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What's all the hate with the travel bros?


Senior Don Juan
Sep 4, 2023
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The point of PPBs is to never bring her back to your home country. It's about moving over there and building a life in their country.
Dec 3, 2023
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I really liked the 4 hour workweek by Tim Ferris and totally see how geo arbitrage can be useful tool for improving ones quality of life and reaching financial independence. Really recommend this book for everyone.

And I cannot see any reason why this increased quality of life wouldn't include women. You might prefer women of certain ethnicity or from certain cultures more than women from your current location. I cannot see any reason not to utilize geo arbitrage for this too, especially if you have the time and place independent income already figured out.

The caveat is that while local chicks might see you exotic in foreign location and thus interesting, it doesn't magically make you successful with women if you are not that already.

Also in 3rd world countries the gold-digger-game can be much more more stronger than your average westerner-afc-game. Same potential trap as trying to use your wealth to attract a chick, only much more dangerous.


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
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What qualifies a passport bro?

I met my wife who was here studying. Her family are wealthier than mine are.

A few comments here about not doing the work, well, I earn great money. Could be more athletic, but I did and could date plenty of women here.

I got more bang for my buck with foreign women and always have. Better quality, more attractive. The women I was dating in this culture were difficult. I was late 30s and wanted kids, I couldn’t hang around.

In the west, due to mass migration which is mostly male, and those women coming are usually attached to a man, our dating market is distorted. Women here, white women, have the massive thirst of men coming here (many of which I believe came here to fulfil a dream of dating white girls) and plus all of us. so no, I don’t want to put the work in. A guy with no obvious defects, good career etc shouldn’t have to date women massively below him because demographics have made him less valuable. Other places have the opposite issue - men leaving. So you’re merely matching supply with the demand.

I have a demanding career, I’m not particularly interested in adding a rigid existence of gym and having to dedicate my life to what is a pretty normal and achievable thing - finding a wife or GF. It shouldn’t be that hard.

So while one side if “I didn’t want to do the work” I think the other side is “you’re a mug for having to dedicate your life and all your time to attracting a woman”. Especially when you consider how spoiled and trashy a good percentage of women here have been made.
All I have to deal with is some people thinking it’s a social taboo but I don’t care. My life is easier - not without some issues but compared to the BS my friends have to deal with, life is good.

Going abroad to offer a woman marriage is a poor strategy but there’s nothing wrong with living there and seeing what happens. Basically western men are over there because their men are here. Western women are terrible wife material but an enormous ego boost to men outside so they are more than welcome to pick up our trash and we can find some decent women there. No one loses.

Nature usually kills a lot of men off in wars so having higher levels of men is rare historically but that’s what’s happened in the west and why western men have it so incredibly hard in the dating market.

in many ways it’s the ultimate FU to feminism. Like it or not. If you’re dedicating your life in attracting women as your primary goal, you’re still being controlled. It’s no different to the bimbo getting a boob job. Going and seeing how things are abroad is helpful. You would be amazed how ridiculously hard the bar is set here and how poorly men are treated here and how easy life is there. WE are living the distortion, and it’s not something we should have to put up with.

Females here know this full well hence they consistently shame men who do it.


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2020
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Seems like you're going through a rough time, and I sincerely hope you will feel better soon.

Local conditions might be different from place to place, yet the Western hemisphere also has his own challenges. Plenty of them actually .

I would most definitely "buy" myself a loyal and nice looking woman TODAY if i had the opportunity. I will salute any man wants to try his luck this way.

Yet , don't cry when it all turns out to be 180 different from your expectations...
Sounds like weird flexing what you are doing. In the Philippines they earn 10 dollar a day. When you go there you are treated as rich. So things with girls are obviously more easy for many guys.

If you are a big baller then do your yacht thing or whatever in Miami with the billionaires. No one cares.
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Master Don Juan
Apr 14, 2013
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hate is jealousy.

People who point their finger at PPB as being somewhat socially inept might be true for some, but at the end of the day they're doing what they want and it effects none else. I bet if the social stigma wasn't their lots of men would do the same.

look at jeff bezos wife for a prime example.

Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.


Master Don Juan
Oct 7, 2013
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Miami fl
Read the title and OPs post.

If you are happy, live life on your terms and think for yourself. Then begin to develop the mental strength to block out the external noise.

Hate comes from below.

Grown Men and women with a healthy self esteem that are truly secure in themselves DO NOT HAVE TIME FOR HATE.
So true

Millard Fillmore

Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2023
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It's both actually.

A man without game (falsely) believes that women from other countries, mostly poor places, are "better" than women in The West

Once they import such a woman they'll learn the hard way that indeed, a woman =a woman. If anything a woman from a poor place will be much tougher to deal with...
My point is the same guys believe that women from other eras were somehow better. So place means nothing but time changes everything.

Anyway I don't think that anyone is better based on where they are from. It comes down to the individual in question. I just know that IME the women from North America I dated (etc) were not as enjoyable or memorable and had more obnoxious personalities.

Do not be too easy. If you are too easy to get, she will not want you. If you are too easy to keep, she will lose interest in you. If you are too easy to control, she will not respect you.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Sep 3, 2020
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As with sex workers, most of the social shaming comes from average to substandard women. Which is obviously based on their fear of loosing power/leverage over "their" pool of men.

If a woman acts up and a man has "options", its less likely they get away with shhitty behaviour.

Western women rather have you in a polyamory relationship with them and 3 other guys then walking out of the door and get pvssy somewhere else. There is no social shaming on that side though.


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
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Nashville, TN
I consider my friend a passport bro. He has been in Asia for a quite a while and trying to establish a social media presence. With all the crap he talks about Western women and how much he praises Southeastern Asian women; he hasn't had a single girlfriend yet and just prostitutes to show for.

Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
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Its because when Black people start doing what White people have been doing since before the 90s, then the world all of a sudden takes notice. I remember when I was in my early 20s in the late 90s that there was tonnes of internet reality porn of guys on sex-tourism visiting places like Thialand, Costa Rica and it was a vice with me back then. Also in the 00s and early 10s this is something that was always common.

Therefore, any recent hate sounds more like it's got even more common place, the women in the target countries are also corrupted, because of the internet, to Western values including feminism, and more non-Whites, especially Blacks are getting in all the action.
Is the presumption that all PPB’s are black men? This is new to me. Also what’s up with the victim mentality? Wait. Nvm


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
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Inside her mind
My point is the same guys believe that women from other eras were somehow better. So place means nothing but time changes everything.

Anyway I don't think that anyone is better based on where they are from. It comes down to the individual in question. I just know that IME the women from North America I dated (etc) were not as enjoyable or memorable and had more obnoxious personalities.
I had this conversation with a friend who went to the Phillippines several years ago and met his now wife within a month of being there. It's the environment he says. The American environment spawn's feminism, woke culture, girl empowerment culture, uplifts thot/Ig culture, and now shames traditional culture. In the Philippines he says that women aspire to be housewives in America women don't care to be housewives like that or have a bastardized view of a man taking care of them and all they have to do is give him sex you notice they rarely talk about cooking and cleaning lol

The biggest thing I have noticed in the States is that "Feminine" women or "lady" like women are becoming a dying breed. Maybe you'll get some femininity from some of the older ones but the younger ones even when they talk now it's a bunch of feminist drivel. I had one Gen-Z girl end our relationship cause of my LQTBQ belives, needless to say now when women bring this up. I lie left and right lol