Why is no one here talking about the Ohio Rape Case?


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
I generally don't like to comment on **** like this until I've actually heard it in court.

though I will say, and i know I'm in the minority; this is exhibit A why I never liked to **** drunk women. if a girl had more than a buzz i'd never pressure sex or make a move on her

and if you are black, in particular if you live in the south and you are going around ****ing drunk white women, in particular underage drunk white women who have daddies lol who they don't want to know they are ****ing black guys, you really need to have your head examined.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
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Not sure I follow. Based on these links, there are videos and photos that seem pretty damning. They don't prove the event in question took place but they appear to be a gift to the prosecution. Was this alleged victim examined by a doctor?


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
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Danger said:
I ignored it because Slickster and Backbreaker tell me that this sort of thing isn't a problem for black guys.
They're black footballers with alpha & swag radiating from their backsides right? Get outta here, this cannot happen to them.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 3, 2013
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that's what you get from the feminist-controlled media. cnn is an especially garbage news source. most of their sh!t isn't even news, just nonsense about cats stuck in trees or who some celebrity slvt is marrying


Don Juan
Sep 14, 2005
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Are you guys kidding me?! That girl was 15! There's no excuse for treating her that way. I agree she had no reason to be in that situation, but that does not excuse the behavior of those boys dragging her around after she was passed out and passing her off to be sexually abused that way. At least one of those boys was a grown a$$ adult!! (college student).

It would have been taken care of much more professionally and with justice being served, but one of the boys' mother was the prosecutor...
It was so bad that the State of Ohio is investigating the entire county (from what I've heard).


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
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wunnaBsmooth said:
Are you guys kidding me?! That girl was 15! There's no excuse for treating her that way. I agree she had no reason to be in that situation, but that does not excuse the behavior of those boys dragging her around after she was passed out and passing her off to be sexually abused that way. At least one of those boys was a grown a$$ adult!! (college student).

It would have been taken care of much more professionally and with justice being served, but one of the boys' mother was the prosecutor...
It was so bad that the State of Ohio is investigating the entire county (from what I've heard).

Well that's what talking about it means. It doesn't mean defending it or joining in on the dog pile, it means looking at it critically.

I personally find it interesting that Anonymous which was born of 4chan which is known of all sorts of less than stellar behavior was the ones to go after these guys online.

Also, my father told me to never have sex with a drunk girl, let her wake up the next morning and make up her own mind.

And as a father I have to wonder did anyone not tell this girl that hanging out with drunk dudes can lead to bad situations? It seems it was a total lapse of parenting all around in my opinion.

I look at the whole thing as a cautionary tale.


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2011
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the uproar is by ugly feminists who are too gross to be rapable anyways

You act like trash you get pissed on

Boys were stupid to take advantage and now they will pay the price

But the reality is drunk attention hoes get railed every weekend by football/basketball players...and they always will...back in robin hood days biyaches got railed in the mead halls :crackup:

this fact won't change no matter what uglier women who football players DONT SLEEP WITH feel about it :cheer:

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
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Cobra Kai dojo
wunnaBsmooth said:
Are you guys kidding me?! That girl was 15! There's no excuse for treating her that way. I agree she had no reason to be in that situation, but that does not excuse the behavior of those boys dragging her around after she was passed out and passing her off to be sexually abused that way. At least one of those boys was a grown a$$ adult!! (college student).

It would have been taken care of much more professionally and with justice being served, but one of the boys' mother was the prosecutor...
It was so bad that the State of Ohio is investigating the entire county (from what I've heard).
So sh!tty parenting, glorification of hordom, gurrrls gone wild and everyone pays.

At least one of those boys was a grown a$$ adult!!
When you look like a woman and put yourself in adult situations (ie: to be fvcked) don't be surprised when someone actually does. In other words if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck then some people will think it's a duck.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 3, 2013
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wunnaBsmooth said:
Are you guys kidding me?! That girl was 15! There's no excuse for treating her that way. I agree she had no reason to be in that situation, but that does not excuse the behavior of those boys dragging her around after she was passed out and passing her off to be sexually abused that way. At least one of those boys was a grown a$$ adult!! (college student).

It would have been taken care of much more professionally and with justice being served, but one of the boys' mother was the prosecutor...
It was so bad that the State of Ohio is investigating the entire county (from what I've heard).
she was 16, one of the boys was 17, and the other young man 18. i bet that's within ohio's sexual age of consent laws. by the way, you shouldn't be convicting them prematurely. They deserve a fair trial, not a trial be retarded feminist media.

and lastly, if they did sexual things without her consent, she's just as much to blame


Senior Don Juan
Mar 3, 2013
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Warrior74 said:
And as a father I have to wonder did anyone not tell this girl that hanging out with drunk dudes can lead to bad situations? It seems it was a total lapse of parenting all around in my opinion.

people make their own choices in life-and she made hers. there's only so much parenting can do especially as children become adults-like her

and besides, what she did is just a classic case of high school hypergamy


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
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visions said:
and lastly, if they did sexual things without her consent, she's just as much to blame
Each should be blamed for his or her own actions - whatever they were. I suppose we'll find out if and when the facts come to light.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2005
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Auckland, New Zealand
Sigh ..... where to start from,

You know this sort of thing has been happening since MEN have been held up as HEROES and CHAMPIONS ?

Think about it, if you have yourself a man who has superstar qualities then he can do no evil. This isn't rocket science, seen this happen so many times its' not funny. Trust me on this that they will only get a slap on the wrist and told not to do it again, this is the power that social status fame and wealth (current or a future promise) has.

Flip the script change the skin color of the guys and make them just a average bunch of guys that banged an average looking under age girl and all hell will break loose. It's simple if you have decent social status fame and wealth, you can get away with murder, IF you don't ..... the book will get thrown at you.

Having been in a similar situation and getting involved with drunken behavior and fornication while on a over seas sporting trip from high school. We gang banged a girl she was 17 we were 17-19. The girl threatened police action but behind closed doors she settled for the "video" we made to be destroyed and 10 thousand dollars compensation. In the video it did not appear that we forced ourselves onto her but she clearly wanted to be videoed getting railed by 3 guys. The only punishment we got was after school detention for 6 months.

So meh nothing new here :)
Sep 10, 2012
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I watched the video in the second link. Anyone else find it odd that the judge on trail for this case won't call in the girl's two friend's who can provide testimony in defense of the footballers, based on them being across state lines?

The judge's reasoning "It's a juvenile case.." doesn't hold water.

I also think the two boys are screwed. I'm in the south and a family friend of mine, who was in high school (around 15 or 16 at the time), apparently ran a train on some drunk white chick with several other of his "friends". I quotation friends because my boy got his picture taken in the middle of the act, yet only his face and the girl's face was included in the pictures. Shortly after that the pictures were anonymously sent to the authorities.

He and his family live in a high end suburb residence and he went to a private school so he was immediately expelled. I believe his baseball scholarship was taken away too and rape charges were pressed against him by the girl's parents and he served two and a half years in juvenile. Even if the boys aren't found guilty, their chances of being accepted into a major university and/or football scholarship is over.

Unless you work in the porn industry, a gangbang is not worth it.


Don Juan
Mar 8, 2013
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''Why is no one here talking about the Ohio Rape Case?''

I'll just answer to this...Why? because no one cares really, this kinda stuff happening all the time all over the world and most people only care about what's going on in there own lives..