Why do DJ's hate women so much


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
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I feel like a lot of "DJ's" on this board are at war with women. Calling them out on their shyt, telling you to "next" them, calling the chicks BPD, telling you to spin plates and lie to them.

Quite frankly, I feel like women are pretty chill if you get to know them. It's the fact that you are going straight for sex that is making you bitter.

If you go straight for sex, you'll end up with all kinds of issues - dealing with BPD, cheating, STD's, manipulation (if you are only in it for sex, you will get manipulated easily), and figuring out how to deal with flakes.

That doesn't mean you should be a faggot and not escalate. What I mean is that if you try to get to know a woman instead of just caring about yourself, you'll have much fewer issues to post about on SOS and you'll be happier.

The end of chivalry/proliferation of slvts is largely our fault. We have been watching porn and wanting women to just be sex objects. How do they react? By playing hard to get, not responding to texts, flaking, and being bipolar.

Once you just chill out and stop worrying about sex so much, you'll realize women are not that bad. Learn to think about things other than sex - read The Economist, try hiking, or learn a language.

Who knows, maybe you'll meet a chick who isn't BPD.


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2013
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skinnyguy coming into his own, laying it down.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
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GetFit66 said:
Your back :D :D :D

I missed you :) but your green :(
Dude where have you been??? You're one of my fav posters..I like Solomon too even though he gives me shyt lol


Master Don Juan
Sep 9, 2013
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What you are not grasping is that young men are conditioned today just as they were in the past, to respect, care for and even defer to women instinctively, to constantly seek to earn a woman's approval and attraction from a young age. OTOH women are not at all conditioned today as they were in the past, due to decades of consumer-gynoculture feminism, are told they are perfect as it is and that they are doing men a favor by blessing us with their presence. They are excused from all accountability for their behavior, socially and often even legally, encouraged to blame a man somewhere for anything that isn't perfect in their lives, indulged in their infinite facile rationalizations of a reality more favorable to them as opposed to the reality that is. See the disconnect? Add to this the mountains of terrible dating and sex advice men get from otherwise well-meaning folks and you have the recipe for immense frustration, disappointment and failure for many normal, average guys.

The zen master doesn't gently pat his students on the head when they reveal bad preconceptions, he beats them with a stick or even cuts their fingers off. What goes on here is tame in comparison when you think about it.There are more and more threads here and on other forums every day suggesting that there is still lots of remedial work needed out there in reeducating men into the reality that is as opposed to the reality many are taught.

Moreover, I don't see a lot of men here or anywhere else saying that men are generally better than women, what I see is lots of folks saying that women are no better than men. If they use harsh examples or get ornery from time to time NBD. Women are no better than men, it's true, for every bad trait laid at men's door, there's an equally nasty trait that can be generally applied to women.This should be a remedial mantra in all the variations seen here for young men who have been raised to be "gentlemen." Working as intended.


New Member
Dec 2, 2013
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skinnyguy said:
If you go straight for sex, you'll end up with all kinds of issues - dealing with BPD, cheating, STD's, manipulation (if you are only in it for sex, you will get manipulated easily), and figuring out how to deal with flakes.
Skinny Guy, when you are going for sex, you are creating attraction. If you try to be friends with her first, it is then she will manipulate you, and cheat on you ...

Hating women is wrong, but it's a process ... You first start to hate women, because deep inside you have some issues, but as your confidence grows, and you start to get laid, your hate slowly starts to dissipate ... Most men do hate women because of all the years of being a beta, the frustration of not being able to get laid, and women playing games ...

Pursuing women, to me is a healing process ... rather than going to a psychologist to remove your fears and insecurities you date women....

Having sex with a hot woman does wonders to your self confidence, your manhood, and your wellbeing ... there is nothing better out there ...

For you to say what you are saying, means that you are not fully connected to your masculine side. You feel guilty when you degrade a woman... Instead you are trying to create respect, at the expense of your (sexual) needs. This to me is emasculation. I am not saying it's ok to degrade women, but most beta guys, are scared to express themselves... Once you fully express your masculine energy, then you can start to respect women ...

For most of my life, I loved my parents, however, nowadays I hate them. I am opening up my soul, and hate that was create when I was young is surfacing, and expressing itself... Eventually it will go away, and I will start to love them... Sometimes hate is good ....

What I would recommend for you, is to remove your guilt first, learn to be a man, to connect with men (male bonding), then when you are comfortable with that, work on your caring/respect/being nice with women ...


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
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New York City
I wish i could fully agree with you OP but my experiences and what i have been exposed to just makes me kind of sad in a way. The latest girl i was with is a HB9 and she was using ME for sex lol I actually liked her and wanted to go on dates to have fun but she wasnt into going on dates just me banging her out and trying to get me to cvm inside her. The HB9 before her was beautiful but i found out she was lying about things and that totally turned me off and i stopped seeing her. She started crying when i cut it off meanwhile she was trying to manipulate me, the list goes on.. But my main point is ive either seen or heard of Women constantly cheating and deceiving their husband or Boyfriend.

I love women, I love to flirt with them, sex them, make them giggle and get emotionally excited etc but modern times have really F*cked up these females minds into thinking that they can do whatever they want, not take any responsibility for their b*tchy behavior nor even apologize for anything. Whats worse is that their female friends will ENCOURAGE it along with society.

Besides that, I think there is one thing that we have today that really fuels the sneaky and dishonest behavior. The Technology boom. Think about what can be done with todays smart phones... Sneaky texts, nude pictures easily taken and sent to a guy they are secretly flirting with.. Oh whats that... your BF wants to check your phone? Ok.... Need to Hide texts, contacts and pictures?... Oh no problem... Theres an app for that. You left your iphone at your BF's house? OMG Dont worry sweetheart, Theres a phone screen lock so he cant get in and see all the titty shots you sent and c0ck pic's you got from that guy. uh oh your BF is texting you but the other guy is calling? Dont worry honey,.. Plug your bluetooth earpiece and text your BF while you talk to the guy. Its SOOOO easy to cheat and have secret conversations today once Women start getting "innocently" interested in a new "friend" they can have a few flirt texts here and there. Eh its just innocent flirting right? Nothing to worry about whatsoever! Think years ago where you had to take a picture and go develop it at the store, you think a girl is going to take pics of her tits and ass for people to see when it comes down the slide at the store? Nope. Girls have sent all that to me and even videos on them playing with their dildos etc. nice and convenient through the smart phone. I cant even begin to fathom what the NSA can secretly see and how dishonest women can be. I am POSITIVE that some may try to spy on their wives or GF if they are allowed to.

Back then there wasnt no texts messaging yet so if the wife or GF was cheating then it would have to be on the house phone or meet up. The Husband or BF would easily wonder WTF is going on. Today you read or hear about it all the time... "My Wife or GF started talking to a guy online and i found pictures". Of course men do it too but for these women, they LOVE the fact that its so sneaky and convenient for them to have their cake and eat it too. They love the danger, the naughty excitement,.. ..."OMG Jessica look what that guy texted me!? LoL That so hot!"....... Fast forward 2 weeks later... "I dunno Jessica i think i wanna break up with my BF and falling for that guy". <~~~ now shes emotionally invested because of all the naughty secret texts.... *Checkmate*.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 2, 2014
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There is no war on women that's propaganda for doormats to eat up. Spinning plates doesn't involve lying or deception. It's pretty accepted you're not exclusive till you're exclusive.

How does trying to have sex with a girl cause problems? I mean wth are you talking about with this don't go straight for sex crap and then saying yes escalate don't be a faggot? Dude I don't have to get to know a chick that long to know if I want to fck her.

