Why Are You Guys On Sosuave?


Don Juan
Oct 9, 2011
Reaction score
Whenever I come here I see all these posts about guys worrying about women. Don't you people have your own lifes to pursue? What types of things do you do when you aren't on Sosuave? What types of dreams are you trying to achieve? Which limits are you trying to push? Wish boundaries will you break? What's more important, finding one woman, or finding your place in the world?

So I ask all of you this: what can I hope to hear of you people in the next decade?


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
That's a good point because that's what the women you are seeking want to know.

Her: "So what is your ambition?"
Him: "I aspire to eventually have regular unprotected sex with you."
Her (thinking): "In return for what?"

If you pursue a dream passionately women will pursue you passionately.


Master Don Juan
Jul 18, 2005
Reaction score
If it all works out I'll be working as an artist. Already have some stuff in galleries in Toronto.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 14, 2008
Reaction score
A better place, a better time.
Title of the post seems to be a bit more rhetorical than I thought it would be, but to answer based on what it seems you're really asking:

In a month I'm moving alllll the way across the country from Boston to Southern California, something I've wanted to do on an abstract level for a long damn time and was actively orchestrating for the past two years now. And it's going to be absolutely incredible and I can't wait.

So I can have some money saved up, I work 60 hours a week right now which leaves me too drained to even want to pursue women currently. The only hobby I stick with religiously is lifting, which I've been doing for three years now and will continue to do for the rest of my life.

To answer your original question, the Book of Pook was literally life-changing for me. My journey of self-improvement started there, and SS helped me continue towards becoming the person I want to be for a very long time. Lately, I've drifted away from SS in favor of RSD's stuff because I believe that's the best thing for me in my life given where I'm at right now.

But I completely love the progress I've made from a shy, inhibited, worthless-feeling nerd to a confident, relaxed, well-adjusted man, and I have this site to thank for that.

It pisses me off that I have SO much farther to go, but at the same time I am so grateful I have already begun the process because I see so many guys around me unhappy with themselves and their lives yet doing nothing proactive to change their situation. I KNOW what I want to accomplish to bring myself closer to my ideal self, who I really want to be, and I know I will continue working towards it. And that fills me with hope as I look towards the future.

The rest of my life is mostly details at this point. For the past five years I have been a full time college student with a full time job. I'm moving to the land of sunshine and happiness with a couple of my best friends and all I want to do right now is relax and give my own self-improvement process the proper attention it deserves. The rest is really all details. And it's going to be phenomenal.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 3, 2003
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Fort Bragg, North Carolina
I came to sosuave close to 9 years ago, because I hated the fact that I would wear my heart on my sleeve, and I would fall for any girl that had remote interest in me. I have posted nightmares for threads in following years, and being here on sosuave has helped me become the person I wish I had always been.. a confident man that doesn't need any female to validate my existence. I don't have a lot of posts compared to the time I've been a member here because I would read a lot of good advice/training and apply it, and it would work. At one point, I was addicted to this place, because it seemed to know every solution I needed to all my problems. However, I am still here so that I can give back to this community, and keep this place going.. because it took care of me in my time of need, and I will always love this place.


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2011
Reaction score
Don't have time to answer all your questions at the moment... I'm here to help others not make the same dumb mistakes I did when getting into the dating game. Also, to get involved in some of the discussions. Not really looking for advice. Most of what people say on here is already known.


Don Juan
Aug 24, 2011
Reaction score
this place can actually help you to become a better man in many respects instead of simply teaching you how to game women


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2004
Reaction score
In the real world, there are lots of resources for career, education, and money. I have no problem learning and working on those.

I come to this site when I found that men around me were idiots when it came to women. I had girl problems that no one can help me with. The basic advice from friends is to give into the give until she is happy. That didn't sound right. No real male role model, my dad was a good provider for the family, but he had his cheating problems that ended up fukking up the family for years.

The resources and posters on this site helped me learn to conquer the dating world and helped me find what makes me happy as a man.

Now, I browse the site to sometimes brush up on basics I forgot along the way, get updates on other poster's adventure, and help others when I can basically paying it forward. I will continue this for the next ten years if I can find the time.


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2011
Reaction score
I'm here because I love reading philosophy...


Don Juan
Sep 7, 2011
Reaction score
I came here because I was heartbroken over a failed attempt at a relationship with a girl I was totally nuts over. I needed a fresh new perspective on this whole dating thing, since I know that feeling sorry for myself and complaining I didn't get my own way in that situation never helps make anything better.

That, and this is one of the few websites on the subject that didn't use some stupid "flawless pickup method that works 99% every time" and required a credit card. haha


Senior Don Juan
Jun 5, 2006
Reaction score
When the only time that you ever unzip your penis out of your pants is to urinate, you end up on a site like this. :yes:


Don Juan
Oct 26, 2011
Reaction score
Been visiting the website since 2004. I wanted to get this part of my dating life sorted and I've been fired up ever since.


New Member
Nov 7, 2011
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Some come onto the site to seek help from others who have been in the same situation. If they have advice since they were in that situation, y not pass on the knowledge of what works and what doesn't


New Member
Sep 12, 2011
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Sydney, NSW, Australia
What makes you think that because I post a couple of paragraphs here I don't have my own life? This is a DJ discussion forum, what kind of posts would you expect to find if not the ones from guys worrying about women? The point is some men have fortunately realised that there's something not going well when it comes to the ladies and they just want to have it sorted out. The resources to achieve this are out there (or in here) available to everybody. That's how I found the forum and all the priceless help from its contributors.

My perception of the male-female dynamics has radically changed and now I am more aware of what I really want in a partner. Knowing what you really want, in case you haven't noticed, is a big thing. It's a point of transition for you into a better self. And all of that as a result of the amazing reasoning capability of the male mind. Brilliant!

The truth is ugly, it hurts, but we accept it and find the fun in dealing with it. That's what life is for, for us to enjoy.


Master Don Juan
Jul 4, 2008
Reaction score
San Diego, California
I first came here to get help with my relationship with the opposite sex in general. Compared to where I started I have made great improvements. Reading "The Book of Pook" which is in the DJ Bible really shifted my perspective on the whole thing. So, now I realize that while it's good to be informed on the male-female relationship dynamic, becoming a better me is really the most important thing. When I do the aspect of women won't be much of a problem. I'm currently seeing a girl (it's been about 5 months now). I don't know what we are but we see each other about twice a week and that includes sex, hanging out and enjoying each other's company. Even if I wasn't seeing her I'd still be somewhat okay with it because I realize now that a girl isn't my biggest concern. If I can get other areas of my life together I can meet better quality women (after all I'm generally a likeable person who easily meets people).
Well, when I'm not here I'm trying to finish my schooling, I work (looking for something better), started a soccer team (player/coach), I go to the club, social get togethers, play my fifa 12 on ps3 etc. In the next 10 yrs I hope to be fully working in the design field, married to a good woman, pursuing my passions but life can be funny so we'ill see what happens. I occassionally come in here to see what's new, refresh my mind, respond to people's question. I think a lot of time when things are going good for us we tend to forget about sosuave till we mess up. I think this way helps me keep things fresh.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 10, 2011
Reaction score
bigneil said:
If you pursue a dream passionately women will pursue you passionately.
So true...classic Pook philosophy, never gets old.

Like a lot of other people, I'm on here to self-improve.

So far I've got over a lot of my sexual hang-ups, desperation, oneitis and girl-rejection issues by losing my virginity to hookers in Amsterdam last month, and I'm now in the process of self-improvement...hitting the gym hard and learning the way of the Don Juan through the DJ Bible, Book of Pook etc.