What's YOUR definition of success when it comes to women?


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2009
Reaction score
Many of us will have different opinions and that's exactly what I want to hear.
For you, what defines success with women--a relationship, better selection, no approach anxiety, finding an incredible woman with whom to have an LTR?

What is it guys? Most of us don't take the time to think about what we want; hence, we create the illusion of not getting what we want. It is easier to go catch the tuna fish you want if you know what you're fishing after. Think about it and respond with details!


Don Juan
Mar 21, 2010
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incredible woman with whom to have an LTR, knowing how to always keep her on her toes, and always chase after me.


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
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Manhattan, NY
My definition of success with women is not caring about your success with women.

I'm not saying that to be trite. I just mean that a lot of guys' downfalls is that they care too much. You can tell. They come here complaining about one girl who didn't return a call. Or one bad date. And the way these guys talk about it, you'd think they just lost their job, their legs fell off, and they found out their dad was gay.

So success to me came at the point when I realized that I was dating 3-4 girls at once, and that my life would still be great if they all just stopped calling.


Master Don Juan
May 5, 2010
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Iceberg said:
And the way these guys talk about it, you'd think they just lost their job, their legs fell off, and they found out their dad was gay.
This literally made me LOL. Even people outside my office were like "WTF?" :D +1

So success to me came at the point when I realized that I was dating 3-4 girls at once, and that my life would still be great if they all just stopped calling.
And that my friend, is the Holy Grail that one must achieve. Once you reach that point in your life, it's all downhill after that.


Don Juan
May 23, 2009
Reaction score
Success to me is when you are a man. Look at Spartacus the show, he is a man who gets dealt crap, and acts to it.
Loses his wife so instead of crying about it and letting himself die, he keeps fighting for what he believes in.

To be the man that is not afraid to say anything, one who acts>reacts


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
Reaction score
At this point in my life, success would be making out with a woman.

I cannot remember how many years ago it was that I did that last.


Master Don Juan
Sep 29, 2003
Reaction score
Ultimate success with women for me would be as follows:

To marry a woman, and to feel like I am not "settling" out of neediness or loneliness. To be in a monogamous relationship with someone who holds up to my standards, and who respects who I am without requiring submissiveness or drastic personality/lifestyle changes.


Don Juan
Jan 28, 2011
Reaction score
My definition has always been if one can
a) approach any woman and not get rejected
b) be so good at "seducing" a woman that one can make a married woman cheat
c) be so good that even the most wh0riest of them all will be willing to give her value to said man exclusively


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
Reaction score
Great thread and question Robyn....

I totally agree with Iceberg, but will expand on my specifics.

Success when it comes to women in my book is all about KNOWING that I have the skills to get them whenever I want, and not being outcome dependent on any one situation.

However the way I have gotten there is by making my life as great as possible by:

a) doing what I love to do for a living

b) have many outside interests that I'm passionate about that I strive to keep getting better at

c) thinking of life as one big @ss game....lol Seriously!

This is something I think you start to understand as you age. A lot of the younger guys are DEFINED by women. Where as most of the guys who develop good game and start to refine their game as they age realize that there's so much more to life and women will constantly be there whenever you want them.

The definition of success with women is really a small piece of the puzzle to a bigger question; and that is "How do you define success in YOUR life?"



Don Juan
Feb 22, 2011
Reaction score
Pimp-sicle said:
Great thread and question Robyn....

I totally agree with Iceberg, but will expand on my specifics.

Success when it comes to women in my book is all about KNOWING that I have the skills to get them whenever I want, and not being outcome dependent on any one situation.

However the way I have gotten there is by making my life as great as possible by:

a) doing what I love to do for a living

b) have many outside interests that I'm passionate about that I strive to keep getting better at

c) thinking of life as one big @ss game....lol Seriously!

This is something I think you start to understand as you age. A lot of the younger guys are DEFINED by women. Where as most of the guys who develop good game and start to refine their game as they age realize that there's so much more to life and women will constantly be there whenever you want them.

The definition of success with women is really a small piece of the puzzle to a bigger question; and that is "How do you define success in YOUR life?"

It's like hearing words from a motivational speaker. But that is the true answer, which I agree on.

Tell me... how much better has your life been since you started reading into this shvt? I used to be a fvckin chump. No girls respected me, I was quiet, a bit anti-social, looked to women for enjoyment and success.