Women have gone down in quality. We mention it as you can't spot good if you can't identify bad. Oh and no duh we like other things then sex but that's not really why we come to this forum. Also I like sex a lot and am proud of it.

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
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East Coast USA
skinnyguy said:
I feel like a lot of "DJ's" on this board are at war with women. Calling them out on their shyt, telling you to "next" them, calling the chicks BPD, telling you to spin plates and lie to them.

Quite frankly, I feel like women are pretty chill if you get to know them. It's the fact that you are going straight for sex that is making you bitter.

If you go straight for sex, you'll end up with all kinds of issues - dealing with BPD, cheating, STD's, manipulation (if you are only in it for sex, you will get manipulated easily), and figuring out how to deal with flakes.

That doesn't mean you should be a faggot and not escalate. What I mean is that if you try to get to know a woman instead of just caring about yourself, you'll have much fewer issues to post about on SOS and you'll be happier.

The end of chivalry/proliferation of slvts is largely our fault. We have been watching porn and wanting women to just be sex objects. How do they react? By playing hard to get, not responding to texts, flaking, and being bipolar.

Once you just chill out and stop worrying about sex so much, you'll realize women are not that bad. Learn to think about things other than sex - read The Economist, try hiking, or learn a language.

Who knows, maybe you'll meet a chick who isn't BPD.
Isn't this what men have been doing for the last 30 years or so? --> Being accepting, emotional, relationship-oriented beta fags?

So why do you believe men should change their natural proclivities to accommodate the needs of women.. but not the other way around?

You are falling back into the white knight Disney channel thinking that society brainwashes all men into believing. Its much easier to be a sheep and go along with what society (and women) tell you.. which is exactly what you are doing now.

There is nothing wrong with going after "sex". Sex is awesome for both parties involved. Women enjoy sex. Why is going after sex a problem?? ITS NOT. The problem is women know men primarily want sex so they use it as leverage to get other things.

Telling men to stop worrying about sex is like telling women to stop worrying about relationships, value and resources. How about you try that? Go tell women: "stop expecting friendships, value and resources in your life with men and just chill out and open your legs without expecting anything in return". Do it. Try it. Tell me how they react. :up:

Its a lot easier for a woman to open her legs than it is for a man to form a "relationship" with her or be "valuable" to her. So why do you believe men should always been the ones making sacrifices? --> Because you are brainwashed to believe:

Women = Good
Men = Bad

Just like all the other desperate for a "soul mate" faggots running around everywhere. :crazy:


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2013
Reaction score
I agree with a few points of the OP post, but I think he is missing the stuff you have to read between the lines


Senior Don Juan
Nov 23, 2006
Reaction score
PlayHer Man said:
Isn't this what men have been doing for the last 30 years or so? --> Being accepting, emotional, relationship-oriented beta fags?

So why do you believe men should change their natural proclivities to accommodate the needs of women.. but not the other way around?

You are falling back into the white knight Disney channel thinking that society brainwashes all men into believing. Its much easier to be a sheep and go along with what society (and women) tell you.. which is exactly what you are doing now.

There is nothing wrong with going after "sex". Sex is awesome for both parties involved. Women enjoy sex. Why is going after sex a problem?? ITS NOT. The problem is women know men primarily want sex so they use it as leverage to get other things.

Telling men to stop worrying about sex is like telling women to stop worrying about relationships, value and resources. How about you try that? Go tell women: "stop expecting friendships, value and resources in your life with men and just chill out and open your legs without expecting anything in return". Do it. Try it. Tell me how they react. :up:

Its a lot easier for a woman to open her legs than it is for a man to form a "relationship" with her or be "valuable" to her. So why do you believe men should always been the ones making sacrifices? --> Because you are brainwashed to believe:

Women = Good
Men = Bad

Just like all the other desperate for a "soul mate" faggots running around everywhere. :crazy:
Jan 17, 2014
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I'm only friends with women I know already are in a relationship or married to a friend. I have zero need to be friends with a woman who I'm only going to wonder about ****ing every time I hang out with her. The type of woman that keeps a bunch of guy friends around is known as a fag hag where I'm from. If you need a female friend to talk to your mother.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
Reaction score
I should have done a drumroll for PHM's standard "white knight" response. Some people are so predictable it just gets silly.

