Why do you guys care so much about sex and women?

Mar 2, 2009
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a virgin (that would be YOU ElStud) has no right to talk about how important sex is to a man.

All you are is a creepy kid who has never kissed a girl who enjoys annoying chicks by acting like a creeper around them

then you come here, post about your escapade, and dont take ANY of the advice given to you.

you ****ing hypocrite


Oct 22, 2006
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ElStud said:
There are much more important things to worry about like your education, food and sh*t that actually makes a difference.

is arguing over the internet one of those "important" things?

no one's attacking you for being a virgin

virgins can think about sex too. yes they can

but going on and Dating/sex forum and and asking

"why do you guys care so much about sex and women?" (thread title)

seems kinda trivial to me, and a waste of time to which you should be working on one of those important things that matter more than sex.

It's a dating forum. of course people here worry about sex and women.

Just saying


Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2008
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South Dakota
On the hunting forums I visit, we talk about hunting. Here we talk about sex. I spend a couple hours checking on the stock market and investing. but now I've wasted time posting to EL DUD who reminds me of my ex wife and never listens to anything anyone says. All to try to keep him from leading newbies astray.
Mar 2, 2009
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shouldn't there be a sticky explaining to guys who are new to reading the forum, that ElStud (and a few others) should never ever be taken advice from (because for some reason, something compels these creepy virgins to constantly post advice despite their own ignorant failures)


Senior Don Juan
Mar 27, 2006
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Ontario, Canada
ElStud said:
Have you listened to a thing I've said? I'm not denying anything. This is probably the third time I've said it, but... if I see an attractive women that I can't pass up I'll talk to her. Now I don't know why it's so out of your reality that a guy isn't on constant search for poon but that's me. I don't know why it's out of your "reality" that their exist men, who just don't always want sex. And if I see an attractive girl and have to FORCE myself to be sexual with her, that's not natural. You have to accept that some guys just are not in a sexual mood and thinking about sex 24/7.
Your reading comprehension skills suck. How did you get through high school?


Master Don Juan
Jan 24, 2009
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Apocalypse Now said:
I tend to gravitate more towards bettering myself as a person while grabbing some poon on the side (and, conveniently, they both go hand-in-hand).
this is what most guys should do. None of my friends who are successful with women actually care that much about sex or women, they know that eventually they'll get both.


El Stud if being a Virgin isn't a big deal to you, then why are you still a virgin, I am sure if you look through enough windows you'll find an open window that you climb through.

I'm in the Mood

Master Don Juan
May 3, 2008
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Cloud 9
ElStud said:
Have you listened to a thing I've said? I'm not denying anything. This is probably the third time I've said it, but... if I see an attractive women that I can't pass up I'll talk to her. Now I don't know why it's so out of your reality that a guy isn't on constant search for poon but that's me. I don't know why it's out of your "reality" that their exist men, who just don't always want sex. And if I see an attractive girl and have to FORCE myself to be sexual with her, that's not natural. You have to accept that some guys just are not in a sexual mood and thinking about sex 24/7.

I don't want sex 24/7, infact, there are days when I'm not even thinking about sex. Sure I want girls yeah, but for me, it's something I can live without. If sex happens, it happens. If it doesn't, then it doesn't affect me. Like I said, it's something I can live without.

You've got to stop being so presumptuous. I never promoted sex as a "negative" thing. But I'm saying don't think about sex and girls 24/7. I mean if you want to that's great, but it's really unhealthy. Most of the time for me, if I'm not in sexual mood, I just won't be into the girl enough to want to have sex with. Looks don't mean that much. If she's pretty and she's attractive that's great. But many times that is not enough.

Point out to me where I said sex didn't cross my mind. But oh let me guess, because of that you assume I think about sex 24/7 cause I mentioned it a few times? That's great logic. Point is, this topic has something to do with sex, so sex is going to be mentioned inevidently.
This topic actually isn't about sex, it's about your mentality and the way you contradict yourself when you're called out and get bombarded by points of view and other ideas.

Here's the answer to your OP:

I'm in the Mood said:
I don't think anybody wants sex 100% of the time.
Sex, big deal!

Your OP implied that people here think about sex all the time, and I know that's not what you meant, but with your current mentality some people take this thread as an attack. Can you honestly say you blame them?

