Why Cant we just be ourselves

jtrain 289

Senior Don Juan
May 26, 2007
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Guys why do we care so much about women. You know what our caring about women has made us look to women? Women think of us as donkeys now Every women from the feminists to the traditional women. They all want to manipulate us whether were nice guys players jerks w/e you want to call them. Simply because of the fact that they think we think like them they think we need them because they need us they think it goes both ways but we dont. Why dont we just forget about women forget about images just focus on ourselves Forget about what the world thinks about us And just focus on how we percieve ourselves. Did everyone else watch wrestling WWF? My opinion Stone Cold was the best ****ing wrestler out their. You know why he was different everyother wrestler was obsessed with image every other wrestler cared what people thought of him or her and basically did everything for everyone's praise. Stone Cold didnt give a **** even gave a speech before he got into wwf of how he is gonna do waht he wants and he was tired of doing what everyone else does this was way back tho to when he had long hair. Stone Cold did what he wanted to ****ing do whenever he wanted to. No matter what people thought of him. And now i look back he didnt win all his matches whether he won or lost he carried the same ****ing attitude. Watch wrestling now its so ****ing boring its garbage everyone is tryin to have an image of some king and evryone istrying to be perfect. And you guys no exactly what perfect is, perfect is boring. And thats exactly what wrestling is boring. ( What I say about WWF is true but also try to use it as a symbol for the world and society itself and you'll see it makes sense.)


Master Don Juan
May 28, 2007
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But remember, Stone Cold was a charchter created by the WWE. Remember before he was in WWE he was in WCW and in a tag team with Brian Pillman, it was called the Hollywood Blondes (or something like that). WWE created the bad ass that didnt care in SCSA, and now they are doing it with Edge.

But, if you're all about "being yourself" stop shaving, because isn't hiding your natural hair not being yourself? What about scents like colognes? What about your physique?

This is a question that has been asked here a lot. The answer just do things for yourself but don't get on this "be yourself" rant, otherwise you end up not growing personally. And thats the worse thing you could do to yourself


Don Juan
Oct 29, 2005
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Do what you wanna do, think of yourself as king, and give yourself the kings treatment. Be your best self.. If you don't want to shave, then don't. But don't EVER tie your expectations of yourself into the expectations of other people, because there's alot of people out there and you ain't going to please everybody.

Whos reality do you live in?

jtrain 289

Senior Don Juan
May 26, 2007
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Na thats not true unflushable Stone Cold acts like that in real life no joke. Andabout not shaving and colongne and all that bull****. You guys dont understand me Actually being dirty is not being yourself because i dont feel comfortable being dirty. The cologne and shaving thats improving ourselves. But what most people do is change themselves to what other people want.
because there's alot of people out there and you ain't going to please everybody.
lol who said life is about pleasing people lifes about doing what YOU want to do and BEing the best you can be people do not come in the picture its all about you. As men we are monads monads are people that only acheive true happiness when they have completed their mission and did what they wanted to do. Its the henid which is the woman that comes here to please everyone and only achieves true happiness when everyone else is happy with her.

jtrain 289

Senior Don Juan
May 26, 2007
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Everyone on this planet wants to improve themselves in some way. So that basically cancels that contradiction that being yourself is leaving yourself natural with all the hair on you face and **** Because your natural self wants to improve himself not for people but for himself. The people that say being yourself is about not showering and **** thats bull**** their just being lazy and trying to make up lies to protect themselves. Stone Cold improved himself you know how much bigger he got from ECW to WWF he mustve added like 70 pounds to himself he stopped being a ***** and did what he wanted What do you call that ? Self Improvement.


Master Don Juan
May 18, 2006
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Leeds, UK
jtrain, mate, I hope you don't mind me reminding you that WWE is a stage show, and like any stage show, you follow a script and persona. You don't win or lose matches, you follow a script :)

jtrain 289 said:
The cologne and shaving thats improving ourselves. But what most people do is change themselves to what other people want.
This is one of the key issues you're bringing up, which I'd like to address. Self-improvement isn't about 'not being yourself', it is, as PersonalJesus said, about being your BEST self.

