Why does SW101 hate us?

Dapper Don

Don Juan
Apr 1, 2004
Reaction score
North Carolina
I don't get it. Double Diamonds suggested that we visit the seducingwomen site. I go over, take a look, and find that it seems all they do is flame sosuave and the DJs.

Why do they hate us? Apparently, from almost every thread I read on their forums, they have some sort of one-sided feud going on. I never hear anything about them over here, but over there its one big SS flamefest.

Did I miss something?


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2003
Reaction score
because we hate them


Senior Don Juan
Aug 30, 2003
Reaction score
You checked that site out too. I checked it last night, basically from what I read, some dyke(not that they aren't cool) types up all the articles, they seem to foucus all their energy on flamming this site, rather than banging chicks, dudes, or what ever they are into, and that site seems to talk about confiendece like it something new to the world.

But they do have something in common with Sosuave, they both hate Ross Jeffieres.:D

AFK Protector

Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2004
Reaction score
United States of America
I looked through that site:

www.seducingwomen101.com (for best friends nay)

It's written by this chick. First of all, she has this thing called "DON'TS FOR GUYS" and I wasted my time reading through that bull****. It's basically inconsistent and she's basing it on her own preferences. Some stuff is good, buy its too in consistent. Don't waste your time there. Stick with this one. They flame sosuave for no reason. They think we're "boys." But eh, go check and see for yourself. I think guys would know more about picking up chicks than a girl would (no offense ladies).


Don Juan
Oct 21, 2003
Reaction score
Personally, a site that acts more mature is the one that deserves the most respect. I don't see this site flaming others, even though we disagree with most of their ways. This is one of the reasons why I go here and not to another site, because it has enough respect for itself not to waste time flaming others. Another reason for me going here is that the advices given here usually make sense logically, and I can see the reasons behind them. Advices given on the other sites usually just say "do it this way and don't try to understand it using logic because women are illogical creatures".

Matt Man

Don Juan
Apr 30, 2004
Reaction score
cause there site sucks thats why, what they only got 55 threads on sex and how much we got, 300 something?

This site just works

:eek::rolleyes: :eek:


Don Juan
Jan 3, 2004
Reaction score
I did find that site somewhat helpful. But the whole bashing thing is kinda crappy because this site (so suave) has a lot of good things to offer. They just don't agree with our methods and theories but I did pick up some valuable things while at SW101.

1) Women aren't stupid.
This is true, women as a whole aren't stupid. Women can tell if what you're doing is real or fake. Reason being, if your faking your whole game them somewhere down the road the true you will show. Its bound to happen.

2) Don't fake confidence
I've seen some articles on this site that say how to fake confidence even if you don't have it. If you don't have natural confidence then you can't fool yourself into having it. You have to do some soul seeking and find out what it is thats making you insecure. A while back it was my weight. I lost the weight and my self-esteem went up which in turn helped my confidence. Take some risks and as you take those risks your confidence will go up after you overcome challenges and obstacles. But don't try and fool yourself into thinking your confident when your not.

3) If a woman is attracted to you, you're good to go.
When a woman first meets you and looks you over. She starts analyzing you and all that jazz. If she's interested in your and sees the potential of having you as more than a friend, you're set. Think about it, did our fathers and such have the DJ center or SS when they were growing up? No, they didn't. What did they do? They just led their lives and treated their girls right. Thats all you need, you don't need to use techniques and such. You just go about your business showing your girl a good time and possessed qualities that the women they ended up with were looking for. If that interest is lost then theres a quality about you that didn't match what she is looking for. We don't look for techniques and such in other people. We look for qualities, values, and characteristics which make them a person that we would like to be with. Its simple but so true.

Think about that guy you know, that likes star trek, video games, and most people would call a loser (not that he is one, so don't flame me for this.. just giving an example.) He ends up with a girl. Does he use DJ techniques? Most likely not. But why does he get a girl? Maybe he has some kind of ambition. Maybe he has a sense of self. Maybe he makes her laugh. Whatever! Something about him attracts that girl, and even if he didnt use any dj techniques something about his character will eventually get him that girl. Lesson is, that when you get past all techniques and methods its your true self that will get the girl. Its the true you that will be happy with yourself and that will translate into success in dating and in life.

As a whole, the SW101 site is a good read for a few minutes. But you should take the advice from any site or person as a grain of salt. If you follow everything by the book and don't do things that your gut tells you then as a whole you're being fake. You're being someone you arent. You have to take the advice and adapt it into your life and help it make you a better person and become better at what you do. For a second I was questioning the validity of sosuave after reading SW101. But after careful examination, this site has helped me. Because of this site I was able to get over a relationship that ended badly. I was able to change my outlook on women and the whole way I go about dealing with women. I even got a girl to ask ME out. (kinda messed up on that one but I must have done sumthin right in the beginning to get her interested and keep her interested up to a certain point.) This site is great, but you have to make your own conclusion of what advice to take and what not to take. Look at what is presented to you, ask yourself if it makes sense and if its what you would do. If its advice you feel like following go for it. If you feel it isn't for you then pass. You just have to stay true to yourself.


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2003
Reaction score
You just have to stay true to yourself, but who is yourself


Don Juan
Jan 3, 2004
Reaction score
Yes stay true to yourself. We all have values and things inside of us that at one point or another you stick to and live by. By stay true to yourself I mean don't become somebody because somebody advizes you to or because it seems cool. You better yourself and become the person that you wanna be. And if you are already at that state then see where else you can improve. Everybody has some kind of characteristics that make them THEM. Me personally, im a person that likes to be genuine and I hate it when people act a certain way just to please people. Thats not being yourself. Being yourself is acting in a way that is natural and not just something you do to be accepted or to fit into a mold. That my friends, I think is what staying true to yourself means.


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2003
Reaction score
Well i flicked through it and some of it was jsut rants, most was inconsistant and plain contradictory. No women know what they want, but she does. Lol, its intersting and gives you another technique. They have got the wrong end of the stick and think all we are about is about being fake.