What's your story


Don Juan
Aug 30, 2008
Reaction score
Ok here goes after I found this site my personality changed a lot for the better. People started to want to hang around me more and girls finally started noticing me. I also got alot more haters too. Fast forward a couple of months and my homie tells me this girl that hangs around us alot likes me. My immediate reaction was hell to the no because shes what I like to call a "classic butterface". You know, the type of girl that looks good from behind but will have you doing the moonwalk when she turns around.

So I thought about it and changed my mind purely for gaining some type of experience. So I got the digits, tried some tricks from this site out, got my first kiss from this girl and everything was alltogether going bueno for a while. Then the haters came. After word got out that I was going with her the haters went crazy. Eventually I got discouraged and told her we should be friends. :(


Don Juan
Mar 4, 2008
Reaction score
Get-With-It said:
Then the haters came. After word got out that I was going with her the haters went crazy. Eventually I got discouraged and told her we should be friends. :(
Who cares about haters, man? You becoming a better person will never be appreciated by the people used to you being as you were before, especially the guys when they see your massive playah skills. Think about why they hate you for a moment.

Thats right. Don't care about jealous people! :) Best of luck from Sweden!


Don Juan
Oct 19, 2008
Reaction score
Fvck haters, it's called jealousy. :)

NSFW: First time I trimmed my "bikini area," I got some pretty nasty looks and shiz from others at school going like "what are you, a fag?"
Just replied "Nope, you probably haven't even heard of the things girls do cause of this and what concerns gay, why are you staring at my d!ck?"

It's all about them being insecure themselves, ignore them and keep being the man.


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2007
Reaction score
I like to think I was a natural before I joined. I had sex with about 3 different girls before joining. Now I'm going on 17. I have this site to thank partly, but I was also took under the wing of a fellow player who has now become my best friend and one and only wingman. Sadly, I am from a small town and quickly gained a reputation as a player. Right now I have a girlfriend, partly to gain back my reputation and prove to everyone that I do have a soft side and I am attainable you just have to qualify for it. So far I've only found one girl that meets all my standards and everybody knows that. I could probably go on another massive ****ing spree if I ever became single again, but I actually think I'm in love. I have a girl who is so loyal to me it's rediculous, trusts me way more than I ever needed to be, and loves me unconditionally. If anything this site showed me it's not all about getting laid every weekend. I'm much more happier investing my time in just one high quality woman.


Don Juan
Jul 2, 2008
Reaction score
Before SS I was good at attracting girls and I've always embraced my masculinity, but didn't really know when or how to escalate and become more physical (i.e. going in for first kiss, first feel, etc)

After stumbling upon this site I worked my way out of the friendzone with a girl I liked and am now able to escalate and make moves/closes without fear or worry. I give a lot of credit for those two things to what I learned here. then I joined the boards a bit later to help and enlighten others.


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2008
Reaction score
thanks for the responses..i really just wanted to get to know a little bit more bout some of you guys...i find it amazing how i'm gettin advice and input from people across the world...hell i could be gaming the same girl another guy on this site is...well continue helpin everyone with their situations..may we all become Alphas..