What wealthy people don't tell you.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
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backbreaker said:
Why do most people, americans at least, go to college?

Is it to LEARN?


Ask 20 people why they go to college, and I guarantee that the majrority of them will say "so I can have a good job"

College is the "default" path to take. People have this illusion that it's the only way or the best way or the most secure way to go.

I remember someone putting this "school as an investment" thing into perspective by analyzing what that 30-100k spent on an education could do if it were invested in OTHER ways besides something that requires YOU to be there doing the work or you don't get paid.

Think about it. If you were to invest 50k into something that paid you a good rate of return passively, you would be well ahead net worth-wise for quite some time. Spend it on school and you kill several years that you could have been out there making money, and you use up a pretty good little chunk of money that could have gotten you started on the road to financial independence.

I'm not against education, I'm against doing ANYTHING blindly without knowing your options or because everyone else is doing it and it's the "right thing to do".

My dad is so ass backwards, AFTER I became successful and sold my company, my dad was still trying to talk me into going to college, so I can have something to fall back on.
I laugh my ass off when I hear the parents of an athlete getting into a tizzy about their son needing to put college ahead of a multi-million $$$ contract. WAKE THE FUKK UP PEOPLE! Your son doesn't need COLLEGE, he needs someone to show him how to handle his money!

I told him one day, in all honesty, I love him to death, he is my dad and I will always listen to what he has to say because I respect him and what he has done, but he isn't where i want to be in life, so why should I listen to him?
Realizing that mom and dad AREN'T always right is a hard pill to swallow. Fortunately I realized this pretty early and didn't follow in my parents footsteps. They are the opposite of me when it comes to finances...no discipline whatsoever.

People have a tendency of thinking of what THEY are capable of doing when they give you advice on your life.
That's why it is important to always look to expand your reality. It's tough when your parents reality is light years behind your own.

Even when I doing good, he treated my company like it was some sort of side business that should only been done at night, and I , and these are his words, needed to get a part time job at wal mart, something that was stable.
This is just the universally accepted security myth talking.

I said' no, you DO know, you don't have enough faith in yourself to chase your dreams with 110% of your heart"
I totally believe that you can make money in just about ANYTHING if you put your mind to it.

That doesn't mean everyone can be a famous musician or writer or whatever, but it does mean that you can work in an element that makes you comfortable and make money at the same time.

I knew If I would have went to college, I wouldn't have been successful, as funny as it sounds.
Same here. I had this little voice in the back of my head that was practically screaming at me telling me that college wasn't right for me. I felt like a fish out of water in school. I knew that it wasn't for me before I even started.

I know how people work. You have to forse yourself out of your comfort zone. Living off of roman noddles and struggling to pay the rent is wayy out of my comfort zone, but I accecpted it as part of the way to success, and it was a driving force for a long time for me to be successful.
This is one of the main things I can attribute my success to.

No matter what I was doing every so often I would take a step back and ask myself if I was comfortable. If I was comfortable, I wasn't growing, and the last thing I wanted to do was stagnate.

Good post.


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2006
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place to place.
i can't remember what it was my university teacher said, but it inspired me to walk out of that school with courage that same day. but to me, lifes all about risks! there was this great girl that i met 4 years ago and she told me, she was goin to university that year to the same one i wasn't going back too. and i had 2 options.

1. my best friends were all going out west to start a band and that was sure to be an awesome time. nothing but partying, boozing and all that good stuff.

2. pursue this killer woman that was lifetime warranty.

i went with number 2. i risked missing a goodtime with number 1. the question i had been askin myself was what if this girl just ends up being like the rest.

in the end the risk paid off. i found my queen. sure i blew a couple thousands on school that i never attended one day at. but it got me the girl i was seeking.

next comes my dream.

str8up you have you sh@t together. it's posts like yours that keep me coming back. i won the girl. now i need the final pieces to piece my master plan together. such inspirations some of you lads bestow


Senior Don Juan
Apr 3, 2006
Reaction score
insanity said:
i can't remember what it was my university teacher said, but it inspired me to walk out of that school with courage that same day. but to me, lifes all about risks! there was this great girl that i met 4 years ago and she told me, she was goin to university that year to the same one i wasn't going back too. and i had 2 options.

1. my best friends were all going out west to start a band and that was sure to be an awesome time. nothing but partying, boozing and all that good stuff.

2. pursue this killer woman that was lifetime warranty.

i went with number 2. i risked missing a goodtime with number 1. the question i had been askin myself was what if this girl just ends up being like the rest.

in the end the risk paid off. i found my queen. sure i blew a couple thousands on school that i never attended one day at. but it got me the girl i was seeking.

next comes my dream.

str8up you have you sh@t together. it's posts like yours that keep me coming back. i won the girl. now i need the final pieces to piece my master plan together. such inspirations some of you lads bestow

Glad you found your girl, brother, as I know all too well the pain of not going after that special woman. That's what got me into this Dj business in the first place. :rockon: