Why it’s cheaper to pay a lady of the night, rather than waste your time and money trying to “pick up” women in bars and nightclubs.


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
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Nashville, TN
I don't see the issue. It's not really for me, but there's nothing wrong with it

'Working on yourself' and reading 'game' books isn't going to drastically change the hotness of the girls you can get much, if at all. You can't negotiate attraction. The very best PUA's with the best game there is still get rejected a huge percentage of the time. It's a grind.

If someone has a strong desire for a super super hot 18 year old girls and they can afford it and obviously don't want to approach 1000 girls before they find one who likes him back, I have nothing against someone just using Russian escorts and sugar babes or whatever.

Again, not really for me although i've done it once.
Who said they have to approach 1000 girls? Y’all are obviously cherry picking by using the most extreme dating methods.


Master Don Juan
Aug 31, 2018
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Who said they have to approach 1000 girls? Y’all are obviously cherry picking by using the most extreme dating methods.
I'm not even sure what you guys are arguing about, tbh.
I agree with some of sanghelios's posts in this thread as well as one of yours.
but 1000 approaches probably isn't a bad guess. In my head i'm thinking a guy who has low SMV and he wants to bang very very hot young girls.
His odds are still gonna be super super low if he's cold approaching or swiping or whatever. 1 in a 1000 is a decent bet.
Goodlookingloser used to use a similar metric based on your sexual market value and the girl you are going for, and his numbers weren't far off


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
Reaction score
Nashville, TN
I'm not even sure what you guys are arguing about, tbh.
I agree with some of sanghelios's posts in this thread as well as one of yours.
but 1000 approaches probably isn't a bad guess. In my head i'm thinking a guy who has low SMV and he wants to bang very very hot young girls.
His odds are still gonna be super super low if he's cold approaching or swiping or whatever. 1 in a 1000 is a decent bet.
Goodlookingloser used to use a similar metric based on your sexual market value and the girl you are going for, and his numbers weren't far off
They stated previously that men that but sex aren’t monstrosities per se so low smv isn’t the issue here. It’s laziness and a toxic victim complex fed by self entitlement.


Master Don Juan
Aug 31, 2018
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If y’all have the time and money to invest in all of these expensive escorts then y’all have the time and money to invest in bettering yourself. Idk how much they are, but $500 can get you 2-3 months at least at a nice gym with decent equipment and programs or a PT. $500 can get you some relatively nice clothes or a shoes. If you can’t take a year off pvssy to get your shvt together for the better then you are a weak man period.
i'm assuming the guy already has a gym membership and a pair of nice shoes etc like basically every guy out there. He still can't bang the girls he wants though. So he uses hookers instead


Mar 6, 2017
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You think hiring an escort is disgusting? That´s funny bro. Many hot girls moonlight as escorts. Odds are you have already probably pulled/banged a few of them. You just didnt know and she didnt charge you.


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
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Nashville, TN
i'm assuming the guy already has a gym membership and a pair of nice shoes etc like basically every guy out there. He still can't bang the girls he wants though. So he uses hookers instead
good for him. I am dropping out of this because it seems like the goal post gets moved every post. Y’all can be consumed by black pill.

You think hiring an escort is disgusting? That´s funny bro. Many hot girls moonlight as escorts. Odds are you have already probably pulled/banged a few of them. You just didnt know and she didnt charge you.
No, I think consistently wasting your resources on a biological sex doll because of a dumb victim mindset ideology is disgusting. A guy bragging about fvcking prostitutes is no different than some sloot boasting about her high lay count.

Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
Reaction score
You think hiring an escort is disgusting? That´s funny bro. Many hot girls moonlight as escorts. Odds are you have already probably pulled/banged a few of them. You just didnt know and she didnt charge you.
We agree on many things, but not this one.

The logic you espouse plays out as follows:

1. banging escorts is ok
2. Others say no it isn’t
3. But she’s HOT!
4. She’s a who-er
5. Well you might be able to get hot chicks without paying, but she’s a who-er too because all hot chicks are prostitutes, so I probably banged her too.
6. See? You’re just like me!



Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
No, I think consistently wasting your resources on a biological sex doll because of a dumb victim mindset ideology is disgusting. A guy bragging about fvcking prostitutes is no different than some sloot boasting about her high lay count.
It's interesting nobody is really using this like as a last-resort, including the OP. (ie you do 1000 approaches, and you'll will guarantee yourself a lay if you can't find someone who likes you, and that's like a last resort strategy). Instead, they don't even want to do 100, or even 10 approaches, or even 1, just jump to an escort. But I don't think anyone is really going to fail to find someone with 1000 approaches though.


Master Don Juan
Aug 31, 2018
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How many years ago? How much did it cost? Did you actually have sex with her? How did you did your system feel the next day if you did?
About 6 years ago in Amsterdam on a stag do. She was beautiful! 18. Just a knockout. You don't pull them types of girls no matter how much 'game' you have without approaching a TONNE of such girls first and finding a unicorn, or just being a handsome mofo

I think it cost 150 Euros ish? Yes, full sex.

It's not really my thing, although I did enjoy it. Never done it before or since. One of the guys I was with literally banged about 5 hookers in 2 nights lol. He was loving it! He was just picking these barely legal, stunning girls and having the time of his life since he's never banged hot girls before unlike me, so he was jut filling his boots lol. My system? Not sure what you mean, but I felt fine


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2018
Reaction score
About 6 years ago in Amsterdam on a stag do. She was beautiful! 18. Just a knockout. You don't pull them types of girls no matter how much 'game' you have without approaching a TONNE of such girls first and finding a unicorn, or just being a handsome mofo

I think it cost 150 Euros ish? Yes, full sex.

It's not really my thing, although I did enjoy it. Never done it before or since. One of the guys I was with literally banged about 5 hookers in 2 nights lol. He was loving it! He was just picking these barely legal, stunning girls and having the time of his life since he's never banged hot girls before unlike me, so he was jut filling his boots lol. My system? Not sure what you mean, but I felt fine
In Amsterdam, are these legal prostitutes mostly immigrant types, like eastern European women and Asian women, or are they also native/western European?


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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I specifically stated that many men are in a set of circumstances that limits their ability to meet women. How is that a victim mindset or laziness? Are you telling me Mike the plumber, who works 5 days per week making good money in his trade job, is ****ing lazy or has a victim mindset because he says he struggles in the dating market? Mike could even go to the gym or play pick up games a couple days per week, eats reasonably well and actually has a couple buddies he hangs out with on the weekends. Mike likes fishing, playing cards, maybe goes ATVing, etc. Mike could go hit up the nightlife, but he isn't a big fan and doesn't really have the time or energy for that, staying up late would kill his productivity at work. Mike could use tinder but that sucks and has a very low success rate for men.

Most men that are single and not having the success they want in the dating market don't have a victim mindset and aren't lazy. To repeat myself yet again, most men are in a set of circumstances that makes meeting single and available women difficult, an issue that will also progressively worsen as the years go by.
All accurate. Thank you for saying this. Many normie tier men are facing these sets of circumstances.


Master Don Juan
Aug 31, 2018
Reaction score
In Amsterdam, are these legal prostitutes mostly immigrant types, like eastern European women and Asian women, or are they also native/western European?
Seemed to be mostly young Eastern European girls who were actually whoring, looking all seductive behind the see-through doors at the red light district.

The African girls (not my thing at all) all seemed to be working in the bars as 'eye candy', doing lap dances and offering extras etc


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2018
Reaction score
I saw mainly Eastern Euro, African, and southeast Asian women there
Seemed to be mostly young Eastern European girls who were actually whoring, looking all seductive behind the see-through doors at the red light district.

The African girls (not my thing at all) all seemed to be working in the bars as 'eye candy', doing lap dances and offering extras etc
See, I totally spotted that and you guys confirmed it. Basically, immigrant types who moved to western Europe for a better future and in desperation they went to prostitution lol. I'd be curious to see if they go into prostitution for similar reasons as here in the U.S. Most prostitutes, including the higher tier escorts, have a drug issue and they use this line of work to fund this problem.

@characternote I also agree with you about the African women, they aren't my thing. They seem to be popular with the Euro crowd for some particular reason, same idea with Asian women due to it being exotic I guess.


Master Don Juan
Aug 31, 2018
Reaction score
@characternote I also agree with you about the African women, they aren't my thing. They seem to be popular with the Euro crowd for some particular reason, same idea with Asian women due to it being exotic I guess.
yep, i'm not into African OR Asian girls, tbh

On reddit I used to speak to so many guys who waxed lyrical about their amazing game and were trying to make everyone jealous with their lay counts and stories, but some digging through their posts showed me that they were basically just sex tourists who left the US and went to live in Thailand or something where it's a million times easier as a white American! But they said 'just learn game like me, bro!' lol. (in fact, we had a few self proclaimed game experts here who done exactly the same thing, but I won't name them lol)

So yeah, they can keep them girls

I'm very much into the Eastern European look, though. Those amazing eyes, slim bodies, perfect facial features etc. So many of them look amazing. We actually still have a tonne of these girls here in teh UK who you can bang for about £80!! Cheap! It's just not my thing but I can totally see why people do it, and I don't judge

