What women really mean


Don Juan
Dec 19, 2012
Reaction score
Hi guys,

I would like to know what the following sentences / situations from women REALLY mean:

2. Your a great guy, why can't ALL men be like you ( but i still get nothing out of her)

3. You understand me so well!

4. We can still be friends for sure tho! (after proposing to go out a few times or telling her how i feel, i know i know bad move, but it was before i came here)

5. Accepting dates but then flaking out on me, and then rinse and repeat (or at times the girl prososes i accept but then she flakes out again)

6. Your TO GOOD for me, you deserve someone better!.

7. After months being friends with this girl, and not having an interest in her (she was maybe a 6 at most, i just didn't see her for more then friends) she texts me and tells me "u know somthing -DJNoob-, your a GREAT guy and if i wasn't dating this guy i would have definitly FALL for you no doubt!" (her exact words after 6 moths of being friends)

8. Your so CUTE and understanding of how i feel

Just a starting DJ wanting to learn.

PS: if you guys have other sentences and or situation please post them here as well with the answers to them or request an answer to it


Nov 4, 2010
Reaction score
-DJNoob- said:
Hi guys,

I would like to know what the following sentences / situations from women REALLY mean:

2. Your a great guy, why can't ALL men be like you ( but i still get nothing out of her)

= Im not sexually attracted to you

3. You understand me so well!
= Im not sexually attracted to you

4. We can still be friends for sure tho! (after proposing to go out a few times or telling her how i feel, i know i know bad move, but it was before i came here)
= Im not sexually attracted to you though I would like you to hang around and be a safety net for me

5. Accepting dates but then flaking out on me, and then rinse and repeat (or at times the girl prososes i accept but then she flakes out again)

= Im not sexually attracted to you

6. Your TO GOOD for me, you deserve someone better!.

= Im not sexually attracted to you, Im attracted to bad boys, men who take risks and dont pander to me

7. After months being friends with this girl, and not having an interest in her (she was maybe a 6 at most, i just didn't see her for more then friends) she texts me and tells me "u know somthing -DJNoob-, your a GREAT guy and if i wasn't dating this guy i would have definitly FALL for you no doubt!" (her exact words after 6 moths of being friends)

= Im not sexually attracted to you but if I need a fallback guy, you might get a shot

8. Your so CUTE and understanding of how i feel

= Im not sexually attracted to you

Just a starting DJ wanting to learn.

PS: if you guys have other sentences and or situation please post them here as well with the answers to them or request an answer to it
thats pretty much it in a nutshell


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2012
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The Viagra Pill you wish you had...- United Kingdo
#1 (did you forget how to count in kindergarten? LOL)

#2 Indicator of interest. She likes you but you are too much of Mr. Niceguy and soon you are to be her best girlfriend. Increase sexual threat and tension with her.

#3 Indicator of interest. This is a good sign, a woman is always looking for a man who understands her on the same wavelength. If she discloses, she trust you at some level.

#4 NEXT her, friend-fooked. Don't waste your time being an orbiter and feeding her ego.

#5 NEXT her, low interest level. You are just her back up plan and ego-stroker.

#6 She finds you repulsive and don't know how to tell you to go away but is trying to make it hurt less.

#7 Attention wh0re - all talks and no action. Don't waste your energy on a woman who contemplates cheating behind her bf's back or would say such thing.

#8 Cute = 50% death to her attraction for you. You are Mr. Niceguy and have no balls - she is not threatened by your masculinity (or lack of). Escalate sexual tention and grab your balls with both hands.

Good luck.


Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension

-DJNoob- said:
Hi guys,

I would like to know what the following sentences / situations from women REALLY mean:

2. Your a great guy, why can't ALL men be like you ( but i still get nothing out of her)

You're my girlfriend.

3. You understand me so well!

You're my girlfriend.

4. We can still be friends for sure tho! (after proposing to go out a few times or telling her how i feel, i know i know bad move, but it was before i came here)

You're my girlfriend.

5. Accepting dates but then flaking out on me, and then rinse and repeat (or at times the girl prososes i accept but then she flakes out again)

"I like the attention you give me and I value you only for that."

6. Your TO GOOD for me, you deserve someone better!.

You're my girlfriend.

7. After months being friends with this girl, and not having an interest in her (she was maybe a 6 at most, i just didn't see her for more then friends) she texts me and tells me "u know somthing -DJNoob-, your a GREAT guy and if i wasn't dating this guy i would have definitly FALL for you no doubt!" (her exact words after 6 moths of being friends)

"I'm fantasizing about falling back to you, my spare, in case this relationship fails. THis is how I mitigate my fear."

8. Your so CUTE and understanding of how i feel

I have zero sexual attraction to you.

Just a starting DJ wanting to learn.

PS: if you guys have other sentences and or situation please post them here as well with the answers to them or request an answer to it


Don Juan
Dec 19, 2012
Reaction score
Ok looking at both replies, i should:

1. Attract women more on the sexual level (how do i this properly)

2. Transmit more confidence/masculinity

3. Maybe work on getting a little buffed up ?

Good god, i have allot of DJ work to do on myself :S ...........................


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
Reaction score
Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
Check out the Don Juan Tips Forum, page 2, "What women say and what they really mean" thread from Bradd.

