why do women have men so much by the balls?


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
so i got around to reading rollo's latest article


and it brings up a point that I always wondered about.. why is protisition so frwoned upon in soceity?

even more direct, why is there such a thrive or die thought process when it comes to having sex? I mean, everyone wants to get laid. if you can get laid for free and have women chasing you, that's the idea. and hopefully everyone here will get there.

but let's be realistic. not everyone IS there. if you aren't htere, why are you spending night after night alone, when you could be getting head from a HB8.5? or at least, getting used to talking to women in general even if you have to pay for it and even if she has to be nice to you it's still practice you would ahve never gotten otherwise.

It's like, why do men feel they would rather not get any at all, or not have any female contact at all or go with someone well below what they want, versus have sex with a woman who is asking for money for the act of sex?

I have said it a few times, I have nothing against hookers. they provide a vauable service. I went 3 years without a date because of my business, in hindsight i would have damn well had a few nights where I just unloaded on one poor girl for some money, I could have used the stress relief.

I think part of it is becuase the hooker industry is not very organized. unless you are in a major city, the best you can do is some low end crack ***** service that might or might not be a sting operation.

and then, i'm not paying 200 bucks ot have sex with a girl i can pick up at a bar. If I'm paying for it I want something I wouldn't otherwise get.

If i were to ever get single again I would without question buy an oriental escort for a night, just so I can say I f'ed a HB9 ish Asian woman.

I just don't understand , why men who can't get any or have no experience, hold up their nose against paying for sex.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
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Due to religion.

Though I think people are somewhat cooler towards it than in the 1980s or other conservative eras. Some say it makes sex a commodity, but sex is not just for romance's sake as humans have sex for pleasure also. As long as it's consenting, I see little logical or certainly moral wrong in prostitution.


Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2010
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If I lived in Amsterdam where it is legal and more reasonably priced, I definitely would have been hitting that earlier this year.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
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In Asian countries, prostitution is technically illegal but socially acceptable. You'll see men freely discuss which brothels have the best girls and so on over a drink, with zero shaming whatsoever.

In many Western countries (like Australia where I live), prostitution is legal but socially unacceptable. You'll never hear such discussion in public. Any mention of the profession will result in shaming and talks of exploitation.

Price-wise, once adjusted to respective income of each country / region, there is no significant difference.

Social stigma is a lot stronger than legalisation.


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2011
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C'mon Backbreaker you KNOW the answer to this...

western man is the generator of wealth...we are the hamster that runs the wheel of the world...we stop running, the world stops moving...by world I mean technology, media, science...the things that count.


You DENY him what he NEEDS the most.

So what does man want more than anything?

What will man kill for night or day?

the moist hole(s) that women possess.

So you make that hole the PRIZE..and men chase it forever and ever and ever...BUYING jewels, tvs, kitchen appliances, unneeded home improvements, hot tubs...just to attract women.

...as chapelle said 'if dudes could get laid in a cardboard box...he wouldn't buy a house.'

THEREFORE: open purchase of sex in a covert slave society (ours) is a NO NO

all forces must be applied to eliminate its very CONSIDERATION


I've said it before...open...and most important...CASUALLY ACCEPTED AND FREQUENTLY USED..prostitution would change the game.

You can already buy jenna haze or alexis texas :) if you have the connects..we're in a recession..there are 100,000 sweet things who would suck cawk or take it in the azz for a few dollars...if we allowed this...everything would change.



Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2007
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Burroughs said:
..we're in a recession...
I don't know about other parts of the country, but back in Detroit, where I spent the holidays with my family, the recession has transformed strip clubs into brothels. For $80-$200, depending on the girl, you can go in the back room and bang her for a song or two. And I can already see the effects: some of my friends would rather go there and spend their money on a sure thing rather than go to a club, pay the cover, buy girls drinks and hope to get laid. Sure, you could say all they need is to develop good game to get laid, but you know even that is never a 100% guarantee.

I think that legalizing prostitution (or changing society's view on it, however you wanna look at it) would re-write the way our society works. Armies of betas would bust a weekly nut or two for a couple benjamins instead of hopelessly spending thousands of dollars trying to either attract a female or keep her in a relationship.

The entire foundation of our consumption society would collapse! No way the feminazi propaganda machine will let this happen...


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
A lot of guys won't get a hooker because they view it as a sign of "failure.". In other words, "I'm not attractive enough to pull at the bar/club so I have to pay for it."

While I know it's all ego based, I share this view. I'm stubborn in the sense that I'll go through long dry spells or rough patches in my game than pay for it.

