What would you do in my situation????


New Member
Jan 29, 2007
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This is probably not as complicated as I'm making it but here it goes. I'm a senior, the end of last summer I hooked up with this girl that I work with that was going into college. We were extremely verbal and emotional going into this.. like it meant more than usual. I like sang to her and all this corny stuff but she loved it and everything was all good. The catch is, she had a boyfriend, of 8 months. Not cool, I know I know... But I really liked this girl. So the next day she tells her boyfriend and he cries and says he can't leave her cuz he loves her, and they cried together and all this stuff. When she left for college she left him "because of distance", or at least that's what she told him. So college goes on I visit her a couple times but it's difficult since it's an hour away and we both have school and want a social life. So somehow we manage to find a way to like each other even more. WE're talking less... but.... she calls me when she's drunk. It's obnoxious and I tell her. BUt like she confesses her love to me. THen the next day I'm like hahahah when you were drunk. And she's like I wasn't that drunk I remember what I said... like all serious. But I'm missing out on alot cuz we don't see each other much and she's scared to call it official for some reason.

Before I continue, I seriously like almost love this girl.... weird for me.

So now I'm still working at the same place, shes off to school but works there on breaks.... and me and this other co-worker have been talking.... we have a date friday. We're clicking well and I'm looking foward to this, and she definately digs me. The thing is this summer she's a counsler for some camp and is home once a week. So I wanna try to like have this girl now then when she leaves.... go back to the old. Its an ******* move but idk. Like I'm not getting any play and the first girl is so scared to like call us a couple and tells guys she's single. I'm fed up but I kinda love her.

And she once told me "if you ever like anyone else you'll never love me"

Bull but yah..

Next year I'm going to college like 15 minutes from the girl I "love" and like 3 hours away from this girl I'm going out with friday...

What should I be doing?
What should I tell girl 1 if I do date this other girl?

.... Spring Break they're gunna be working together tooo... so this is gunna be drama if I don't act....

I'm just bored....

What would you do in this situation?

Kevin Cass

Don Juan
Jan 7, 2007
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ok what u do is u go out with both of them go out with the girl that is going to live 3 hours away try to do as much and say i dont think this will work out since i will be so far away. then u can hook up with the girl u said u loved. but wtf why would she call u drunk and tell u she loves you. has she told you she loves you in person?

The Shocker

Senior Don Juan
Dec 28, 2006
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With my parents
This is pathetic on so many levels...you all sound like a bunch of puzzies on a soap opera. There's enough crying here to fill up a season of Days of Our Lives.

Get this in your head. You do not love any girl that you spoke about in your post. Just because you guys talk and get along sometimes and she says she loves you when she's wasted doesn't mean shiat. It sounds like you haven't even had sex. If you'd had sex or something, this would be somewhat understandable, but you haven't, and you haven't even dated her for ANY period of time. Do you seriously think you're in love?


New Member
Jan 29, 2007
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okay everythings good now.... I told the frist girl... the second girl is diggin me, dates still on for friday....

so other than the fact that girl 1 is psycho now... im in a good place and im chill n content