Why Me?


Don Juan
Sep 3, 2010
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DonJuan11 said:
Yes she can, but the boyfriend she's with lacks self confidence as well. No reasonable self respected guy who works hard for his money would PUT UP WITH a girl who talks back and is whiny. He would want a girl he can ENJOY AND SHARE his life with.

If you are not that hot yourself, then why would a hot girl date you in the first place? She won't date you because you have no experience and need some, she won't date you because you haven't had sex in a long time, she won't date you because she wants to listen to all your problems about how life unfair. She will date you because you IMPROVE her life and she FEELS GOOD when she is with you.
Man, I hate and despise double-standards with a huge, giant passion, **** that


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2007
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joe henny said:
You want a girlfriend? I thought this was a site of players smh
Most guys when starting out have a false image of women as these pure, precious little angels. They want nothing more than a woman to hold hands with, a woman to make happy, and walk into the sunset with (they want a gf).

As guys get more experience and come to find out that women are nothing more than treacherous walking vaginas, they forget what they once thought of women as being precious and pure.

This is why even when starting out you need to erase that mentality from your mind. You need to have the mentality of a player from the beginning rather than "wanting a gf." It only does you harm and keeps you from progressing to have a false image of women.


Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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Sticking Points?

Biggest one is that no matter what I do I never feel like I did good enough. I can’t stand being second best at anything. That’s probably why I get jealous. I can’t help but feel that there’s always somebody better looking, with more money, or can just flat out talk better than me just waiting in the wings to talk to whatever girl I’m talking to and make me look like a loser.

Terrible conversationalist. I have a hard time conveying that I’m having fun. Fluff talk is just painful to sit through, and I’d rather be doing something with her rather than stting there talking. I get bored with conversations fast.

I’m slow on the uptake when people aren’t straightforward with me. Flirting is lost on me, and I won’t realize that the girl was into me until it’s way too late. (Like a couple of weeks later) It’s **** like this that leads to the breakdowns like the opening post.

I don’t understand push/pull. It just seems so counterproductive, like you are never going to be on the same page. I probably overdo it some times. I try it but I don’t quite see how it could work.

I guess the things I’m into just aren’t interesting to women at all.

So the biggest one is that little voice in my head that’s always telling me I’m not good enough, and she’ll never see anything in you, so why bother? That’s the one. I want to shut my brain up once and for all and prove myself wrong.


Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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About the ten rejections thing, I didn't stop at ten rejections, thats just the name of the step in the bootcamp that I finished.

Getting turned down was very easy, getting numbers that they actually answer when you call is where i got killed at.

I never stopped trying


Master Don Juan
Jun 30, 2008
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Das said:
Victim-complex, classic girl behavior, oh wait, you are not a girl


Don Juan
Aug 25, 2010
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Das! You was asked to tell everything you have done to improve yourself in those last 5 years. You dont answer just continue the moaning.
We want to help you so stop this girlish crying and react to our posts.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 4, 2009
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Why not you? Just be grateful it's something you can fix and not something that you can't.


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2009
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I don't have any advice to the op. But your not the only one out there. I'm the same way and the more time passes the more I realize it's not gonna change (which sucks since I drank the pua kool-aid).


Don Juan
Aug 25, 2010
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DAS - Hey brother, there ain't no rules or justice in this game, so don't expect there to be. You're right that it can be terribly frustrating.

I've had some luck, but like everyone else here, got my ass kicked a few times too. You have to stop caring about women so much. This is going to sound really bad, but think of them as little more than toys for your amusement. You need to find your peace and happiness without them, then they will *** (huh huh).

I've learned that a woman needs to stand by your side or take an effing hike. Many women today hold this idea in their heads that they are intrinsically more valuable just because they are the woman. That is total bull5hit. You need to feel that you have value too... more value than her in fact.

Don't short change yourself brothe, and don't give up. I do agree with what Warrior said though, a step away from it all can be both refreshing and empowering.

May the snatch be with you...


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2007
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Das said:
"I put in the work"
"no dates, no numbers at any point"
"the girls act like their into me"
Something doesn't add up.


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2007
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You ever seen one of those movies? Where a fat, spoiled kid gets thrown into the gutter and is forced to live in the real world?

The kid always gave up and whined "why is the world so unfair to me"?
Tell me, when you saw that kid, what did you feel? Anger? Disgust?

Eventually, the kid would have a change in mindset.
With renewed energy, he would try something different, and push himself, and conquer his fears. At the end of the movie, he had achieved something.
Tell me, when you saw that kid, what did you feel? Pride, and Joy!

The first kid, that's you.
The second kid, that's what you must be.


Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
Reaction score
To everybody that’s tried to help so far, thank you.

I really wish I hadn’t opened this thread when I was drunk. I think it put me in a bad light, when I’m not like that all the time. I don’t usually whine, I usually soldier on without saying a word, but sometimes I do have to let it out and I happened to be at my computer when I broke this time.

What I want to know most is the how do I break the whole “want a girl, but can’t get a girl, because you want a girl cycle?” It just baffles me. I know it can be done, but how?