It has only been about 2 months and I'm loving life being single. I don't need women to be happy... if I don't hook up at the end of the night, it doesn't fvckin matter. I just have a great time with my friends. Now I focus on my passion rather than my relationships. Traveling, learning about different cultures, appreciating the world around us and meeting people.

Knowledge is power, bros.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
Reaction score
neghitzbrah said:
It's like hearing words from a motivational speaker. But that is the true answer, which I agree on.

Tell me... how much better has your life been since you started reading into this shvt? I used to be a fvckin chump. No girls respected me, I was quiet, a bit anti-social, looked to women for enjoyment and success.

I spent quite a bit of time in my late teens, early twenties learning about "game" and all these rules so to speak. I found that there was plenty of things I did that were working against me with women back then. I picked up on all this stuff pretty quickly and as I gained confidence in myself I noticed that a lot of this fell into place. However I was still always trying "too hard" to act like I didn't care back then, when in reality I definitely cared and cared too much about what a woman thought of me, etc etc. Now I could care less since everything in my life is aligned and women tend to sense that in some weird way.

It has only been about 2 months and I'm loving life being single. I don't need women to be happy... if I don't hook up at the end of the night, it doesn't fvckin matter. I just have a great time with my friends. Now I focus on my passion rather than my relationships. Traveling, learning about different cultures, appreciating the world around us and meeting people.

Developing your personality is something that will take you FAR in all aspects of life. I still think there is a certain amount of work that most men need to do in order to get good with women, but a lot of that is more social dynamics and improving their self confidence more than any technique or rule that you will learn from studying PU or on this forum. Congruency is probably the best word to describe it. I agree with you completely I rarely go out with any outcome desired and find that I tend to always meet girls who are interested in me by virtue of the fact that I'm having fun and don't give a fuvk! LOL

Knowledge is power, bros.



Senior Don Juan
Feb 18, 2007
Reaction score
Is this a trick question?? because really its quite obvious;

1) model looks and body
2) super intelligent with great personality
3) loaded $$$$$
4) she's BI and picks up the odd female hottie to join you in bed for a 3-some
5) She loves YOU for who you are, and vice versa.

I mean, that wasnt so hard was it? oh and if she let you have other women on the go ALL the time, like those far East guys with 6 wives, that works too.

After all, driving the same sports car becomes boring eventually right? you want to try the Aston instead of the Porsche, just for the weekend. Just to to remind you why you bought the Porsche, even though the Aston handles like a dream.:woo:


Senior Don Juan
Feb 18, 2007
Reaction score
Is this a trick question?? because really its quite obvious;

1) model looks and body
2) super intelligent with great personality
3) loaded $$$$$
4) she's BI and picks up the odd female hottie to join you in bed for a 3-some
5) She loves YOU for who you are, and vice versa.

I mean, that wasnt so hard was it? oh and if she let you have other women on the go ALL the time, like those far East guys with 6 wives, that works too.

After all, driving the same sports car becomes boring eventually right? you want to try the Aston instead of the Porsche, just for the weekend. Just to to remind you why you bought the Porsche, even though the Aston handles like a dream.:woo:


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
In short, to have the female aspect of my life on auto pilot. To know that when I do want female company, I can have it, and have it with women that I like. To know how to deal wtih women. When I am in a relationship as I am now, to know how to keep the woman interested in me. I'm pass the point of ****ing for ****ing sake in the sense to see how many women I can ****. If I were to be single again I'd spin plates, but just becuase I understand the principle behind spinning plates, I'd keep 2-3 at all times until one separated themselves


Senior Don Juan
Apr 6, 2006
Reaction score
Amsterdam, NL
Iceberg said:
My definition of success with women is not caring about your success with women.

I'm not saying that to be trite. I just mean that a lot of guys' downfalls is that they care too much. You can tell. They come here complaining about one girl who didn't return a call. Or one bad date. And the way these guys talk about it, you'd think they just lost their job, their legs fell off, and they found out their dad was gay.

So success to me came at the point when I realized that I was dating 3-4 girls at once, and that my life would still be great if they all just stopped calling.

There's truth in that. I call it the "luxury of choice". To use the same analogy as the OP, it's when you know you haven't just hooked a fish but you KNOW HOW to fish. Then you start living in abundance and it becomes a non-issue.