It's sad that men on this board are blaming women for their depression. My ex gf was awesome and made me feel so good inside. She never manipulated me an in fact I cheated on her which I regret now. I think I couldn't handle how much she loved me.

These fake DJs are doomed to a life of loneliness because they only care about getting laid. If you want to be a 40 year old man who is single an going to bars on Friday night, be my guest.


Master Don Juan
Jul 4, 2008
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San Diego, California
YoungStunna said:
they're all wh-res
Even your mom and sister right? ;)

Anyway, I believe the OP is saying that sex shouldn't be the only focus a man when it comes to a woman. I tend to see that a lot here and with other guys around. I won't be surprised if you someone else were to disagree with me. I may be part of the minority here. A few months ago my friend was telling whenever I see pvssy I should take it that pvssy is pvssy. It doesn't matter if the girl is hot or not. He was serious too. I mean is it some types obligation to go about living to just fvck. The more I think about it this is what a lot of men's lives revolve around. I should have listened to my friend back in the day who told me to focus on becoming accomplished that women will always be there. It's not like I haven't been trying to better myself but when I look back at all the time I wasted on trying to get with girls for sex, the heartache etc.

Don't get me wrong I understand that sex is to men what relationship is to women. The problem here is the lack of balance on the part of both sexes. I have seen a lot of guys come in here and talk about how many women they are able to fvck yet can't get enough.

Someone in previous response on this thread wrote that women don't take responsibilities for their actions. Many men don't do the same thing. You see married men and men in a Long term relationships cheating on their women and it is not because their women are bad. They defend their behavior by saying that it is acceptable for men to sleep around and not ok for women to do the same. Well, once could argue that times have changed. Women now work, vote. It's now ok to be openly homosexual (not that I agree with that lifestyle), prostitute, porn stars and strippers. Those women could say they are providing a service for men. Yet it is not enough we still look down on such women and want a good woman (What is this definition of a good woman?). Maybe if women were meant to be one man being they wouldn't cheat. What does it say to you that a woman would go through the risks, name calling to cheat. If it's ok for men to openly sleep around. Why are those in committed relationships hiding it from their significant other? If it's a perfectly accepted norm for men to sleep around why are the women they are committed to upset when they find out about it?

So, perhaps what us men mean to say is that it is perfectly acceptable by men to sleep around. If we choose to agree on that argument. Then women are within their rights to say that they expect a man not to sleep around. Since that is their view point on the issue. After all they are equal members of the society. By equal I mean men and women are different not better than one another as they serve different role in society and one cannot exist without the other. Seems like we as men want to eat our cake and have it also.

For the most part my comments about men have been directed at the men in an exclusive (committed relationship). So, let me go with the Sosuave accepted standard of spinning plates being ok for the non-committed man. I may say fair enough. Yet many men achieve this by lying about it to those other women. Before you crucify I'm sure you have a friend or 3 who are spinning plates and lying to the women about it. So, back to my point again. Since only men's opinion matter on the topic of men and women relationships; why not openly tell all your plates they have competition out there? Why hide it.

Back to the main point mentioned by the OP. My biggest frustration with women is that it seems in today's world there's nothing good enough you can do to keep one because everything that goes wrong in the relationship is a man's fault. Women rarely take responsibility for their actions. They blame a man, hormones, alcohol etc. It almost seems like a losing battle. If a woman FEELS a certain way in her world that makes it true. If she feels you don't make her safe even if she has a house with a lock, gun in her hand bag etc. Then you must not be good enough because everything that happens in her life in your relationship is your responsibility.