Who cares that you dont get girls?


Don Juan
Nov 25, 2005
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Hood Hopping...
I was talking to one of my female friends and she asked me this. Why is getting girls so important?... if girls dont like you, its not the end of the World... Why are guys always trying to get with somebody? ... if i didnt get any attention from guys i would still be happy. I really didnt know how to answer that question. I dont know, can a guy be happy not getting any azz at all?


Master Don Juan
Apr 1, 2005
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"Why are guys always trying to get with somebody?"
Because it feels damned good to get with a hot girl. Because it feels damned good to fvck them hot girls. Because I'm lonely. Because I want someone to take care of me and love me and care for me. Because I'm tired of using my hand.

I bet you didn't know how to answer those questions because you're embarassed of the answer. Or you probably knew the answer will get you in trouble with your female friends.

This is where as an individual, it is important for you to reflect on yourself a little. Ask yourself what is the true answer to their questions. And then ask yourself if you like it that your answer is such.

I've encountered many situations where I didn't like the answers that I gave myself. I look at it and feel it's really stupid sometimes. And obviously I don't want to seem stupid, thus I changed the way I approached similar things and changed the way I feel about it, all for the sake of not being a dumb a$$.

I strongly believe that these girls that you speak of knew the answers to the questions they were posing to you. They were just testing to see if you knew how to tackle them or see if you had some conviction to your beliefs. Not knowing how to answer is a bad sign for cowardice or ignorance. But for someone that's still only 18, I see it all as something you experience along the way to becoming mature.

They key here is to know yourself inside and out. Whenever someone asks you any question, you will therefore have an answer. Even if the answer is not gonna be mainstream.


Dec 15, 2004
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Who gives a shyt how he answered the question? Fk her shyt test and fk the right answer (whatever that is).


Master Don Juan
Apr 1, 2005
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Who gives a shyt how he answered the question? Fk her shyt test and fk the right answer (whatever that is).
And how does that help him master himself?
If he's gonna be lost everytime someone asks him a 'sensitive' question, how the hell is he supposed to come across as being a strong and self-confident person?
If he's gonna just go "Fvck your stupid questions bytch", how the hell is he supposed to come across as being not-stupid, cool headed, reasonable and not a fvckin hater?

JHeigths83rd, if you wanna be a dumba$$ don't care about yourself. If you want to be truly confident with yourself and actually truly master yourself, then reflect on who you are and what you want. Those questions posed to you are good because you didn't know how to answer them. This should get you thinking about yourself. You can only improve if you see the need to.


Dec 15, 2004
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This shyt really isnt that difficult and worrying about always having the right answer to stupid questions is not the ANSWER...

Tha Realnezz

Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2004
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JHeights83rd said:
I was talking to one of my female friends and she asked me this. Why is getting girls so important?... if girls dont like you, its not the end of the World... Why are guys always trying to get with somebody? ... if i didnt get any attention from guys i would still be happy. I really didnt know how to answer that question. I dont know, can a guy be happy not getting any azz at all?
Yeah I never understood why guys who just can't do it....are so obssessed with proving themselves.

I guess it's to prove themselves.

But really if you just arent attractive at all you're wasting you're time.Why frustrate yourself?Be a nice guy and have you're lil' relationships.


Master Don Juan
Apr 1, 2005
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This shyt really isnt that difficult and worrying about always having the right answer to stupid questions is not the ANSWER...
I never said anything about worrying. It's more like figuring it out more than worrying about it. I'm curious by nature and worry about pretty much nothing. Sometimes, even thinking about stupid questions could yield a lot about one's self. But the key here is not to worry about how one would look to others but how much one actually understands themselves.

I agree that the question asked is stupid. But it's only stupid because I believe it was asked without the intention of actually getting a straight answer. Blurting out the honest ugly truth is always a good stance, but only if you're not worried about being looked at as weird, creepy, shallow, or whatever negative way possible.

Here's the bottom line though. If you ever find yourself having difficulties answering a question, you better start understanding why you're so worried about answering or understanding why you've never thought about it before.


Don Juan
Aug 30, 2004
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I was talking to one of my female friends and she asked me this. Why is getting girls so important?... if girls dont like you, its not the end of the World... Why are guys always trying to get with somebody? ... if i didnt get any attention from guys i would still be happy. I really didnt know how to answer that question. I dont know, can a guy be happy not getting any azz at all?
Because it's in our genes. The purpose of our lives, and any animals' lives for that matter, is to survive and procreate in order to continue our species and avoid extinction. For thousands of years human beings have been mating and making babies. Although the environment has changed, human nature has not. We, as males, are designed to find a suitable, healthy, female mate to have sex and create offspring with, so we can pass along our genes.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
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Ask your girlfriend why girls feel the need to buy shoes, belts, purses, and dress in excess. When she stumbles trying to give you a legitmate awnser, you say "Thank you, now hook me up with your friend and I'll set you up with a knock off prada bag, deal?"


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2005
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i don't think anyone really cares really if they get girls or not..it's usually a life and death situation for the guys who can't...think about it, would you be likely to stress over money more or less if you we dead broke and starving or if you had an awesome job and living well? same principle :rock:

if you were getting laid everynight, would you be fretting over getting it? even if it sucks, it's still sex and it's still a nut! and yes..it still feels just as good :woo:

in response to that girls question,i'd simply say..'most guys are idiots,you're lucky i am not like most guys ..hey , do i hear an ice creme truck?' :whistle:


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
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"Not knowing how to answer is a bad sign for cowardice or ignorance."

Meh, its not a sign of either of those its simply a sign of confusion at being put on the spot with a stupid f***ing question.