Now, you say, most people change themselves to be what other people want them to be (i.e. women). Right off the bat you might think this is the wrong mentality, but it's NOT necessarily, THINK about it. Most guys WANT to get women. Therefore if they improve themselves such that they'll get more women, they ARE doing it for themselves because they wanted more women and now they are getting more women. See? You're just trying to be your best self.


jtrain 289

Senior Don Juan
May 26, 2007
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Ok first off all I never said you shouldnt improve yourselves because being yourself is wanting to improve yourself.But I say and I will say again Do not change yourself for other women Do not shaunuk you are wrong. first off WWE im just making making the WWE symbolize life man. Second of all we our ourselves for a reason im not saying fat or thin or looks when you change that you are impreoving yourself not changing your self im all for that. Now plastic surgery Is changing yourself and thats basicxally what your doing if you change yourself top ger girls. You r giving up your dream to get a ****ing *****. This is why women act like this now this is why their so ****y. You guys say not to put the women on the pedestal The fact that your changing yourself for them is putting them on the ****ing pedestal. We always complain about how women are *****es. I partly blame the men for this if we didnt ****ing worship themthey wouldnt act like this We need to put them in their place. It is nature dammit The Guy is the person that does what he wants to do and he improves himself to get it (exercise study w/e ) he has his dreams we have our taughts for a reason to follow it. The women is the one wqho has to change themselves for us to adopt our dreams and be like us.( women are entirely societal and sexual creatures without men or any other person they are nothing they will go crazy im not making it up its been ****ing studied) To be women is to be wanted to be cared for. To be men is to follow his dreams .We flip it around when we try to change ourselves for women. Thats why all players think their so smart but the joke is on them they are the ones being used by women. MEn conquer worlds Women conquer men. Its ****ing nature just look at animals are better at mating then most of the guys.

jtrain 289

Senior Don Juan
May 26, 2007
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Guys maybe this will make you understand better. Think of when you were a little kid when you first started school you knew your role you knew you were above women . When you did interact with a girl you didnt play her stupid girly games You play your games and she had to do what you did not the other way around. This is what we do we do what they want to do **** that Its what we want to do women dont care they are up or anything. Look at the stuff women do when their by themselves spas tans gym mall what is all that for it is them trying to make themselves be fit enough for us this is nature hand at work that is what women are forthey aqre their to please us and to do what we want to do and try to help us out with it. Women where creatd for men. Look at it why do you think the women takes the mans last names she adopts his dreams his likes his dislikes everything not the other way around. Its only now that These stupid Feminist are trying to change things around . Feminist are baiscally women trying to be men. Nice Guys players, I repeat players are trying to be women the only differencebetween the nice guy and the player is the player is getting girls but just because you get girls doesnt mean **** they are still stupid little *****es at heart afraid to express themselves afraid to do anything. Why dont we focus on what men are called to do women are not our focus they are just part of your vision your dream Focus on your dream and the women will come learn to except and improve yourself and not chnage yourself and that is when you'll truly be happy and Free. Players nice guys w/e are all on the path to security The Men and even jerks jerks are basically Men but they dont have follow morals. The jerk is the bad transformer but the man is the good transformer . The man is on the path of freedom

jtrain 289

Senior Don Juan
May 26, 2007
Reaction score
This was written by Gubby.

Be Yourself.

In the past, things which I had to really force myself to believe or be have been wrong. They always felt wrong, and when I freed myself of them I realised the relief to be more myself again.

In a good environment, we naturally gravetate towards our true and good natures. We adapt. You need to be flexible and continue to work with your own evolution - some people stay wrong out of stubbornness or ego - but in general, the road to being the best adapted to life is not a road at all, but a stream, which naturally finds its own way to sea if left unhindered.

You need a bit of creativity, and to see different perspectives, insights. This gives your unconscious mind an idea where to move towards. The point I'm trying to make here, though, is that if we work with nature and not against it, we naturally become the best we can be. I say "adapt", because yes, you can become destructive by letting nature work, but this can only be because something has tought you that there is profit from doing so. Someone who has adapted best, in the modern living environment, becomes a "good person", because human nature does include love and when we are safe it is profitable to our happiness to gravitate towards it.

People give you ideologies that make you go against your nature, like "it is wrong to play because adults are serious". Some ideologies could be law, in which case it could be your nature to follow the law to avoid punishment but not your nature to believe the ideology - so you are caged, but still yourself. The greatest happiness comes from embracing your nature. Don't let anyone tell you to be ashamed for being yourself.

I decided to write this after reading Pook's Mill - it got me thinking of my own experiences.


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2007
Reaction score
be what you want yourself to be, you can be yourself, but just imagine your "ideal" self in your head and be that guy and you WILL be comfortable, to get chicks as well you can incorporate the don juan methods into your personality, making you more unique and a great guy

jtrain 289

Senior Don Juan
May 26, 2007
Reaction score
you are rite playa 99 but dpnt forgte its not the don juan that made the man its the man that made the donjuan . So that proves my case the guy did what he wanted to do and as a result created a name for himself that everyone tries to follow. Any guy that improves himself in what he wants to improeve himself to be and doesnt change himself is a donjuan. You can meet 2 donjuans and they act totally different different personalities everything but that doesnt mean one is not a donjuan. You can basically be anyway you want as long as you have confidence in it you can act like you have a mental disorder but if you add confidence to it. You are gonna find a new tip that says IF YOU WaNt GIRLS TOBE ATTRACTED TO YOu ACT LIKE A RETARD lol when the guy was just basically accepting and being comfortable with himself.
The Difference between A Donjuan and an afc is confidence.

jtrain 289

Senior Don Juan
May 26, 2007
Reaction score
you are rite playa 99 but dpnt forgte its not the don juan that made the man its the man that made the donjuan . So that proves my case the guy did what he wanted to do and as a result created a name for himself that everyone tries to follow. Any guy that improves himself in what he wants to improeve himself to be and doesnt change himself is a donjuan. You can meet 2 donjuans and they act totally different different personalities everything but that doesnt mean one is not a donjuan. You can basically be anyway you want as long as you have confidence in it you can act like you have a mental disorder but if you add confidence to it. You are gonna find a new tip that says IF YOU WaNt GIRLS TOBE ATTRACTED TO YOu ACT LIKE A RETARD lol when the guy was just basically accepting and being comfortable with himself.
The Difference between A Donjuan and an afc is confidence.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2006
Reaction score
"Be yourself" is good advice, just get rid of your insecurities and "yourself" is probably pretty attractive just because its confident, although theres personalities that are better at creatign attraction.

jtrain 289

Senior Don Juan
May 26, 2007
Reaction score
although theres personalities that are better at creatign attraction.
Thats an opinion which makes them all equal. The more sexual someone is the more attractive they become women are only atrtarcted to sexuality and you need confifence to ctivate the sexuality.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
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at our house
why can't we just be ourselves?
because society has conditioned us to think of ourselves badly and make us want to represent other things in order to be the best and succeed.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2007
Reaction score
Hmmm try telling it to some 30y.o virgin who is 50 lbs overweight.

a. he has been himself for 30 years

b. he has FAILED at LIFE for 30 years.

which leads us to

c. his "self" is obviously not good enough.

Sorry guys, this is life. For most of us, being yourself does not cut it, when women look in magazines and TV and see Brad Pitt and Channing Tatum. "ourselves" my ass...


Master Don Juan
Oct 2, 2006
Reaction score
Bay Area, California, Currently in SoCal (UCR)
Being yourself has a LOT of meanings.

Don't JUST BE YOURSELF if it's just an excuse not to do something/to do something.

No one is perfect, and we can constantly improve.

Then again, it's all about your life goals. Being yourself achieves very few goals.

jtrain 289

Senior Don Juan
May 26, 2007
Reaction score
lol you guys dont fuking get it how many times do i have to ****ing explain that being yourself does not mean stay fat guys. And actually if he was confident in his fat he would be able to get girls i saw this 400 pound guy with the hottest girl he was going out with herand he is not ****ing rich. The fact that people find it hard to be themselkves is because they have low self esteem case closed. Everyone is the equal what makes people stand out more is the confidence that they have in themselves if you guys wanna continue to be fake then thats fine go ahead but just know the longer you do this the more pain will come to you the more you will hate yourself. Dont trade your soul for anything.

jtrain 289

Senior Don Juan
May 26, 2007
Reaction score
and penkitten who created society ? It was men that created society . What are we We are men Which means we can change it. What was Martin Luther King doing He was going against society what were all the people that evr invented a new system doing they were going against society .We can do anythign we want Society is basically everyone following someone else that was being himself. We have the power to create and break society that is what MEn do the reason we have these thoughts is to ****ing use them. Lol this is so shameful Even Women know how to do this (Womens Suffrage) But we the men so called donjuans arent able to do this lol if you cant do this then your not a man I challenge all of us including me to show ourselves to express ourselves because this is how creations inventions New Ages are created. The road might start rough but our manly skin is heir to that When we conquer we will feel so good .(Joy wouldnt feel so good if it wasn't for the pain ) Come on guys Lets do It We create new things Thats what men is their for not to only **** women but to change the world.