-DJNoob- said:
Hi guys,

I would like to know what the following sentences / situations from women REALLY mean:

2. Your a great guy, why can't ALL men be like you ( but i still get nothing out of her)

I like you, but I don't want to b@ng you. It's called friendzone.

3. You understand me so well!

You're like a girlfriend to me. I can tell you all about my cramps.

4. We can still be friends for sure tho! (after proposing to go out a few times or telling her how i feel, i know i know bad move, but it was before i came here)

You can be my texting buddy or gay friend or brother to me. Later, I'll invite the tall tattooed guy over for sex.

5. Accepting dates but then flaking out on me, and then rinse and repeat (or at times the girl prososes i accept but then she flakes out again)

You're not a priority to me. We will only hang on when I'm bored and have no other options.

6. Your TO GOOD for me, you deserve someone better!.

I'm not attracted to you, but I'm aware that I'm being a total b&tch to a good guy who doesn't deserve it.

7. After months being friends with this girl, and not having an interest in her (she was maybe a 6 at most, i just didn't see her for more then friends) she texts me and tells me "u know somthing -DJNoob-, your a GREAT guy and if i wasn't dating this guy i would have definitly FALL for you no doubt!" (her exact words after 6 moths of being friends)

I want what I don't or can't have. But if I was single, I still might change my mind.

8. Your so CUTE and understanding of how i feel

You're a considerate friend.

Just a starting DJ wanting to learn.

PS: if you guys have other sentences and or situation please post them here as well with the answers to them or request an answer to it


Don Juan
Dec 19, 2012
Reaction score
Ok seriously, can someone point me to a good tread for a beginner/AFK like me ?......

Kinda getting depressed by the minute lol, .......

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
-DJNoob- said:
Ok looking at both replies, i should:

1. Attract women more on the sexual level (how do i this properly)

2. Transmit more confidence/masculinity

3. Maybe work on getting a little buffed up ?

Good god, i have allot of DJ work to do on myself :S ...........................
Be satisfied with baby steps. They will accumulate into critical mass.

Also, have a look at this thread:



Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2012
Reaction score
The Viagra Pill you wish you had...- United Kingdo
How to be a sexual threat:

1) Let her know you have OPTIONS - and she's not the only one. Women die for the man that all other women compete for.

2) Don't smile too much if you have a 'Mr. Niceguy' face. Friendship-zoned for life if you keep it up.

3) Have STRONG eye-contact, the type that looks deep into a woman's eyes and feels her deep insides (well, you can feel her OTHER deep insides at a later time if you get this right). This is basic animal instinct, staring into a dog's eye intensly will threaten the animal.

4) Touch - kino. Playfully escalate TOUCH - that is sexual threat.

5) Be romantic

6) Dress to kill, don't slouch on appearance.


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2011
Reaction score
Yea... This is all basic FZ stuff. She has NO interest in you romantically.


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2011
Reaction score
This is what she is saying to you

... :moon:


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2011
Reaction score
-DJNoob- said:
Hi guys,

I would like to know what the following sentences / situations from women REALLY mean:

2. Your a great guy, why can't ALL men be like you ( but i still get nothing out of her)
I am taking your value into consideration because I don't know why you really don't turn me on like the dude that did me dirt. He turned me on but he was such an a-hole and he left me!

3. You understand me so well!
I'm making a declaration to demonstrate the contrast between you and the bad boy that dumped me.

4. We can still be friends for sure tho! (after proposing to go out a few times or telling her how i feel, i know i know bad move, but it was before i came here)
You're so nice! I don't understand why I don't like you. I dunno lets just be friends...

5. Accepting dates but then flaking out on me, and then rinse and repeat (or at times the girl prososes i accept but then she flakes out again)
When I have nothing to do hanging out with you sounds fun, but if anything at all comes up i'd rather do that.

6. Your TO GOOD for me, you deserve someone better!.
Please redirect all this nice guy energy to someone else, this is weirding me out right now.

7. After months being friends with this girl, and not having an interest in her (she was maybe a 6 at most, i just didn't see her for more then friends) she texts me and tells me "u know somthing -DJNoob-, your a GREAT guy and if i wasn't dating this guy i would have definitly FALL for you no doubt!" (her exact words after 6 moths of being friends)
Being a girl I do not understand the fact that nice guys turn me off. I like the concept of romance with a nice guy, but I just can't picture you banging my brains out and I need that in my life.

8. Your so CUTE and understanding of how i feel
I'm making a declaration to demonstrate the contrast between you and the bad boy that dumped me.

Just a starting DJ wanting to learn.

PS: if you guys have other sentences and or situation please post them here as well with the answers to them or request an answer to it

Girls do not know what they want.

They may think they want a nice guy because logically speaking a nice guy is better than an ahole right?

But when she has a sexual fantasy it's the ahole hitting it up the way she likes it.

You must become something that she looks up to and admires.


Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
Judge nismo's verdict is very simple.

#'s 2-8 all mean I like you as a friend.

Case closed.


Don Juan
Aug 24, 2012
Reaction score
All mean she does not respect you and wants something she sees as more dominating, interesting and generally better.

You're not the person she hoped you'd be.


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2008
Reaction score
These guys are right, the women all mean the same thing - these women are not turned on by you because you are not demonstrating your masculinity / that you are a potential sexual threat....You are hiding behind a nice guy persona because you do not embrace your own sexuality / you think it's wrong to show that you are a horny dude that women want to f*ck. Work on that and you will start getting the results you want.