If a female friend asked me that and acted like she demanded an answer I would either laugh at her or look at her as though she was insane thus making her uncomfortable because again its a stupid question.


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2005
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it's not even a valid question- more of a way of venting her frustrations and opinions of a situation in the form of a question- why in the world does she care soo much about guys in the first place if she wants to be left alone? sounds like she's whinning more then questioning, she may be insecure that you might not really like her and concerned that you are looking for someone else....


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
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Well, to some extent, she has a point. A real Don Juan shouldn't require someone else's company to be happy. You need to learn to either love your life as it is or improve it so that you're happy with it.

Girls are like money. It's pretty sad when a person becomes so dependent on wealth that they can't be happy without being rich. But at the same time, money is good. And it's always good to try to get more.


Don Juan
Nov 25, 2005
Reaction score
Hood Hopping...
To clarify

yeah to all you guys i wanna clarify. We're friends, she was asking me about my terrible childhood, and i didnt really wanna give her that much details. But the question came up that basically "why cant the average loser type, who gets pissed on by everybody at school, and gets no girls, be happy? Why should he listen to other people and change himself... then to... why is getting girls so important? i could be happy if i was a loser and no action..."

Then it lead to why do guys expect sex from their girlfriends? why guys cheat? I didnt know what to tell her, i said something like " its subconscious every guy wants to bone. and guys who have the power and influence to get multiple women... if a man gets options he wants to use them." then i got her to honestly think about how she could expect guys to want to put all that time and attention a ltr takes? what does the guy get?


Don Juan
Nov 25, 2005
Reaction score
Hood Hopping...

Were just friends guys, i have a lot of female friends that i would sex if that opportunity came around somehow, but that i didnt try to get. Ive never been 'blinded by beauty' or 'blown away' so i have no problem having friendships with girls i would bang. Im more into personality. Im 1/2 ****y, but 2funny, and im real with them, (not nice), they really like (and not just tolerate) my presence so they let me kino sexually.

To all you guys who are scared women are testing them to see if they pass the test or not, most of the time its not happening, therefore hitting her off with a c + f line wont do ***t, its an indicator of where you stand with her. For example, she says "wow how old r you youre too young" it doesnt mean shes testing you to see if youll hit her off with a c + f line, it means she sees you like youre her little bro.

Women test you at the beggining to see how puzz whipped you are to see if youre the type that gets on his knees and bends over backwards for the hope of banging her. If she feels like youre acting confident/trying to be someone youre not to her, then she tests. but most of their actions are ioi. Of course if she asked me that, then she was wondering what i was gonna say, duh, we all do that.


Master Don Juan
Apr 3, 2006
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JHeights83rd said:
I was talking to one of my female friends and she asked me this. Why is getting girls so important?... if girls dont like you, its not the end of the World... Why are guys always trying to get with somebody? ... if i didnt get any attention from guys i would still be happy. I really didnt know how to answer that question. I dont know, can a guy be happy not getting any azz at all?

HAHA, sh!t test. That is some full fledged ******** right there;) True, but, ******** nonetheless.

Why should you worry, if your friend said that to you anyways?

What if you are 100% happy with yourself, but there is something OTHER THAN YOURSELF that you desire?

;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

smoke city

Don Juan
Oct 21, 2004
Reaction score
do you think the guys who are out there curing cancer and building skyscrapers and sending rockets into space give a sh!t how many girls they fvck? the answer is that some of us have better things to do than b!tch and moan like your friend. men who strive for greatness and change the world don't waste their time whining about not having a girlfriend.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 5, 2003
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smoke city said:
do you think the guys who are out there curing cancer and building skyscrapers and sending rockets into space give a sh!t how many girls they fvck? the answer is that some of us have better things to do than b!tch and moan like your friend. men who strive for greatness and change the world don't waste their time whining about not having a girlfriend.
No, but they get lonely just like everyone else.

More so if their work isolates them, like it must for any greatness to be achieved. And its well documented that a satisfying one on one relationship increases health, longevity and productivity. "Behind every great man is a great woman". Its true dude. True.


Don Juan
Nov 25, 2005
Reaction score
Hood Hopping...

You guys are too paranoid about women testing you. When a women gets with a man, shes not buying into the man, but shes buying into his game, or leadership. Men act, women react. Its a some women's nature to test male authority. She does this (most of it is subconscious) to see if your really worth of being followed, under that show of c+f and confidence. When she does this, she tests the boundaries of your leadership.

minor things
(1) forcing preferences on you
(2) testing your decisiveness
(3) having you do her favors

major things
(1) interacting with an ex
(2) crying and victimizing herself of you (to later send you on a gift giving guilt trip)
(3) come at you with disrespect trying to diss you.
(4) sending you to rite aid to buy her tampax, and youre scared to say no because you dont want to jeapordize ***sy priveleges. (ultimate act of puzz whippedness)

Women test boundaries. They start out small. If you give her an inch next time she takes a mile. Were friends, theres no chemistry between us even though i touch some of them sexually sometimes. this has nothing to do with boundaries, she knows ill do somethings for her. I let her know up front that i expect something, or i make her beg for it, or i get a little offensive on her so she never thinks of asking a favor like that.


Dec 15, 2004
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sending you to rite aid to buy her tampax, and youre scared to say no because you dont want to jeapordize ***sy priveleges. (ultimate act of puzz whippedness)

I use to buy my girl tampons what is the big deal?? Shyt what is so wrong with that? Walked up to the counter bought them and some midol, help my girls purse while she tried on clothes. No big deal.....All shyt Im comfortable with.