When it comes to getting laid, it's never game. Everyone is leveraging something. Usually it's good looks or money (and if it's money, then I DEFINITELY don't see the issue with using hookers since it's the same thing in my book lol. She's not attracted to you...she's attracted to the money)


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
Reaction score
Nashville, TN
See, I totally spotted that and you guys confirmed it. Basically, immigrant types who moved to western Europe for a better future and in desperation they went to prostitution lol. I'd be curious to see if they go into prostitution for similar reasons as here in the U.S. Most prostitutes, including the higher tier escorts, have a drug issue and they use this line of work to fund this problem.
depends on country….Generally, the US is pickier about Asian and African immigrants than Latin America. I can’t give you a clear answer for Eastern Europe


Mar 6, 2017
Reaction score
We agree on many things, but not this one.

The logic you espouse plays out as follows:

1. banging escorts is ok
2. Others say no it isn’t
3. But she’s HOT!
4. She’s a who-er
5. Well you might be able to get hot chicks without paying, but she’s a who-er too because all hot chicks are prostitutes, so I probably banged her too.
6. See? You’re just like me!

I never said "All" hot chicks. I rarely deal in absolutes. I did not even say "Most" hot chicks or "More than half" of the hot chicks. I said "many" on which Im open to be proven wrong, but "many" is a somewhat relative term in this case since I didnt specify relative to what. And Im not hiring any "pros" atm, In case you are assuming I am.

If you are telling me this stuff doesnt happen (banging escorts without the guy knowing they are escorts) then yes, we disagree. I have a cousin, couple months older than me. He´s in shape and he´s a natural. He pulled left and right before he got married, he owned nightclubs, the works. He told me a story about a chick he banged. During post bang pillow talk he notices some stuff (cant remember the specifics, this was many years ago). He straight up ask her if she an escort and she accepts without a blink.

Not to mention, some pros are in LTRs and the boyfriend is completely unaware of her real job. Some pros even admit to their boyfriend that they are working on massage parlors but tell them that they only work "behind the counter" (Managing cash n stuff) and the boyfriend believes it, or so he says.

But if you are telling me Im using this knowledge as some sort of logic to say its ok to bang escorts, that´s wasnt my intent. I just found it funny for a poster to said "its disgusting", that´s all.
Last edited:


Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
About 6 years ago in Amsterdam on a stag do. She was beautiful! 18. Just a knockout. You don't pull them types of girls no matter how much 'game' you have without approaching a TONNE of such girls first and finding a unicorn, or just being a handsome mofo

I think it cost 150 Euros ish? Yes, full sex.

It's not really my thing, although I did enjoy it. Never done it before or since. One of the guys I was with literally banged about 5 hookers in 2 nights lol. He was loving it! He was just picking these barely legal, stunning girls and having the time of his life since he's never banged hot girls before unlike me, so he was jut filling his boots lol. My system? Not sure what you mean, but I felt fine
Interesting. How do these stag dos work? Were there guys in a line-up for the bedroom? Do you remember her working name?

The most important part of your experience is that you felt fine afterwards. Obviously, if you caught an STD, or panic-attack, or just felt different, like perturbed and quiet, then that would undermine the experience. As other posters have pointed out, my own reaction is out of character with how most people react after visiting an escort. It's like my mind flipped what was a great experience and turned it into a erotic horror flick. The memories of the escort played out, but her face looked more devilish/demonic. I would wake up in the middle of the night, open my window of the car in a dream and her face would pop up and ask me if "I want to have a good time" and I would yell out. Just something was haunting about it. I would get flashbacks of her sucking me off at odd times during the day when they were not welcome, etc...


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
Reaction score
Nashville, TN
Interesting. How do these stag dos work? Were there guys in a line-up for the bedroom? Do you remember her working name?

The most important part of your experience is that you felt fine afterwards. Obviously, if you caught an STD, or panic-attack, or just felt different, like perturbed and quiet, then that would undermine the experience. As other posters have pointed out, my own reaction is out of character with how most people react after visiting an escort. It's like my mind flipped what was a great experience and turned it into a erotic horror flick. The memories of the escort played out, but her face looked more devilish/demonic. I would wake up in the middle of the night, open my window of the car in a dream and her face would pop up and ask me if "I want to have a good time" and I would yell out. Just something was haunting about it. I would get flashbacks of her sucking me off at odd times during the day when they were not welcome, etc...
Just go to the red light district and they will be displayed in windows. I went in 2017 so things could be different.