Whats your "type" and how do you do with them?


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2022
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My type are the girl next door type eastern european girls I dated in my 20s and were in their 20s too.

Pretty faces and top bodies coming straight from the manufacturer that were improved even more from sport but were fine to begin with.

No need to custom a Ferrari, it's already built to perform and impress.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
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@Jesse Pinkman you're gonna have to fight me for those types as they're mine as well. One of my exes was Italian with dark black straight hair and blue/grey eyes. Also a big set of tits. She was my perfect type, physically. Mentally, that's another story.
I know this is supposed to be a joke but it's also part of the problem we are facing

Most blokes and i am talking about circa 70% of the population will be prepared to lose a limb for the types of women in OP's post wether they are single or not

they aren't a type they are just generally attractive white women lmao and there's fvcking loads of them out there

Go to Ibiza in the summer it will be absolutely loaded with attractive girls parading around in bikinis they are hardly a scarce commodity :rofl: but everyone certainly acts like they are

Somehow through various social constructs we have come to believe every attractive woman we lay eyes on holds the keys to our eternal happiness

Its absolute nonsense :rofl:

To an extent men are their own worst enemies because if men were more chill and didn't drool over them they would have to work harder to get US


Mar 6, 2017
Reaction score
Actually I could post one chick I dated since her pictures are public anyways (model) View attachment 9575

This isn't a brag or anything though.. Don't want to ruffle any incel feathers.. Just showing you guys a glimpse of what I pulled in the past lol.
Nice!!! Im so glad you banged her
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Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
Reaction score
To an extent men are their own worst enemies because if men were more chill and didn't drool over them they would have to work harder to get US
I suspect we were made this way by design.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score
I know this is supposed to be a joke but it's also part of the problem we are facing

Most blokes and i am talking about circa 70% of the population will be prepared to lose a limb for the types of women in OP's post wether they are single or not

they aren't a type they are just generally attractive white women lmao and there's fvcking loads of them out there

Go to Ibiza in the summer it will be absolutely loaded with attractive girls parading around in bikinis they are hardly a scarce commodity :rofl: but everyone certainly acts like they are

Somehow through various social constructs we have come to believe every attractive woman we lay eyes on holds the keys to our eternal happiness

Its absolute nonsense :rofl:

To an extent men are their own worst enemies because if men were more chill and didn't drool over them they would have to work harder to get US
I was going to do a thread on this but I have actually noticed that compared to blondes, brunettes barely get any attention in most cases. Everyone wants to approach the flashy blonde and even the pretty brunettes feel overlooked. I have seen it so much in my life.
Mar 9, 2021
Reaction score
I was going to do a thread on this but I have actually noticed that compared to blondes, brunettes barely get any attention in most cases. Everyone wants to approach the flashy blonde and even the pretty brunettes feel overlooked. I have seen it so much in my life.
The girls that have screwed me over the worst were brunettes lol.


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
Reaction score
Some guys have a "type" when it comes to women but as for how they do with them, I think it depends on the guy. I am in a spot now where I am starting to pull women who are my "type" more often than when I first started with game. My type are white women with dark hair and ideally lighter colored eyes. Not sure what it is about that look but even if she is not the mysterious type of girl, these women have some degree of mystery to them. I have even pulled women that were "party girls" with this type of look and somehow, it felt different being with a dark-haired party girl compared to a blonde.

Posting some pics.

Incel TV made a video about how the World's First Chad and his blue eyes have taken over the gene pool:
