It's been similar for me. Most of my interactions don't even have a direct rejection. Most of my interactions have a conversation that fizzles out within 30-60 seconds, prior to actual asking out.
I guess 30-60 seconds ain't the worse time in the world to be out of there, on a BANK ROBBERY.
I like to be out of there in 30 seconds, TOPS.
But hey, if you have a good rate success rate, based on HOWEVER long it's takes you to handle business, then keep up the good work.
That's a soft no. Of all my conversations that fizzle out before an ask out, I have no idea how many of them are actually in the market for new penis.
That's exactly why I ask if they are single!!
If she is in a relationship, it provides me a well needed REASON as to
why I'm being rejected.
But if she is single, and is
still disinterested, then I'll
also know why.
The difference is, if I'm rejected because she has a boyfriend (or is married), then I don't count that an
official rejection (since married women are
off limits anyway)....and I usually try to
respect relationships.
I said all that to say, you'll find out if she's in the market, by ASKING her.
I think a good portion of them already have boyfriends and aren't seeking new penis. I find the lack of knowledge there frustrating. It is possible that your more direct approach gives you better understanding over your interactions. I'm left in the dark wondering about what's going on with all of my soft no's.
That's the beauty of the
direct approach. It cuts through the bullshiit and you know exactly what is going on.
As just mentioned, by asking "Are you single", I'll know why I'm being rejected and thus
not left in the dark.
My hard no's are generally kind and polite too.
I have had some harsh blowouts but not that many.
Bro, I've done hundreds of approaches and I had only a
handful that can be considered "harsh".
Soft no's can be difficult to stomach as well, but sometimes less difficult than hard no's and the harsh blowouts.
I agree. Just because the rejection is soft, doesn't mean it is any less difficult.
A soft rejection for me would be, like on at least 3 occasions (all at the gym), I've had cases where..
Soft rejection: Saw a woman on a elliptical..approached her.
Me: You're cute, are you single?
Her: Not interested. Sorry.

It wasn't harsh, but it also wasn't impolite.
Somewhere in the middle. Soft.
But, nevertheless, I'd rather my rejections be quick and direct, than for me to have stood there, thinking I'm vibing with her...only for me to give her my number and her NEVER calling me.
Harsh rejections: I'm at Walmart doing my thang. I see a Black chick standing in customer service line. I approach her.
Me: You're cute. Are you single?
Her: *Standing there looking at me, with a contemptuous look on her face.*
Her: Do I
look single?
That was my latest
harsh rejection, and I can't even remember the one before that one...that's how unlikely it is to get a harsh rejection.
When you play this game, there are always gonna be those odd ball ho's out there, that will fuk up what can be considered, the
But those
handful of times don't take away from the dozens upon dozens upon dozens of kind, and polite rejections.
I think both my hard and soft no's are kind and polite because I am better than average looking. Sub 5's doing cold approach will get more harsh blowouts.
Yeah, especially on a Mode One approach.