When they text "how's it going?" or similar


Don Juan
Dec 19, 2006
Reaction score
Pretty simple question.... I don't know if it's just me or what... But Girls constantly text me questions like:

"how's it going?"
"how have you been?"
"how was your weekend?"

I normally try to respond with something witty, but even when i just give simple answers the result seems to be the same...... the conversation leads NO WHERE!

Example 1 from last night (me trying to be witty)
Girl: "Hey, how's it gnging handsome?"
Me: "Crazy, like your hair. U?" (she has BIG curly hair)
Girl: "HEY! leave my hair alone! I'm busy working my @ss off; end of the month at work."
Me: "Bullsh!t!"
Girl: "What's bullsh!t?"
Me: "There isn't any amount of work you could do to get rid of THAT @ss! ;-)"
Girl: "LOL true...."

then the conversation just kind of died....
that conversation wasn't all that bad now that i re-type it... BUT... it really didn't go anywhere.... and i feel like i was just keeping her company while she was bored (which may be what my problem; when i text - i just feel like the woman is bored and randomly texting people)....

Sometimes i do something like this:

Example 2 (simple)
Girl: "Hey! how was your weekend?"
Me: "Fun. How was yours?"
Girl: "The same" (maybe she gives some details) ..."so, what did you do?"
ME: [say something ****y and funny] or maybe just answer her straight up if i don't feel like playing...

Then the conversation normally dies after 4-5 exchanges....

How do you guys handle simple questions like this?


Don Juan
May 16, 2010
Reaction score
Try asking the details... Girls LOVE to talk! I often find myself having nothing interesting to say, and I just pick up on something they mentioned before and ask something about that. For example, she would tell me she had a great time last night, I would ask her "who made that night so great?", then say something like "would be even better if I was there". It's a dumb example but you get the general idea. Comment on something in your surroundings, either a whole new conversation will spawn or she will be like "yeah... you're right..." and act all bored. If you feel the texting is about to get dull in a few messages, bail. say you gotta do something else and you'll call her later. Never say when though.


Master Don Juan
May 27, 2007
Reaction score
Your first text was pretty good.... you just need a direction...

Something i do before i respond or start to text someone is ask myself "what is the point of this interaction?" Then lead her to whatever i want.

1. Figure out what you want. (do you want to make her horny? do you want to meet her? do you want to make her laugh? cry? etc.)
2. Lead her in that direction.

Once you have an objective - all else falls into place.

If you can't think of an objective - then don't respond until you can.