However, I don't judge guys that do pay for it. I also agree that hookers provide a valuable service. I'm just saying my ego won't let me do it lol.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
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Mike32ct said:
A lot of guys won't get a hooker because they view it as a sign of "failure.". In other words, "I'm not attractive enough to pull at the bar/club so I have to pay for it."
And that is my first take on it but since BB brought up the topic it got me thinking.. maybe we've been covertly brainwashed over hundreds of years to believe that its, dirty, failure, bottom of the barrel type of behavior because women can't lose the scarcity mentality of p*ssy they create because the value of it will plumet and then whats left for women? Not much.

Its no different than AFC's calling every girl that bangs guys other than him a wh0re, slut and skank. Its a defensive
mechanism of sorts.

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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They hold their nose up at paying for sex because "society" has conditioned them to think that its not acceptable. Its taboo. Its illegal. You are a bad person if you partake in such thing.

These types of people have a lot of concern with what society thinks of them. They aren't going to challenge that mindset or their own.

Truth be known prostitution is everywhere in the city I live in. That tells me there are a lot of men using those services.


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2009
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I can tell you the real source of the problem.

It seems that many men are so desperate for sex and/or female company that they will say anything, do anything, sell out, compromise themselves, etc.

The source of their desperation is not a desire for sex, but for self-esteem. The irony is, a man of authentic self-esteem does not place the act of having sex above himself in his hierarchy of values. But the ravenous desire for indiscriminate sex is, in truth, a desire to reverse the law of causality; in reality, self-esteem leads to sex. But if you have no self-esteem, you might be deluded enough to think you can achieve it (temporarily) by getting laid.

Self-esteem leads to sex, not the other way around.

It's the same as production comes before consumption (someone tell the Keynesians!), investment comes before greater wealth is created, effort comes before achievement.


Master Don Juan
Nov 3, 2010
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Just a historical note:

Prostitution was not always frowned upon by society, see for example, 15-16th century Italy. The age of "courtesans" and secret lovers. Or you could go back to Ancient Greece, to see homosexual prostitution, pederasty..

Therefore I find your introductory remark somewhat naive.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
Boilermaker said:
Just a historical note:

Prostitution was not always frowned upon by society, see for example, 15-16th century Italy. The age of "courtesans" and secret lovers. Or you could go back to Ancient Greece, to see homosexual prostitution, pederasty..

Therefore I find your introductory remark somewhat naive.
just because prostitution was not frowned upon at some point in history does not mean women have men any less by by the balls today. in012.

EVen men who do use this method of sex, the vast majority of them won't admit i It's frowned upon. The avg male who is not having any luck at all with women, think he's generally a better person than the guy who has to resort to paying for sex.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
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Howiestern said:
They hold their nose up at paying for sex because "society" has conditioned them to think that its not acceptable. Its taboo. Its illegal. You are a bad person if you partake in such thing.

These types of people have a lot of concern with what society thinks of them. They aren't going to challenge that mindset or their own.
This is true. But it raises an interesting question. On SS and on other blogs, there is a lot of complaining that women get away with so much more than they used to because they no longer feel the societal shame that they used to. E.g., sleeping around more, cheating, dressing slovenly, behaving like men - such behaviors are becoming more and more permitted and accepted because of a pushback against society's standards. The corollary being that real men exercise the shaming and dismissal of certain behaviors that society and "betas" are unable to wield.

So - shoe being on the other foot - where does prostitution fall? Should men feel "ashamed" for having visited a professional? Is it a shameful act? Most single guys see no harm in it, but society is not just single men.

Personally, I throw it in with gambling, drinking, and certain drugs - that is, it should not be a criminal act. It probably shouldn't be commonplace, either, but if it were legal, at least it would be regulated and safe (one would hope). But perhaps these decisions should be made locally and according to provincial standards - I think that's what the founding fathers intended.


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
Mike32ct said:
A lot of guys won't get a hooker because they view it as a sign of "failure.". In other words, "I'm not attractive enough to pull at the bar/club so I have to pay for it."

While I know it's all ego based, I share this view. I'm stubborn in the sense that I'll go through long dry spells or rough patches in my game than pay for it.

However, I don't judge guys that do pay for it. I also agree that hookers provide a valuable service. I'm just saying my ego won't let me do it lol.
This does have some truth.

Women have so much power given to them by chumps trying to get the pu$$y. Read Julius Seizeher's second sentence.

Getting a hooker is no sure win either. You might catch an undercover officer and get laid in jail. Worse, you're more likely to catch a disease.