I think an impressive man would be able to tell a woman, "I like sex but I like getting to know a woman even more."

Honestly Elstud, tell us what is really important to you. What are your moral values?

You've been struggling for a long time now it seems. Your self is at imbalance with your world.

Step 1 to making change or modification to yourself is to accept that you need change or modification and seek help. We all have chosen this path and ended up at Sosuave. You're ready to move onto more change. People would help you if you would acknowledge that you're listening to them and you're willing to try out new ideas.

Are you willing to continue your path to becoming the man that you want to be?


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
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ElStud said:
See, that's what I mean by you guys care too much about sex. "OMG! YOUR A VIRGIN!" you hate on people.
Are you an astronaut?

Because you took up space in high school.


I don't hate you. I just think you're dumb. This is a DATING AND SEX FORUM. This is like going to a track meet and telling the guys there, "you care too much about driving there's other things in life" when you don't even have your learner's license. That's pretty presumptuous.



Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
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Midwest USA
Leporello said:

It's a dating and sex forum.

You might as well go to a fishing discussion group and ask 'Hey, why are you people so obsessed with fishing?'
Let's say I'm on a fishing website, and I hear about guys who think about fishing all the time, who drop their wife and kids for fishing, who don't know how to make healthy friendships because of fishing, who lie to their families because of fishing, I would tell them they have an unhealthy imbalance in their life. I don't give a crap if it's a fishing website, their priorities are way off.

I'm not saying this applies to any of you in particular, and I'm not saying anybody here is as obsessed about women as that. But I do believe the OP is right - a lot of people here have their priorities way out of order. We'll get to Maslow's theory in a minute. But in short, a lot of people spend way too much time on this board, and way too much time thinking about women.

But the poster who brought up Maslow has a point. Think of the anorexic girl who thinks about food all the time. Even though there's plenty of food around, and no need to worry about nourishment, because the anorexic girl is not having her food needs met (as well as a healthy feeling of self-worth), she obsesses about food (and unbeknowst to her about self-worth).

So the poster who brought up Maslow has done a good point about WHY everybody's priorities are messed up. People who feel a scarcity of one of their needs often become self-centered, and centered on their own needs. People like these do not make ideal citizens.

I don't think that pointing out how people's needs aren't being met changes the fact that most people's priorities on here are messed up.

Also, it doesn't change the fact that many people on here (and some in this thread) blame much of their unhappiness on lack of women, when really, other factors like a messed up family life, lack of fulfilling friends, boring job/studies, lack of hobbies, etc. are the real problem.

Lots of people have these things - but I have never met a person who had a fulfilling relationship with family and friends, with hobbies and a great job/course of study, who thought women were very important. Again, I've never met someone like that. Ever.

So Maslow partially explains why people's priorities are messed up. But they're still messed up.



Don Juan
Mar 19, 2009
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Dude this is a chick & bang forum, so thats the topic here. Doesn't mean ppl don't have other stuff in their life.

If losing your virginity aint a big issue like you claim, why are you on this forum with 1782 posts?! Go run to your books to get educated and spend your money to save the economy.

We'll see you back when you fixed those and wanna talk chicks again.
May 23, 2006
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ElStud said:
My point is, a girl doesn't like you big deal, people are dying every day. Your girlfriend breaks up with you, big deal, the economy is failing right now. Some girl rejects you, be happy that you're still in college and can get an education. In the end, what I'm saying is you shouldn't care so much about whether girls like you or not. If they do, great! If they don't it's not a big deal. Now if MOST girls reject you, then that means you should work on your game, but even then, you shouldn't really care.
There are different issues in life. This reasoning is a bit absurd.

I find it hard to take any consolation on the idea that people are dying every day to make me feel better about anything that may have made me feel bad during the day. Just like it's difficult to take consolation on the idea that the economy is failing. It's really weak.

So, is this your idea of "inner game". Gee, I'm going to think that people are dying every day and the economy is failing -- great, I'm all psyched up, let me approach this girl and talk to her, hey if she rejects me, she'll die too because we all have to die sometime.

Don't you think this is a bit sick?


