Why is it so hard to keep a women intrerested in you


Don Juan
Dec 18, 2009
Reaction score
Guys it just seems like women love you when they 1st meet you.But after a few weeks they start ignoring your calls and you talk to them less and less.How can you keep a women you just started talking to you very intrested and stays interested.

Also this crap is depressing the hell out of me


Don Juan
Jul 3, 2007
Reaction score
-Dont be around the chick so much, that means
(dont call alot, dont text too much, and act like you have a life)

i get bored of chicks real fast so even if they get tired of me in a few weeks i dont care bcuz i probably already been tired of her and moved on to other chicks....XD

-just be funny and seem fun to be around,,then the chick is going to wanna hang out with you somewhere....



Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
This is why half of marriages end up in divorces.

Don't be around the girl so much and stop badgering. Don't catch feelings for her.

Case closed.


Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2008
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South Dakota
They meet a stranger and "imagine"him to be perfect,then start seeing the flaws and bail-why you usually can't be friends with a woman and then hook up with her.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
At the beginning stages of a relationship, there really is alot of power struggles going on. It sounds like from what I hear they lose interest because you are calling them all the time. If you meet a girl that you really like, in a couple of weeks you should have maybe had 2 phone conversations and hung out with them 2 or 3 times max. Anything more than this and you're coming on too strong.

If you hold a tight frame, the will start calling you and asking you to hang out, then you have the confidence to attract them even more.

Check this:

You meet a girl, your like her, she likes to you. you get her number.

Scenario 1: You guys go out, have fun, you call her to say you had fun, you call her to wish her a good night, whatever, and then one time you call and she doesn't call you back. Now your panic, you wonder, o-sh1t, what happened. You like her more but don't know why (cause you don't have the power) Now you are thinking about her 24/7 The next time you call you sound more nervous, more edge, more needy cause it's been on your brain, There is nothing that is fun and interesting about you.. this is a downward spiral which is very hard to reverse once they start losing interest and yours keeps rising..

Scenario 2: You guys go out, have fun. Then you chill. You chill for like a week and don't call her, if she calls you great, now when you talk to her, you are your normal self and even a little more confident because this chick likes you or she wouldn't call. You wait a week to ask her out, but maybe she asks you out instead, now you have even more fun cause you really know she likes you. The trick to this is to not let yourself get out of your frame till they are begging for whatever you desire, sex, relationship, I love you, marriage, whatever..

Bottom line is once attraction is sparked, if you try and push it too quick, it will burn out. If you take your time, it will continue to grow as long as you stay interesting. Remember Fellas, it's always easier if she thinks she likes you more than you like her.

Hot Ice Casanova

Don Juan
Jan 4, 2009
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Great tips guys. I agree completely.

The way I seduce chicks, I don't pester them every hour with needy phone calls. I pretend there are other chicks in the pipeline (and usually THERE ARE!) so I make each call fun and if the girl's having fun talking, which she usually IS, I casually suggest a meetup and try to figure out what she's got going on that week. You have much better game when you act like the Prize and as if you have other chicks and this one's not that important.

In a nutshell, you don't HAVE to wait a week, that's just silly IMO. Heck, call her the same night if the attraction and rapport were hot! But don't feel any attachment for the woman. She's an unknown quantity, and you could get ANY WOMAN's number just as easily. The number is meaningless, it doesn't mean she like you, and MORE IMPORTANTLY, it doesn't mean SHE deserves your affection, let alone your horny kock.

You're a man, she's a woman, there are lots of other women. That's all it takes. Don't complicate it any more than that. Just be having fun and she won't have any incentive to run away from you. Women want to be where the fun is - NOT where the desperate and the fun-deprived are.


May 22, 2004
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In Uranus
Guys it just seems like women love you when they 1st meet you.But after a few weeks they start ignoring your calls and you talk to them less and less.
It takes "a few weeks" to get to know somebody. If they're bailing after just a few weeks, they don't like what they've found.
How can you keep a women you just started talking to you very intrested and stays interested.
BE interesting.


Don Juan
Nov 26, 2009
Reaction score
New York City
This has annoyed me as well. From my experience when this has happened to me it's because I've been calling too often. In the beginning of a relationship you shouldn't try too hard and fall for her too quickly.

I recall hearing somewhere that men fall for a woman after about 3 dates. Women on the other hand take at least two or three times as long.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 30, 2009
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Frank_Tartaglia said:
This has annoyed me as well. From my experience when this has happened to me it's because I've been calling too often. In the beginning of a relationship you shouldn't try too hard and fall for her too quickly.

I recall hearing somewhere that men fall for a woman after about 3 dates. Women on the other hand take at least two or three times as long.
The problem with those men is that "falling" == "she makes me complete and proves I'm a better man". Women detect this and run away...it's built in protection.

She wants to feel complete and damned lucky to have the guy she has, not vice versa. The reverse will always shut her down.

This is absolute truth about how women see and feel things. "Nice guys" don't understand this, "jerks" figure part of it out but eventually fail testing and lose her in the end. DJs take the best of both (James Friggin Bond) and keep this central fact in their minds until it becomes habit.

A woman falls in love in about 6-8 weeks if the guy isn't causing her to feel a bunch of red flags popping up. Another truth is that a woman does not fall in love when she's in the presence of a guy, it only happens when she's away daydreaming about being with him. "Distance makes the heart grow fonder" is complete concrete fact...she's not falling in love when she's with you, she's just enjoying you. Anticipation (fantasy, daydreams) about future events with you makes the love happen (staring out the window, when will he call, does he really like me, will he like this dress I picked, etc...) in a girl. Calling/seeing regularly/scheduled completely hoses this process.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
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Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
Bottom line is options... Men usually have less options and hence less power cause they find it harder to walk away and go searching again.. where as women can just walk down the street and have 20 men ask for their number..lol They dont feel like they need you. cause there are 20 guys in line..

Try and get 10 new numbers a week and work them for a lay.. over time you will get 3 or 4 steady lays on your team, which makes your confidence very strong... women love men who have other women. They can smell it when you are a player and they love it..

BUt there will be ups and down in the game . On minute you will have 4 hos and then you will have 0.. also you will will realize that women will pester you once you have high confidence and many options. MOst ho have the same "ho clock" as i call it .. meaning that they will all ignore you at the same time and all contact you at the same time and that will make things very hard to manage.

NOTE: no mater how perfectly you play the game women will still desire other mates.. so your goal becomes to keep her supplying you with PU$$Y regardless of who else she is Fing..