Still, the average man has an uphill battle with women. They make men jump through hoops, run through mazes, solve puzzles, etc. And they more than likely are getting railed by the buff personal trainer at LA Fitness. And it's no surprise that most men will sell out, quit jobs, commit crimes, etc. to get some sex. Nowadays, it's just female companionship.

Guys will often times fight over a girl. A Plain Jane and the fatties get fought over by the average guy.

The only time you'll see girls fighting over a guy is if he's very wealthy or if he's a celebrity.

A woman's love is too overpriced.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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My personal reasons for not using hookers are:

1) Why pay for something you can get for free? If you can't get what you want, buying a hooker is fixing the symptom, not the problem.
2) Being with a girl who has literally been with hundreds of guys is a turnoff.

I'm sure there are other reasons, but those are enough for me.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
There are other reasons why a guy might avoid hookers:

1. Fear of STDs. (We are talking perception, not necessarily reality.)

2. Not wanting to be "on the clock.". (It sucks to know you might only have an hour.)

3. Cold attitude. (Most hookers HATE their clients, unless you bribe her to be nice to you by paying extra for G F E lol.)

4. No kissing. (Sort of like a F-ing a broad over say age 38 lol.)

5. Fear of getting caught. (I mean in places where it's not legal. Even if you don't get jail time, you face public humiliation and possible loss of your job.)

6. Sloppy seconds. (Are you client number 5 that day alone?)

6. Cost. (The hotter classier ones obviously charge more.)


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
zekko said:
My personal reasons for not using hookers are:

1) Why pay for something you can get for free? If you can't get what you want, buying a hooker is fixing the symptom, not the problem.
2) Being with a girl who has literally been with hundreds of guys is a turnoff.

I'm sure there are other reasons, but those are enough for me.

as i clearly stated in the OP, getting the sex for free is the obvious goal. why pay for anything if you can get it for free?

But being realistic, for various reasons, maybe because of where you are in life, maybe because you are just in a slump, maybe because you are just petrified of women, not everyone is there at that point in life.

to a guy that has not touched a woman in a year, for whatever the rwasson may be, take your ass down to wherever you need to go and get little jimmy shined. You will feel better and you will actually be interacting with a real woman. there is no virtue in not having sex.

I would resort to a hooker before I resort to f'ing someone I that I feel I have to swollow my pride to date/have sex with.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
I think the real skill involved with any working girl - hooker, escort, stripper, hell, even a Hooter's waitress - is not about sex as much as it is psychology and their ability to convince you that they actually enjoy your company. That's what you're paying for and that's where the money is for a working girl. The more she makes you think that she likes you, the more she gets paid. That's the art behind the world's oldest profession.


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2011
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Sorry guys this is laughable!

You guys are making this waaaaaay too complex.

Sex and food, are among our basic requirements.


No....I didn't think so.

You go to Thomas Keller, or David Chang, or that great sub shop down the street because they have a specialized skill that they are very good at...likewise a sex professional if you're chosing right should be able to deliver a killer performance of pleasure.

are there home cooks as good as restaurant cooks....yes...but you don't go searching for them, that would be inefficient..YOU JUST GO TO A RESTAURANT.

roman soldiers had hookers rationed to them....basic needs...think about it.

Oh and Backbreaker to your point, sex is never free you're just paying in installments :) Paying upfront for a sex act done right is the biggest BARGAIN you'll ever see.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
Bible_Belt said:
I think the real skill involved with any working girl - hooker, escort, stripper, hell, even a Hooter's waitress - is not about sex as much as it is psychology and their ability to convince you that they actually enjoy your company. That's what you're paying for and that's where the money is for a working girl. The more she makes you think that she likes you, the more she gets paid. That's the art behind the world's oldest profession.
Correct. Phone s@x operators (PSO) do the same thing.

PSO: Describe yourself for me honey.

Guy: I'm 4'11", balding, and 300 lbs.

PSO: OMG that is soo hot. I just love short, stocky guys with less hair.

PSO: So what are you in to?

Guy: Playing Warr of the Worrlds and sniffing ladies shoes.

PSO: Get out? ME TOO. I've been doing phone for eight years and have NEVER met a guy like you. We have so much in common.

PSO: I never get turned on in my job. I usually have to fake it. But something about you is super s@xy.

<Recording: You have one minute remaining. Would you like to add more time at a rate of $2.99 per minute?>

Guy: <Grabs credit card with free hand and then pushes 2 for yes LOL>