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
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But the poster who brought up Maslow has a point. Think of the anorexic girl who thinks about food all the time. Even though there's plenty of food around, and no need to worry about nourishment, because the anorexic girl is not having her food needs met (as well as a healthy feeling of self-worth), she obsesses about food (and unbeknowst to her about self-worth).
I don’t think the anorexic girl example is that good. There is nothing preventing an anorexic from eating besides her own self-beliefs. It’s not like there is a lack of food and that it’s hard to get. Possibly a better example is a person on a Midwestern plain. The only things edible are the buffalo which are plentiful. All you have to do to eat is to kill one but since you don’t have any weapons you have to figure out how.

So for the sexless males, women are the buffalo. Until we figure out how to hunt, we starve.
Lol what a crazy set of examples.
So the poster who brought up Maslow has done a good point about WHY everybody's priorities are messed up. People who feel a scarcity of one of their needs often become self-centered, and centered on their own needs. People like these do not make ideal citizens.

I don't think that pointing out how people's needs aren't being met changes the fact that most people's priorities on here are messed up.
What is wrong with being self-centered? Either we are focused on ourselves or we die. It’s as simple as that. Who should be the number one person in my life? Me. If I don’t watch out for myself, who else will?

But yes, lacking sex does mess up the priorities. I know that doing good in school is MUCH more important than trying to get laid. Do I spend as much time focusing on my school work and studying as I spend thinking about girls? Hell no!
Also, it doesn't change the fact that many people on here (and some in this thread) blame much of their unhappiness on lack of women, when really, other factors like a messed up family life, lack of fulfilling friends, boring job/studies, lack of hobbies, etc. are the real problem.

Lots of people have these things - but I have never met a person who had a fulfilling relationship with family and friends, with hobbies and a great job/course of study, who thought women were very important. Again, I've never met someone like that. Ever.
How many of those people that you know that have “a fulfilling relationship with family and friends, with hobbies and a great job/course of study” are single? By single I mean not dating anybody and have no source of sex? Find me a happy man that hasn’t had sex in a year and I’ll be very surprised.
Mar 2, 2009
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is it just me, or does anyone elses computer crash the second that Luke Skywalker and Elstud interact???


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
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Midwest USA
Maxtro said:
I don’t think the anorexic girl example is that good. There is nothing preventing an anorexic from eating besides her own self-beliefs. It’s not like there is a lack of food and that it’s hard to get.
So your problem with the anorexic girl analogy is that there's "nothing preventing an anorexic girl from eating besides her own self-beliefs. It's not like there's a lack of food and that it’s hard to get."

BINGO - you have just perfectly described my thinking for why guys don't get women. Women are everywhere, they are not hard to get. It is just our own negative beliefs that stop us. That is just my opinion, and obviously you disagree. But my analogy had the effect I wanted.

Possibly a better example is a person on a Midwestern plain. The only things edible are the buffalo which are plentiful. All you have to do to eat is to kill one but since you don’t have any weapons you have to figure out how.
That makes sense to me. We're probably quibbling over different ways to say the same thing - I do believe that everyone already knows how to get women - it's as easy and hard as learning to tell the whole truth.

So for the sexless males, women are the buffalo. Until we figure out how to hunt, we starve.
Lol what a crazy set of examples.
A metaphor with women as prey is actually very common. I do not view women as prey - I encourage them to participate and cooperate in our mutual seduction. But I understand what you mean by the metaphor.

What is wrong with being self-centered? Either we are focused on ourselves or we die. It’s as simple as that. Who should be the number one person in my life? Me. If I don’t watch out for myself, who else will?
I know exactly what you mean. And in fact, I strongly encourage enlightened self-interest. Doing good things for others makes me feel good, and so I'm glad I do them. By doing good things for worthy people, I develop a sense that I deserve good things, and good things come to me.

When I spoke about being self-centered - I meant a kind of selfishness that is warped, that is blind to ways that giving to others can make us feel great about ourselves. Some people who just chase sex but who forget that doing good for worthy people makes you feel good. People who are so obsessed with sex (or their lack of it), are not protecting their enlightened self-interest.

But yes, lacking sex does mess up the priorities. I know that doing good in school is MUCH more important than trying to get laid. Do I spend as much time focusing on my school work and studying as I spend thinking about girls? Hell no!
Family, friends, hobbies, getting involved in the community, reading, learning, making things with your hands etc. are also way more important than girls. I say important because, although most people try to receive all their happiness from girls, there's a ton of research that shows that the above creates much more long-term happiness than girls.

How many of those people that you know that have “a fulfilling relationship with family and friends, with hobbies and a great job/course of study” are single? By single I mean not dating anybody and have no source of sex? Find me a happy man that hasn’t had sex in a year and I’ll be very surprised.
I mean guys whose only source of sex is their hand. I was very happy the past year and a half - like deliriously happy. My life was wonderful. I know lots of guys like that - I'm just thinking of close friends, because I don't want to guess about people I don't really know how happy they are. But nine guys come to mind off the top of my head. Many of them could have sex but choose not to. Some are more clueless but have developed the important parts of life that truly make you happy.

But I agree that the average guy off the street, your average guy in high school has not developed the really important parts of life that make being happy without obsessing about sex possible. A lot of TV shows, movies, and songs will claim that happiness while single is impossible. But our culture has a lot of junk values. Once waded through, I have seen how trite most of these values and beliefs are.



Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
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The Logical Player said:
is it just me, or does anyone elses computer crash the second that Luke Skywalker and Elstud interact???
I'm gonna say this to you once. You are stupid if you continue to even bother reading their post. They are the untouchables. You cannot teach them anything at all. Now...lets see how smart you are and see if you focus on helping people you can help or trying to do the impossible. Check your ego homie and let it go. Trying to help them is like trying to be captain save a ho. You know how that works right player? Take your cape off.
Mar 2, 2009
Reaction score
Warrior74 said:
I'm gonna say this to you once. You are stupid if you continue to even bother reading their post. They are the untouchables. You cannot teach them anything at all. Now...lets see how smart you are and see if you focus on helping people you can help or trying to do the impossible. Check your ego homie and let it go. Trying to help them is like trying to be captain save a ho. You know how that works right player? Take your cape off.

you think a breakthrough could never happen? I really wish Supreme would do a Dasaniwater-style show on ElStud or Luke Skywalker, there is always a chance for these nerds to be saved.......why do you think its impossible to help these guys out? (by that way I do agree with your post 100% lol)


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
The Logical Player said:
you think a breakthrough could never happen? I really wish Supreme would do a Dasaniwater-style show on ElStud or Luke Skywalker, there is always a chance for these nerds to be saved.......why do you think its impossible to help these guys out? (by that way I do agree with your post 100% lol)
These guys have been here a long time and people who are well respected on this site have tried to help them to the point of frustration. Some people are just hardheaded and have to learn the hard way. They want validation that their opinion is right when the facts and results don't agree. Then when they don't get validation here they settle for being contrary. "See all these people hate on me, I must be right because I'm smarter/more religious than them". Their ego has them all screwed up. It's hard to admit everything you think is wrong and that you have been doing things the wrong way. Especially after you've been such a big douche about defending your position. They literally have to keep defending themselves to preserve their egos. We all have been in this position at some point about something. The only thing that will work is when the pain of living how they are living gets worse than the pain of a bruised ego. Then they will be ready to learn from someone else. Until then they will have to learn the hard way.

Personally I think elstud will get there, its just going to take him an extremely long time to make it. He has to prove every little step to himself instead of believing what others are telling him. I see no future for Luke S. He will probably kill his mother and several coworkers unless he just goes and buys a hooker and looses his V card.


Master Don Juan
May 28, 2007
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Wolf said:
The need for water WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY outweighs our urge for reproduction. If you was seriously dehydrated, and Jessica Alba, Jenna Jameson and whatever other girls you guys think are hot, offered you a MASSIVE gangbang, or a glass of water, you would pick the water, no matter how much of a virgin you were, or no matter how desperate for sex you were.

Similarly, if you was seriously deyhdrated, you would drink water even if you knew it would kill you. Eg drinking sea water.
If the gangbang involves a tub, I'd just drink their bath water. :whistle:


Mar 29, 2009
Reaction score
Well, when and if you haven't been laid in a long time, and you are used to long dry spells, and that success you oh so want to have, and you hear stories about people having sex as young as 12,13, it sets something off in you...