What will make you a success?


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
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What do you think will make you a success with women and in life? What are you doing to achieve that?

*edit* The reason I ask is for several fold. One. Until you know where you are really going, you are just spinning your wheels. Second, you definition of success is personal. It's not the same as the next man. Know what it means for you personally. Third. Figuring out what you think will make you successful may show you your weakness and shortcomings and where you need to put in the work to tighten up your game both in life and with women.

Personal example :

For me to be successful this is what I need. I need to double my income. I am working on two side businesses that will in the next two years allow me to do exactly that. In order for me to do that I have to stop being a lazy ass and apply my business degree to the fullest.

In order for me to be successful with women, I want two higher quality FBs. I currently have one that is on again off again. As well as two others that fit the booty call mold but nothing consistant. Why? Because I don't put in any effort with them what so ever. I call, see if they are free and bang if they are. They are booty calls and they know it and they don't like it. They are not the type of women I would have any sort of real relationship with. I need to sell my new FBs a dream of having something more with me so I can have what I want. I need to step up every aspect of my game to pull a higher quality FB. I need to dress better, stay consistent in the gym and met more women on a regular basis.

Knowing what I want, gives me the plan I need to go out and get it. What do you want?


Don Juan
Mar 29, 2009
Reaction score
Atm im only 17,i want a beautiful girl on my arm wherever i am


Senior Don Juan
Jul 3, 2007
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Medellin - Colombia
I don't know man. I don't know what to do. It all depends on me and from what I've learned about myself, if it's all on my hands, then it won't get done.


New Member
Apr 15, 2010
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What do you think will make you a success with women and in life? What are you doing to achieve that?
To me:

A man is successful if he goes through life in pursuit of his dreams. It's not the achieving of that dream that made it great, but the journey towards that dream, which made HIM great.
As long as you can endure both the joys and pains of this journey, the results will only become sweeter.

Never give up on your dreams!
That is my definition of success and it is that which I'm doing.

PS: My success with women (if you can call it that) is just something that came along with trying to achieve success in life.


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2006
Reaction score
I actually have some pretty quantifiable goals which could result in success within the next year. The first and most obvious are a list of federal agencies all of which award money for various projects which I have applied for - winning a few of those would really help out in a big way. One of them is valued at over 1 million - which of course would go towards the project, not in my pocket ;) It would also guarantee a salary for a longer period of time than I have grown accustomed too as currently I have no regular salary.
Another tangential goal is to travel to random places continuing to learn and expanding my horizons. I am still an introvert by nature, so talking to new people such as senators, and venture capitalists will continue to build upon various social skills. Its something I always think I need improvement upon.

With women, I'd like to be able to do day game. Its something I have never done since I am pretty quiet outside of social interactions amongst friends. The day game invites so many potential prospects since beautiful women are virtually everywhere. One plan of attack for here is to walk the dog around town. Tried this once and the reactions/responses are amazing. It will be easier than going out to the clubs and bars.