What the HELL is wrong with American Laws??

Jan 12, 2010
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from the article -

NEW YORK -- A 17-year-old with a grudge against his former Long Island high school planned with his girlfriend to buy shotguns, enter his old school and indiscriminately shoot down students and teachers days before his ex-classmates were scheduled to graduate, police said Friday.

The two teenagers extensively researched bomb making, attempted to buy a shotgun and set a June 10 date for the planned attack on Connetquot High School in Bohemia, Suffolk County police Sgt. Bill Doherty said.

Evidence from the 16-year-old girl's computer and cell phone showed they'd searched bomb-making and explosives websites, and exchanged text messages in which they discussed plans to buy firearms and kill people, police said.

Both were arrested and charged as adults with conspiracy. The boy pleaded not guilty at his arraignment Friday, while his girlfriend entered a not-guilty plea last week. Each could face up to a year in jail if convicted.

Authorities uncovered the plan after the boy's social worker alerted them last month that the two might be planning an attack, Doherty said.

The warning followed what police believe was a public proclamation of the boy's venom for his former classmates. After a car accident that led to the death of two students earlier this year, someone using the 17-year-old's name left messages on a Facebook memorial page expressing his satisfaction.

"He apparently has quite a bit of hatred for this class in general," Doherty said.

Both teenagers tried to buy a shotgun but were turned away because neither was 18, so they hatched a plan to return on his June 8 birthday to buy one shotgun, then come back the following day for another. They planned to enter the school and start shooting on June 10, Doherty said.

The boy left Connetquot High School and graduated from a special-education program where he met the girl, who is still a student. She was released without bail; the boy will be held in jail until his court date June 8.

Take a look at what I highlighted........each of these 2 SICK human beings will be at the very worst, completely free by the age of 18 to carry on and continue to possibly come up with a future plot to kill people......how can a crime to conspire to commit a terrorist-Columbine type of act, carry only ! GODDAMN YEAR IN JAIL!!!????

Also, the 2nd part I highlighted........why is the boy going to stay in jail till June 8th, but the girl has been released without bail? Weren't they equally conspiring to commit this crime together? ****ING HYPOCRITES THESE LAW MAKERS!!! LET THE BYTCH ROT IN JAIL WITH HER DUMBAZZ BOYFRIEND!!!


All the more reason to legally carry a gun. I'd ruin their day real quick...
Jan 12, 2010
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These kinds of people (the kind who plan to shoot and kill innocent random people) are terrorists!! Sure, they aren't the religious muslim kind, but in the end, what they commit is a TERRORIST ACT, for non-religious purposes.

With that said.........1 year is the maximum time they'd spend in prison........retarded


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
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1 year of ass raping is enough punishment in my mind. 17 year old fish will learn his lesson. Plus his life is pretty much over so it's likely that after he gets out, if he isn't killed in prison since convicts don't really like people who kill children, he won't be able to get or hold down a job. So he'll do something else stupid like robbery or something and end up back in jail for a dime.

Not saying the system isn't flawed but America already incarcerates more people than any other country in the world. It'd take several lifetimes to sort out our justice system to make things work "better"


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2007
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I didn't see a corrective suggestion from the OP; I'd like to know what his suggestion is.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
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This is one article. You don't know enough about this situation to make a judgment. Chill.
Jan 12, 2010
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bigjohnson said:
I didn't see a corrective suggestion from the OP; I'd like to know what his suggestion is.

If they are convicted for conspiring to kill random high school students, then they should both get life in jail - there is no room in this world for animals like this.

Don't wanna spend life in jail? Then how bout you don't make plans of TAKING INNOCENT LIVES??

Desert Fox

Master Don Juan
Feb 16, 2008
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yeah this is why cops and lawyers are so useful to society.

really quick and effective to act AFTER something bad happens.

good job. not.

prevention is the name of the game. not this bullsh1t we see.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
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Both of them should be charged with conspiracy to commit murder. The possible sentence of one year seems way too short.

It's ridiculous that the girl was released without bail. She should not receive any special treatment because she is female.
Jan 12, 2010
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Maxtro said:
Both of them should be charged with conspiracy to commit murder. The possible sentence of one year seems way too short.

It's ridiculous that the girl was released without bail. She should not receive any special treatment because she is female.


There are 17 year olds who basically had only 1 month left to live, because they were going to be randomly murdered by both of these lowlife pieces of scum............yet, one of these lowlife animals (the girl) is now free to do as she pleases.......maybe she'll just end up killing someone anyway.

What a goddamn outrage.......and I bet if I went to NYC and stood by that high school to protest this, i'd be arrested for "distrubance of the peace"


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2007
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Rescue Mission said:
If they are convicted for conspiring to kill random high school students, then they should both get life in jail - there is no room in this world for animals like this.
So in your world some thoughts are illegal and should be punished? I don't have enough info to go on, but the info you gave didn't make it look like anything actually went past the "thinking about it" stage.

Sounded more like a couple angsty whiners seeking attention than anyone really intent on mayhem, from the given info. I mean, does anyone who's serious about murder chat about it before hand with their councilor? Really?


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
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Rescue Mission said:
Both teenagers tried to buy a shotgun but were turned away because neither was 18, so they hatched a plan to return on his June 8 birthday to buy one shotgun, then come back the following day for another. They planned to enter the school and start shooting on June 10, Doherty said.
Wow, they figured out you have to be eighteen to buy a shotgun, so they "hatched a plan" to come back on his birthday.

Sheer criminal genius.

I imagine their "extensive research" into explosives was one of these masterminds typing in "how can I blow up my school" into google.

Obviously, since they were going to buy a shotgun on the 8th, come back on the ninth to buy another one, with plans to shoot up their school on the tenth, these superhero arch enemies were likely going to plan spending the afternoon of the ninth figuring out exactly how to load and shoot a shotgun.


Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2008
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The fvcked up part about it is, if he goes to prison, he's gonna learn from the pro's how to be an effective criminal., and if he still has a hatred for society when he is released, eh will do something even worse. When people hatch plans of terrorizing a school, they 'should' know that it always ends with them taking their own lives as well.

I wonder what the ratio is of people that hatch plans like that, to actually going through with it. My guess is that for every school shooting, there must be at least twenty or more 'plans' that were chickened out on. As fvcked up as this is, I doubt whether they would have even gone through with it. How often to 17 year olds actually follow through with ANYTHING?

Its hard to say whether a year is too short. On one hand, they need to be off the street for safety's sake. OTOH, prison time might make them worse, and more dangerous when they get out. They probably already realize how stupid the whole thing is/was, but who really knows? Its a convenient solution to lock people in prison, but its not necessarily the best way to straighten people out. But... its the best we have for now, at least.


Master Don Juan
Oct 2, 2008
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Too many places at once
Actually it's his 2nd try. Was already arrested for plotting to attack his school 3 years ago. That may have served as a factor in the bail question as well.

You'd think he just could have transferred somewhere more fun. Idiot kids


Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2008
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2nd try????? I missed that part. Lock him up for good, then.


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2007
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horaholic said:
2nd try????? I missed that part. Lock him up for good, then.
More like 2nd time he thought about it. Reads like two attention *****s to me.


Master Don Juan
Oct 2, 2008
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Too many places at once
Journalism in general has fallen to sh1t.

Then again the information is out there... the issue is that you have guys like Fox News and Limbaugh pandering to the right wing, and (sorry to say) Jon Stewart, Salon, and Al Franken pandering to the left. People organize into these identity-politics blocs that kill discussion and make the public stupid. Whoever's left is usually channelling their frustration into some blog.

You can often pull deeper info out of the comments sections on news articles than from the journo who wrote it. For instance:


Unprofessional as hell to be airing their laundry in public, but nobody else said it. No BS-journalism is a thing of the past. Fox, CNN, the NYT, WP, everyone has too much money locked up in advertising, is dependent on contacts they can't alienate, and is too financially beholden to shareholders to actually do real journalism.

Sorry for the tangent but to sum up... these days be careful what you read, never trust a single source, and don't jump to conclusions. This will make you seem like a very intelligent person :up: