When you can do so much better, but your still better about why she left you


Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2013
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Anyone had a situation like this? To this day Im still bitter about this single mom I dated who had borderline personality disorder. She was a piece of **** liar and had nothing going for her, and was a single mom...but I know for fact had she not broken up with me Id probably still be with her.

Fast forward a year and Im dating a chick who blows her out of the water in every single department, and is making 100k a year with no kids. Hell every chick Ive been with since has been an upgrade with no kids, they've all been better looking, with better jobs..

Even after almost a year, I still haven't found it in me to delete the videos I have of her on my phone. Things ended horribly between us, and I have too much pride to take her back. She unblocked me on Facebook trying to bait me but I did not take the bait. Deep down in my heart I just feel like there is unfinished business between us.

Makes no sense why a guy isn't thankful an emotionally ill woman walked out of his life but to this day it still pisses me off.

I think you can only love really hard one time...then again she was a borderline to the 9th degree, maybe that has something to do with it?

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
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OP.. this is a perfect example of how people love a*sholes. :crackup:

We always want what we can't have.. even if the thing we can't have is worthless. This should explain everything (taken from an old thread I started):

What creates emotional attachment in humans? In short.. stress and uncertainty.

Research done on baby animals where they are punished or rewarded for certain behaviors was used to measure attachment. Conclusion? PUNISHMENT LEADS TO MORE ATTACHMENT. Also.. uncertainty leads to the MOST attachment. This basically explains beta desperation as well as women’s love for bad boys.

Modern women are very unpredictable and lack loyality because they no longer depend on men in the capacity they once did. This uncertainty about what a woman might do from one day to the next has created stronger male attachment. Desperate, pathetic betas who want “commitment” from women so bad they would chop off their foot to get it.

Research was also done on the prisoners of War (the Korean War). When the prisoners were sent home, many of them were indifferent to the scenes of American victory and Americans returning home.. or even their own families welcoming them home. Many were brainwashed by the opposition and many of them even stayed there. Why? Dependency. As prisoners, they became extremely dependent on their captors and brainwashed by the mindset of their captors. This created an atmosphere of fear due to inconsistency in how they were treated from one day to the next (Sound familiar? BPD females anyone?).

It can all be summed up as the polarity principal: Stress (or the mental stress of uncertainty) is a key ingredient in attachment (or love) as well has hatred if it becomes too extreme.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
Reaction score
USA, Louisiana
Put your ego in a box and bury it deep.. Your ego will fvck you up all the time. It's your ego that turns indifference into love.

This is why women are so prone to falling for the @sshole that doesn't give a fvck. Women have MONSTER egos... and the constantly need validation. The Bad Boy withholds validation until he's getting a BJ.

Women can't control their egos... they just CAN NOT do it. Men can and this is how... very simple:

1) Don't take things personal.

2) Speak deliberately.. Think before you talk.

3) NEVER AGRUE WITH A WOMAN. When you are chatting up a hottie, and she saying something completely fvcking stupid, just don't say anything, just give her a little negative body language. If she says something you agree with... lt her know, give her a little validation. She will learn quickly that when you a silent, you disagree.... this simple trick not only makes you better with women but helps you control your ego.

4) Don't compare yourself with others.

5) Never feel sorry for yourself. Always be grateful for things you have.


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2012
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captain55 said:
Anyone had a situation like this? To this day Im still bitter about this single mom I dated who had borderline personality disorder. She was a piece of **** liar and had nothing going for her, and was a single mom...but I know for fact had she not broken up with me Id probably still be with her.

Fast forward a year and Im dating a chick who blows her out of the water in every single department, and is making 100k a year with no kids. Hell every chick Ive been with since has been an upgrade with no kids, they've all been better looking, with better jobs..

Even after almost a year, I still haven't found it in me to delete the videos I have of her on my phone. Things ended horribly between us, and I have too much pride to take her back. She unblocked me on Facebook trying to bait me but I did not take the bait. Deep down in my heart I just feel like there is unfinished business between us.

Makes no sense why a guy isn't thankful an emotionally ill woman walked out of his life but to this day it still pisses me off.

I think you can only love really hard one time...then again she was a borderline to the 9th degree, maybe that has something to do with it?
You can't blame yourself. BPD's are kryptonite to the DJ. I haven't seen my BPD for 6 months and she is still on my mind. I know I should block her from whatsapp etc but I can't. Every 2-3 weeks she keeps on checking up on me. I respond cordially. BPD's really fvck with your head.


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2013
Reaction score
mikey2012 said:
You can't blame yourself. BPD's are kryptonite to the DJ. I haven't seen my BPD for 6 months and she is still on my mind. I know I should block her from whatsapp etc but I can't. Every 2-3 weeks she keeps on checking up on me. I respond cordially. BPD's really fvck with your head.

Your right its definetly not his fault. "BPDs" are omnipotent.


Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2013
Reaction score
I've been there OP, we probably all have. All the answers are right here in this thread. Purge this sh*t from your phone and let go of this bitterness. It's just added stress in your life that is worthless. You have the mind power to rid yourself of this bitterness but yet you continue to hold on to it?

Delete this unfinished business mindset man. You already know what's done is dead and there is no going back. Live in the now and not the past, don't let this baggage you hold on to affect you in the present day.


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
SmooveMooves said:

Your right its definetly not his fault. "BPDs" are omnipotent.
Well I guess you never been with one. Lucky you.


Don Juan
Mar 23, 2015
Reaction score
Slightly different circumstances but yes, I can do much better than my ex girlfriend but the fact she left me made me extremely upset and it is difficult to take.

Just one of life's cruel ironies I guess


New Member
Mar 30, 2015
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When she broke up with you she did you a great service. Thank her by forgetting about her.