When girls are not what they seem.


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2008
Reaction score
This girl i dated I had totaly pinned wrong. She used to date a guy I know and everyone thought she was this little sweetheart that he just treated like crap. I've known her for years and it wasn't until i strted dating her that I realized she was kind of a barfly promiscuous girl. Shes brilliant at hiding it. almost sometimes convinces herself otherwise. Totaly threw me off.

Why does this happen? How come I can't see this girls for who they are right away? usualy i'm pretty good at that. It sucks to because grls who are realy good girls i doubt now.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 19, 2008
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Los Angeles, CA
dude, don't put any girl up on a pedestal. Just take them for who they are. If you don't like something they do then next them. But remember to be fair. I'm sure you've done things you're not proud of or you may do things that she might think is bad. So don't go accusing and judging anyone because I really don't think any of us are saints.


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2008
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not puttiing anyone on a pedestal, not judging, just thought I was a better judge of charecter. usualy don't like to get involved with someone and find out months later they are not what they seem. so i'm asking for advice on how to see this **** earlier


Senior Don Juan
Dec 5, 2006
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sosilky said:
This girl i dated I had totaly pinned wrong. She used to date a guy I know and everyone thought she was this little sweetheart that he just treated like crap. I've known her for years and it wasn't until i strted dating her that I realized she was kind of a barfly promiscuous girl. Shes brilliant at hiding it. almost sometimes convinces herself otherwise. Totaly threw me off.

Why does this happen? How come I can't see this girls for who they are right away? usualy i'm pretty good at that. It sucks to because grls who are realy good girls i doubt now.
1) Some people are really good at hiding who they truly are.

I'm feeling ripped apart because I was lied to by this one woman. Man, I knew women lie. But I thought I knew her. And I took her at her word when I shouldn't have, but I wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt.

And near the end, she made promises, and I was skeptical, but hopeful that she was telling the truth. And I ended up more angry that I had fallen for it for even a second.

And one of the biggest things that piss me of is feeling manipulated.

And I'm still deeply hurt because I fell for her manipulation. And everyone else is manipulated by her, and it ticks me off. I want the world to see her for the liar she truly is, but, in all reality, it most likely won't happen. She'll keep being the filthy stinking liar she's always been, and because she's pretty, everyone will continue to kiss her ass and let her lie to them.

But maybe there's a little silver lining. She's marrying one of her own kind. A boy (not a man) who's a liar and a cheat. He's a former druggie. Unfortunately, they get everything in life handed to them on a silver platter. But maybe it won't always happen. One of these days, he'll cheat again, or she will, or he'll get back into drugs because of stress... whatever the situation may be. But, they both chose this.

My father was physically and emotionally abusive for 15 years. He only stopped being physically abusive because he thought I was getting big enough to become a threat should I choose to start a fight (and I chose to defend myself). He's never known how to be a true man. And I pity him, and his level of stupidity. But he doesn't deserve my sympathy. He deserves what crap he gets.

But to anyone outside of the family, he's this scrawny little put upon kindly old man who couldn't (or wouldn't) hurt a fly. He's quite good at keeping up the little picked on nerd game. Once in a while (not nearly enough) he will show his true colors in public, however. It's rare, but it happens from time to time.

But you know what? Once I'm out of the house, I'm pretty much done with him. He's f'ed up almost any possible healthy relationship with his son, and he probably won't get much time with my kids, should I have any. He'll be lucky if I choose to go to his funeral when he dies off, if we're speaking at all.

2) Alternatively, sometimes we overlook those things or see them in a different way because we want to. Sometimes it can be our fault. Sometimes. Even our radars can be off kilter, and we fall for it. We're human.


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2008
Reaction score

well i guess they sre meant for eachother. The best is when I would sense something was off and she would turn it around me.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 23, 2008
Reaction score
Why does this happen? How come I can't see this girls for who they are right away? usualy i'm pretty good at that. It sucks to because grls who are realy good girls i doubt now.
You are not alone in feeling this way.

Here's my take on it, and it's rather simple.

When a girl is smitten with you (really into you, she thinks you're good looking and charming), the biggest, nastiest personality, can become the sweetest, kindest, most docile thing you've ever seen.

Add to that fact, like Mental said, you'll probably start overlooking some signs yourself, in light of how nice she initially seemed.

Everything is great, until the one of out a million possible things that could happen, make her see you differently. It could be as simple as the "romance" wearing off after the first month. The she turns into a completely different person- a blood curdling harpie.

This is why it's important not to move to fast or trust to easily. It sucks to have to go through life guarded, but I have seen this many times too.


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2008
Reaction score

so all you can do is just wait it out and see if she turns out to be a piece of ****? see i'd like to know this right away. which is why i'm not afraid to do some investigating sometimes. I wanna know what i'm getting myself into.

This is comes down to allot of the thresds i have posted. I dated a girl for three months. I looked at her phone in thje begining and saw that she was in touch with another dude. did a little not so classy investigating and found out she was seing him the same time she was seeing me. So I nailed her for three months and didn't let my emotions get involved. Had I not done what i did and just focused on school and took everything at she said at face value (she has the image of a nun) I probably would be emotionaly invested now and destined to be four kinds of fvcked and still have no idea about this other dude!


Senior Don Juan
Mar 23, 2008
Reaction score
so all you can do is just wait it out and see if she turns out to be a piece of ****? see i'd like to know this right away.
Just like the HB's-many who develop a very good intuition for sniffing out AFCs and players-you will get better at determining what's right for you the more you date, the more situations you experience, weeding out the good from the bad.

I don't think there's a magic bullet though. Test her for congruency, make sure her actions are consistent with what she claims she is-you'll begin to notice patterns in women, the same way they do in men.

Until then, don't get emotionally vested, and see where things go.


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2008
Reaction score

Who the hell has time to analyze or figure out what she is doing when your not around when as a Don Juan your supposed to be focusing on goals and other chicks? and if your not supposed to be concerned fine. but then what happens down the road when you find out what a chump she made out of you all the while thinking you r a don juan?