For you, what defines success with women--a relationship, better selection, no approach anxiety, finding an incredible woman with whom to have an LTR?
IMO all of the above. In that sense, I feel like I'm rich in ways that many men haven't achieved yet. It's an important part of one's life to get under control.


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
Iceburg is right.

Also, PairPlusRoyalFlush wrote "A quality wife that will not cheat just because I show some weakness now and then."

That is so true. One GF I had would strategically try to undermine my confidence, and then when it worked, she would reject me and tell me she needed a man who was more confident. This was her theme in other relationships too. I think a lot of women are like that now.

That is why Iceburg is right - if you care, they will hurt you.

If you only have one girl, that generally means you don't have the skills (or sometimes the environment) to command equally hot women, in which case they are too hot to handle.

My answer is: to have the best sex you ever had and have them tell you you were the greatest lover they ever had, but to have 3 such women.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2009
Reaction score
Some of you still need practice and some of you have good heads no your shoulders. These ideas are the ones that stood out to me the most. I believe that once you find the combination of these that works for you, success is just a matter of time and how much effort you put into it:

Deadly_Ripped said:
Ultimate success with women for me would be as follows:

To marry a woman, and to feel like I am not "settling" out of neediness or loneliness. To be in a monogamous relationship with someone who holds up to my standards, and who respects who I am without requiring submissiveness or drastic personality/lifestyle changes.
ecko280 said:
incredible woman with whom to have an LTR, knowing how to always keep her on her toes, and always chase after me.
This is what most of us want out of this whole "game," but they tend to be rare, and that's where the other answers in the thread come in.

Iceberg said:
My definition of success with women is not caring about your success with women.

So success to me came at the point when I realized that I was dating 3-4 girls at once, and that my life would still be great if they all just stopped calling.
This is a whole new level of success that takes time to develop, but once you make it here--like Vatoloco said--"it's all downhill from there." Work on your game so that women are a small part of your life when it come to being content; it will get you very far. Good stuff Iceberg.

Pimp-sicle said:
Great thread and question Robyn....

Success when it comes to women in my book is all about KNOWING that I have the skills to get them whenever I want, and not being outcome dependent on any one situation.

A lot of the younger guys are DEFINED by women. Where as most of the guys who develop good game and start to refine their game as they age realize that there's so much more to life and women will constantly be there whenever you want them. PIMP
This idea is very linked to the idea Iceberg mentioned about not letting women be the happiness & joy in your life. Also, when you get in an LTR it is because you decided to do it and not because you settled for someone you didn't exactly like/want only because you couldn't do better.

These responses gave golden insight into the minds of fellow DJ's & their success. Keep working towards YOUR success!


Senior Don Juan
Mar 25, 2011
Reaction score
Pimp-sicle said:
Great thread and question Robyn....

I totally agree with Iceberg, but will expand on my specifics.

Success when it comes to women in my book is all about KNOWING that I have the skills to get them whenever I want, and not being outcome dependent on any one situation.

However the way I have gotten there is by making my life as great as possible by:

a) doing what I love to do for a living

b) have many outside interests that I'm passionate about that I strive to keep getting better at

c) thinking of life as one big @ss game....lol Seriously!

This is something I think you start to understand as you age. A lot of the younger guys are DEFINED by women. Where as most of the guys who develop good game and start to refine their game as they age realize that there's so much more to life and women will constantly be there whenever you want them.

The definition of success with women is really a small piece of the puzzle to a bigger question; and that is "How do you define success in YOUR life?"


in addition i would say that success with women for me is that i get to a point that im choosin the girl i want to date im the one who have all the options


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2006
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada
To me success is pretty simply defined: As long as I'm truly happy I consider it a success.

I think most of us do wanna have a high quality girl for a LTR eventually in our lives, after we're done screwing random whoores. I definitely brings stability for guys like me who have a penchant from drug use, promiscuousness and other pursuits that are sub-optimal for being the best person that you can be.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 25, 2011
Reaction score
Fuglydude said:
To me success is pretty simply defined: As long as I'm truly happy I consider it a success.
what ? you letting the girl defined if youre gonna be happy or not ?
i mean if your happy doesnt mean that its because youre success with women ...