'when to call' question, in general..


Don Juan
Sep 29, 2004
Reaction score
Hey guys, this concerns the same chick from my last post, but i got a different question this time...

Some of the DJ advice on here seems to almost advocate waiting on a woman to phone you. I havent talked to her on the phone in well over a week, and on MSN like twice in 2 weeks. Her and i both work ALOT, so we dont have a lot of time as it is. Is giving her a call and (probably) leaving a message a good idea? Or should i wait on it and let her call me? We havent got together in weeks, and i know she is keen on having that happen. I have told her whenever she says she is sorry (which she does whenever we talk) for being so busy that its totally cool, im busy too, and that 'she knows my number'. She isnt much of a phone chick either (wierd huh?). What should i do? Ideas?

Heh, i love this forum...i can ask questions about stuff i thought i already knew inside out, and get a better perspective on it :p Thanx bros!


Master Don Juan
May 6, 2004
Reaction score
Well, here's the thing, she does know your number, so if she really was so keen, she WOULD call you. But of course, many girls are typical and leave the calling up to the man. And that is OKAY, but just don't give it to her all the time.

If you want to go on a date with the woman, by all means do it. I understand that you two are busy, but look at it this way.

Are you willing to sacrafice a few hours for one night to go on a date with a woman you're interested in?

Of course you would. If she's interested, she would too.

So this is what you do.

You call her up and say,

"Hey I'm free <insert day>, let's go to <insert place>. I'll pick you up at <insert time>."

If she says no, take it as a rejection man and move on. You've already wasted plenty of time on a woman that you don't even know is interested. If she says "No, I'm really sorry, I'm busy that night, but I'm free <insert day>, how about..." then you're in the clear.

Think about it, you would do exactly the same. You're busy, but you know you have a free day, so you offer it. And if she says a flat out yes, then you're set.

Just be sure to come off as bold and confident. Know what you want and go and take it. There's nothing more sexier to a woman than a confident man.


Don Juan
Sep 29, 2004
Reaction score
Keep in mind, this (as most of my posts are likely to be) is just a situational analysis. I am asking a quick question that has been on my mind a bit, and its nice to be able to get input on it. I may be a '****y dude', but that doesnt mean i know everything, and I obviously came to the forum for a reason...Interactive advice LOL


Don Juan
Sep 29, 2004
Reaction score
LOL......i was posting just as you were replying NRM! Thanks tho, for the advice. You seem to have a good grip of what i was saying. She is working tons (admittedly to 'keep her mind from negative things' in her life right now), and i work 2 jobs. The curse of modern society eh?

And i know she is interested, heh.....read my first thread for all the details. :) I just need to work a bit on her <cracks knuckles>

Very cool affirmation tho man, thanks :)


Master Don Juan
May 6, 2004
Reaction score
Well, even with all the negative things, once you get a date, be sure to stray away from them. Talk about positive things and keep them upbeat. It'll give her a positive view of you. Afterall, if she's trying to get away from the negative, she probably doesn't want to go on a date with you to reaffirm them.

Just go and have fun. I understand that time constraints are becoming a bigger problem nowadays for dating, but I hope it works out.


Don Juan
Sep 29, 2004
Reaction score
Heh.....ok just closed the date over MSN :p VERY positive response. I think she misses me ;) We talk frequently online coz neither of us are really phone people. But yeah i hear ya on the positive stuff, but we have went on 5-6 dates before, and all turned out awesome. Right now the priority is getting my (now improved) DJ skillz in full effect to keep the physicality going. I have noticed positive response from her every time i break out the kino :)

LOL.......side note, me and a friend went out for dinner last night, and it was a place where we are familiar with one of the waitresses, and i tried turning the DJ knob to a new level.....smacked her on the ass on my way out of the bathroom LOL, she was asking us to come back and pick her up after work! I said call me and she did lol, chilled with her at her place (droppin sexy hints the whole time) for a bit, then she jumped on me on my way out the door. I said 'you got my number' LOL. Just an example of how attitude really works! Ive always been an a**hole, but im just getting better reading this forum :)

So, a smack on the ass is in order for the date next week :)


Master Don Juan
Feb 5, 2003
Reaction score
1. You should always take the inituative and call

2. Standard rule is 72 hours after you got the digits. Got the # on friday? Call her monday to set something up on tuesday or wensday. that goes well, go for a friday date. But ditch her on saturday because you got other plans/ You should have her in the sack by the next week-day or weekend date.