And don’t say read Pook, he talks in circles and I have never understood what he said. I’ve heard that one before.

Acualyy, I could say that about a lot of things I’ve read on the site, I know what is being said, but I don’t understand it, because I haven’t seen it work for me.

What exactly do you want to know about what I’ve done so far? Reports? Or what? I’ll start writing down my approaches and posting them for you.

This is asking a lot, but let’s try it like this, if you were me the first thing you would do is…..? Or what do you want to know?


Don Juan
Aug 25, 2010
Reaction score
Das said:
To everybody that’s tried to help so far, thank you.

I really wish I hadn’t opened this thread when I was drunk. I think it put me in a bad light, when I’m not like that all the time. I don’t usually whine, I usually soldier on without saying a word, but sometimes I do have to let it out and I happened to be at my computer when I broke this time.

What I want to know most is the how do I break the whole “want a girl, but can’t get a girl, because you want a girl cycle?” It just baffles me. I know it can be done, but how?

And don’t say read Pook, he talks in circles and I have never understood what he said. I’ve heard that one before.

Acualyy, I could say that about a lot of things I’ve read on the site, I know what is being said, but I don’t understand it, because I haven’t seen it work for me.

What exactly do you want to know about what I’ve done so far? Reports? Or what? I’ll start writing down my approaches and posting them for you.

This is asking a lot, but let’s try it like this, if you were me the first thing you would do is…..? Or what do you want to know?
DAS - You break the cycle by quitting the game, if only for a while. You take that energy and motivation and turn in on your new best friend and love - you.

I'm there right now, I've had enough of the bs for a while. Divorced... bpd nutter... whacko second relationship... same bull5hit, different girls. I'm not doing something right... For the first time in a long time, I'm not even looking. IF a hot 10 tried to pick me up right now (right) I'd prolly tell her to get stuffed. You break the cycle by taking yourself off the market.

Give yourself a time limit and set some goals during that time. Say 6 mos... whatever. Get to the point where you truly feel and are the guy a woman would be crazy to turn down.

You gotta get the desperation outta ya... they can sense it - I don't know how. You gotta get a eff-off attitude - not being a d1ck, but nothing gets to ya.

Be like wat-uh buttuh-fry...


Don Juan
Nov 5, 2008
Reaction score
Das said:
I know it can be done, but how?
Das, it's not how long you've been in this but what you put into it. There are plenty of guys who were in the same boat as you or worse, and now have a gorgeous girlfriend and/or dozens of lays.

If you go out 2+ nights a week and approach 10+ girls a night for a year, you'll get good at this. If you do the same thing during the day, you'll get good at this.

Being good with women is as simple as having a lot experience with women. Some people start piling it up when they're 12, others have to play catchup, but either way you get what you put in to it.

You can either realize that this is way fvcking harder than most people think, sack up, and do it anyway, or you can just decide it's not worth it.

Up to you.
Looking for a miracle fix or asking for advice isn't really going to help you much anymore. That's how you do it. The only question is whether you want it enough.


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
f283000 said:
Most guys when starting out have a false image of women as these pure, precious little angels. They want nothing more than a woman to hold hands with, a woman to make happy, and walk into the sunset with (they want a gf).

As guys get more experience and come to find out that women are nothing more than treacherous walking vaginas, they forget what they once thought of women as being precious and pure.

This is why even when starting out you need to erase that mentality from your mind. You need to have the mentality of a player from the beginning rather than "wanting a gf." It only does you harm and keeps you from progressing to have a false image of women.
f283000, I like your insights as usual. Playergamehater had some valid points, though he could've posted them all into a single post and not post 3 times. DonJuan11 made a very big one about hot girls which is painfully accurate. TheAsianLoverReturns shows he doesn't give up. And he knows that you have to be in it to win it.

Yours truly, Judge Nismo, has been rejected numerous times, has been kicked in the ass, has been cheated on, etc. And now to review your case.

Das said:
Why am I singled out to be single forever? I’ve been on the site forever, I put in the work. The site promised me that if I do what it said I’d see an improvement. 5 years of putting my head on the block later I have exactly no dates, no women nothing to show for it, no numbers at any point.

You read the stuff, put in the work, for 5 years? You should've had some kind of dates in that time. This site gives you powerful info, but it's all about if the woman is feeling you. Are you butt ugly? Are you dirt poor? Even if you said yes, show confidence and understand that you can reduce your rejection rate by using this info, but rejection is unavoidable. Some people fake it till they make it. Some guys are @$$holes. Find a strategy that works for you. Take some advide from here and mold it into your own M.O. and swag to get the chicks. If you sound rehearsed, that ain't gonna cut it.

What the ****? I thought this was the answer. It’s almost like God has set the universe up just to **** me. I try, I really do, but nothing always nothing. And I hate it. It’s always so promising, the girls act like their into me just enough that I believe THIS time I got it right, but no. Flake flake flake, I have a boyfriend, lets just be friends, whatever. And I come back to sosuave, and I get jealous because I see guys that try a whole lot less than me get better and I’m left with just jacking off.

