperate. Example: a mutual friend just got out of a long term relationship. Within our social group, we have the guys who are always single and available, and a few who date and commit to nothing. Once said friend was out of her relationship, she went strait to my buddy who was dating other women...now he can't get rid of her. The other two guys are pining like fvcks for her, but she has no interest in that.

The moral of the story is that availability doesn't mean anything is going to happen between the women and her orbiters. Actually, it likely won't. As a guy, you are better off not being single or available.

But everyone already knows this :)


Don Juan
Nov 19, 2014
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synergy1 said:
The moral of the story is that availability doesn't mean anything is going to happen between the women and her orbiters. Actually, it likely won't.
No it 100% won't happen. Being available is the worst thing you can be. Women basically see you as a leper, someone who has no options.

Being available is vagina poison.


May 17, 2013
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America is best
ColonelKilgore said:
No it 100% won't happen. Being available is the worst thing you can be. Women basically see you as a leper, someone who has no options.

Being available is vagina poison.
Well, thats not true. If you're spinning plates you're available. The way you said it, not being in a committed relationship is vagina poison but its not. Being in a committed relationship can give you the benefits of pre-selection, but thats it.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2008
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Los Angeles
This is a great post.

I don't think there is anything wrong with putting a lot of time and effort into finding hobbies, interests & passions in your life. I mean I've spent the last 6-7 years of my life really thinking hard about what exactly it is that I want to do with myself, what I want to do in my spare time, and how to go about doing it.

I think it's important to note that you shouldn't be doing things in your spare time because you think women will like those types of hobbies. For example, a guy that starts go to museums just because he wants to try and pick up women is doing it wrong. I mean go to a museum if you're genuinely intrigued and interested by what's at the museum. Go to the gym because you want to get healthier and more confident in your everyday dealings, join a toastmasters club because you've always admired the great orators of the past (Churchill, Jennings-Bryan, Lincoln) and you want to become a better public speaker because it's a great skill to have, etc.

Don't do any of these things because you want women to notice, do it because you find it interesting. I've noticed that in the process, you'll find that you have more to talk about, your time becomes more valuable, and women definitely notice this, which makes you more attractive, but, again, not because you're trying to impress her, but because you've generally become a more interesting person.

I really like the OP's example of how a man's time is equivalent to a women's pvssy. I really love that. I guess it's never really clicked in my head before quite that simply, but it's definitely true.


Don Juan
Oct 25, 2014
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Talking in cliches is nice, logically this is not true. Every human has emotions for anything to some extent. Acting like you don't have any emotions for women is a bald face lie. Looking at a hot woman you want to fvck is having emotions. Alphas spend time with women. Alphas do what they want not giving a sh1t. This guy cares too much about how he is acting instead of doing what he wants. Betas care way too much, alphas don't give a fvck.


Don Juan
Nov 19, 2014
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VikingKing said:
Well, thats not true. If you're spinning plates you're available. The way you said it, not being in a committed relationship is vagina poison but its not. Being in a committed relationship can give you the benefits of pre-selection, but thats it.
I disagree. I could be wrong but I have never seen an always available orbiter replace the guy who actually fvcks. Alphas are replaced by alphas.

The only way an orbiter can move up is by becoming unavailable and showing options. She has to come to you then. I've had this happen to me, but to be fair most women won't come back.

And I thoroughly disagree about the spinning plates=being available thing. I'm available when I decide to be available. Every couple messages I just ignore or write: Can't talk now. just to exert power. Works fine for me

EDIT: Oh, and I was talking about a commited relationship. Maybe it's a language thing. English is not my first language. But I think I've made my point.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2008
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Los Angeles
Leif_Johnson said:
Talking in cliches is nice, logically this is not true. Every human has emotions for anything to some extent. Acting like you don't have any emotions for women is a bald face lie. Looking at a hot woman you want to fvck is having emotions. Alphas spend time with women. Alphas do what they want not giving a sh1t. This guy cares too much about how he is acting instead of doing what he wants. Betas care way too much, alphas don't give a fvck.
So what's your point? Women are the only reason for us to get out of bed and be motivated? You're right, Alphas don't give a fvck, which is usually the reason the rest of their lives are a mess. AND, you're right, Betas care way too much which, again, is the reason the rest of their lives are a mess.

Both are extremes. I think the OP is referring to a lifestyle between those two extremes.

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
Great stuff. This is truly a "today's" woman problem. I believe that it will take a catastrophe to reset these spoiled brats to their former selves when survival meant finding the best male. They don't need to survive today.


Master Don Juan
Jul 31, 2012
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patrice oneal would say time is mens version of pssy, by giving women your time you are "giving them your pssy"


Mar 12, 2011
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RangerMIke said:
Women crave validation... commitment is the ultimate validation since a man is willing to surrender his entire self for the woman. You can be married to a women (the ultimate commitment) but if you fail to give her validation (affection, respect, romance) that HB8 you married will eventually morph into a fat b!tchy hag. Or if you are lucky.. she'll just divorce you and take half your stuff. You can give women what they want (validation) without commitment. The key is to understand that women love sex as much... if not more than men.
Only when they get a certain age. The younger ones don't love sex that much. They love "love".

Yes sex is the principle tool for women... unfortunately for them it's a tool they REALLY like to use. The key is to get her emotions engaged so that she is fvcking you to get validation. This is where patience comes in. The key to making this work is to pass her physical attraction test, put out the vibe that you want to fvck her, and not to freely surrender validation until she has earned it.
Who's got time and energy for all this bro? At a certain age just throw some compliments her way and money and she'll sleep with you.


Don Juan
Sep 6, 2010
Reaction score
I just started contemplating this idea: set relationship status on facebook to "in a relationship". Would that leverage your scarcity online? I know this is deception - I know relationship status is nobodies business. What are your guys thoughts?

Edit: found my answer.

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
Reaction score
Leif_Johnson said:
Talking in cliches is nice, logically this is not true. Every human has emotions for anything to some extent. Acting like you don't have any emotions for women is a bald face lie. Looking at a hot woman you want to fvck is having emotions. Alphas spend time with women. Alphas do what they want not giving a sh1t. This guy cares too much about how he is acting instead of doing what he wants. Betas care way too much, alphas don't give a fvck.
What you "want to do" and what is "best for you" may not be the same.

If you do whatever you want all the time you will shoot yourself in the foot. And NO.. alphas don't do whatever they want 24/7.. they do whatever benefits them 24/7. Eating healthy benefits you... while eating 20 chocolate chip cookies at once might be what you "want to do".

Your argument is basically "I feel this way.. therefore.. I should act on it". Very feminine mindset. Self control is alpha. Acting on all your emotions is for women and children (and betas).

Think deeper.