Life ain't fair. Who the f**k said it was? You need to generate interest and continuously generate it! The guys that try a lot less than you, most of the time, have game, drugs, money, status, handsome looks, or a combo of any of these. But you gotta keep trying. If you do try, you'll have a better chance of getting a girl than you would sitting at home playing Zelda.

I believed in this site. I really did. I took the red pill, but what I got was ****. I and apparently only me, get all the dark **** that would just crush the soul, and no women to sooth it. Do any of you know how much this hurts?

Yes I do, but I stopped whining.

Others with far far less than me getting some and I get nothing! Where’s mine at? Am I that repulsive? Am I that bad? Average guys sometimes luck into *****, below average guys get some eventually, but I have to get up every day knowing I’m getting nothing.

I used to just rely on luck to get women. One time I got this sexy California girl against the odds that the day before both of my friends got girls in the movie theater and I got none. When I met this girl, I was dressed like a British Game Show Host. I asked if anyone knew her, nobody did, so I was on my own. I spoke fearlessly & mature, she favorably responded! We went to prom and I tapped her fine ass! Had I not tried, this wouldn't have happened. Rejection is better than regret.

I put in the time, and the effort. Where’s mine? Please tell me where is it? I don’t want to face another morning like this. No more weekends alone! Please! PLEASE!!!! Tell me what else can I do!!!???? I don’t know what else I CAN DO? What is there? Really?

No man is entitled to pu$$y. Ever. You gotta take it. Have you tried internet dating? Try POF. I've got a few dates set up from there. You could make a lot of money, get plastic surgery, build your muscles, and all this takes time. That's right, it's not an overnight thing.

I’ve even broke down and prayed. God please PLEASE help me! I just don’t get it and I don’t think I ever will.

Once again, this is not an overnight thing. It's like losing weight with diet and exercise alone. There is no magic bullet. Stop looking for one.

I tried the bootcamp. I get stuck at get 10 rejections. I got them on the first 10 tries. WTF???

WTF??? Keep on truckin'! You should record your interactons and then you can ask what went wrong here. Those are cases I love reviewing. But don't stop or you will eventually be rejected by your hands.

I just suck theres no hope for me

I’m jealous of all the BPD discussions I see here. I wish I had a BPD girlfriend. I wish I had a girl to cheat on me. Do you know how sick this is? I wish I had a relationship that sucked, at least then I’d have a relationship!

Try going clubbing with your mom or your sister or your lady cousins! I've seen some guys actually do this out here and other women start checking them out, the same kinds of women who wouldn't give them the time of day! Sometimes when you go out, a girl might talk to you if you're having fun or look interesting. It's a stroke of luck, but it can work.

Guys I’m begging you, what else can I do? PLEASE!

Get your ass in the field in the real world and on the internet, stop quitting, up your status, keep trying, stop whining, keep trying, make money, stop quitting, get hobbies, stop quitting, stop moping around, keep trying, grow some balls, take the initiative, keep trying, stop showing desperation, stop quitting, show that you're in charge (the boss), keep trying, pimp your ride, stop quitting, etc.
Read bet- Just read the red, get out the bed, go get some head.

I'm disappointed in you. You chose to reside in Loser, South Dakota. Then you frequently visit Nopoonani, Tennessee and Fort Blueballs, Indiana. And you're accepting defeat. SMH.

You are guilty of Patronizing Defeat and Whining About Your Failure. You are paying the fine of wasted time, watching the girls you want get taken, letting love pass you by, nights alone, no dates, and wearing out your hand. The court will also order you to do 100 hours of field time and report your results.

Case closed. Post about how you improved or are improving.
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2006
Reaction score
I used to have your attitude towards the whole game thing. As Orwell says ' some animals are more equal than others', and for folks more like us, we have to work harder and smarter to get better with talking to women. The key thing is you can't quit no matter how many rejections you endure. Honestly dude, I have lost count long ago how many rejections I have sustained...heck I lose count most nights. While my friends liken me to the douchebags from the jersey shore with how I handle the ladies today, I still liken my experience to frustration, patience, and a lot of learning. It took years to get good at this sh!t. Years of smart learning, smart changes, and hard work in the gym to see progressive change.

You probably will have to follow a similar path if you want real results. And its not just getting ladies, its about being the best you possible..be it at work, dealing with other people, or at sports.

The site promised me that if I do what it said I’d see an improvement. 5 years of putting my head on the block later I have exactly no dates, no women nothing to show for it, no numbers at any point.

Typical American attitude. Nothing is guaranteed in life. At a moments notice, it can all be taken away by injury or other happenstance. Nobody owes you anything, you owe yourself. Sure, you might have put in the time, but you seem like the person who wants something to happen to them rather than going out and getting it.

now go pimp it!


Don Juan
Jun 30, 2010
Reaction score
Look at Bill Gates, he has only been with one woman his entire life, his Wife, and look how rich he is? He even said this Quote "Life is Not Fair, GET OVER IT!!!"