What the heck is up with my friends?


  • I am ******* for ditching my friends on Friday night

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • My friends are weird for not understanding I want to live a balanced life, and clubs don't fit in th

    Votes: 9 75.0%

  • Total voters


Sep 3, 2004
Reaction score
welcome to my world
Tonight is Friday, but I seriously don't feel like going out to the club. I feel like it's a waste of my time and energy. What's the point anyway? Y'all know you go there for one reason, and one reason only.

What I don't get is that my friends seems attached to me. WTF, it's like if I don't go out they don't go out. What's with that? I just don't feel like going clubbing tonight, so I tell friend A, why don't you go with B? Or B, why don't you go with C and D? And it's not like they're planning on going to different places, they're all going to the same club! So, why the heck won't they go?? Yes, I'm ranting and about to go to sleep anyway, but I can't stand these guys sometime, why don't they just freaking go with out me??? They keep saying stuff, like A will say, "I don't know B that well," or C will say the same about the other few. But we've all hung together, we're cool, I don't see the problem, are they afraid of hanging out with someone else? And then tonight when I told one of them I'm not coming, he got pretty pissed and he was like, "so, h2o, you just don't like me? sorry, bye" I mean, he seem infuriated, I'd never even heard him angry before.

Lately, I've realized I really don't need to go to clubs to meet girls and stuff. I'm also cutting drinking for now, because it's really not healthy, and I'm trying to get back in shape, and just live balanced and everything.

I feel like I don't buy into the whole club scene. I used to go because it was fun and all, but the consequences of messing up your sleep pattern and dealing with the drama of club chicks is just not worth it.

I ditched a bunch of friends tonight, and they were kind of pissed and think I'm weird now. But I told them exactly what I wrote here...it's like I can't find any common ground, don't they understand how much of a waste of money and energy it is? I mean, if you can meet girls elsewhere, what really is the point of going to clubs/bars, other than get smashed, which really isn't healthy anyway? I'm 21, but I've already gotten tired of the whole club scene...weird, I know.

Please tell me I'm not the only one who feels this way. I feel sort of like an ******* for ditching them, but it's their faults they won't go without me. I mean, how can you live a healthy, balanced life if you're coming home at 3am on Saturday morning?

Aaron B

Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2005
Reaction score
They are trying to guilt you into going because you are the "life of the party" and they don't want to go unless you do.

Personally, I wouldn't worry about it. Why should you do something you don't want to do just to make your friends happy?


Senior Don Juan
Jan 8, 2005
Reaction score
Austin, Texas
I know what ya mean dude ... I'm staying in tonight too just to cut back on the spending for this week.

Your friends all but said they have no life w/o you which is sad ... I have a few of these , I'm trying to get rid of right now ... Its kinda like their afraid to meet new friends or just go out and try and have a good time themselves ... bums

my 2 cents


Senior Don Juan
Jul 10, 2005
Reaction score
Weird, I recently stopped going to the clubs as well. I've only been for a few months and I feel like I'm kind of burned out already. The drinking thing is part of it too...I just don't feel like doing it at the moment. If I go to the club, I'll have to drink etc...it's just a big hassle and it's not worth it right now. And the drama in dealing with club chicks gets old pretty fast too.

Don't feel bad about turning down your friends though. I've done the same thing before a few weeks ago, and though I did feel guilty (because there weren't really enough people if I didn't go) I really shouldn't. It's not your priority to satisfy all your friends needs if you're not looking out for yourself.


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2005
Reaction score
Just admit you are too average looking or ugly to be at clubs. No need to make fun of more attractive yet superficial types that go to clubs.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 10, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by DonJuanMonk
Just admit you are too average looking or ugly to be at clubs. No need to make fun of more attractive yet superficial types that go to clubs.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 9, 2005
Reaction score
orange country holland
If your friends cant respect the fact that people are different then show them and stand by your words.

I had similar situation with my friends always wanting to go macking in clubs i followed a few times over a year through trail and error sometimes we get laid sometimes we dont overall i end up spending more than i should and my life revolved waiting for the weekend to club only no pastime activities nothing . my friend still clubs actually 6 of them are club addicts while 2 others dont club that much anymore
anyway i found out that the night clubs scene inst my cup of tea anyway.

they go there chase girls and dont get digits or get fake digits and end up spending alott of money and do the same thing allover for the rest of thier lives when luck strikes the bumps and grind with a girl they get laid maybe once every 6 months. after that i said i need to work to invest my money not work to spend on the weekends only thats the difference btwn me and my friends i think ahead they think for the moment.

So i told them i like different types of girls and prefer lounges to clubs and now they respect my opinion and we hang out on my own terms.
when the time to clubs starts they know who to call when it come to time to hangout at the park playing soccer ,cinema or go gymming or ask advice or a serious talk they come to me.

THREE of them have learned to respect peoples way of life people are different thats what make life interesting. make you friends accept who you are
few of them have started looking to other ways of approach instead of clubs only they didnt know they can cold approach and succeed i help them when i can.

If you friends do not respect your views then ditch them asap.



Don Juan
Jul 14, 2005
Reaction score
The club scene goes against everything I am and everything I stand for and I hate it with a passion....

If my friends acted that way to me I'd tell em to f*ck off, I don't want any part of dancing to loud sh*tty music or shoving my way through crowds of f*cking idiots.

I've gone to clubs before with some of my friends.... It's too loud to talk, it's too crowded to walk, the way people act and dress makes me want to f*cking hurt someone.... My friends didn't even dance with girls, they got in a circle and danced around like a bunch of fags, and they'd think it was cute to do little moves like pretend to read a book... Guess what? No girls are watching you! F*cking give it up! No one thinks your circle dancing is cute except you, and I think it's just plain homosexual. The music f*cking sucks. If you want to pick up, go to a bar where you can actually talk to girls and they aren't just there to pretend that they're J Lo and put on a little show! Club girls have tried to get me to dance, but I won't do that.... What I will do is try to have a conversation and work on my charisma, and maybe get somewhere....But I can't do that in a club dancing like a bytch to 160 decibels of puff daddy can I? So I always end up getting drunk and angry, and do stupid sh*t.

Girls in bars actually show interest and attraction beyond trying to dance with me, clubs are all image, an image that I don't like or want to be any part of. It's bars or nothing.... And my friends better not try to act like that towards me, or I won't hang out with them and they'll know why. In my road to becoming a full "DJ", clubs will set me back.... I don't need that sh*t.

If clubs are your thing, whatever, you have a different mindset than me in that regard.... I know people who are clubbing addicts and I really can't see how someone can be addicted to that sh*t, especially since most people I know who are addicted to clubbing never pull anything. I'd rather do math problems all day or punch myself for like 10 hours straight than go clubbing.


Sep 3, 2004
Reaction score
welcome to my world
i mean, they're still my friends, and i wouldn't ditch them for good or anything like that, but it's just stupid that they have to be like that.

i went to sleep early and got up to do some community work today, and it felt damn good to be actually adding some balance and structure to my life for a change. i did some exercising and later some studying for the rest of the day, while i would have probably spent the day sleepy with a hangover had i gone out last night. it's like clubbing just doesn't fit into my lifestyle anymore. going out for a few drinks could be okay, once in a while, but not coming home at 3am and stuff like that...

lol, Tx, it's funny you say that about meeting new peeps. because the times i've gone clubbing, i've actually made a few good friends and i do have a solid wing now, who i met clubbing a while back. i would actually prefer my friends ditch me every once in a while to meet some new people themselves and do their own thing, because i like to go out solo sometimes too.

yeah, glad i'm not the only young guy who doesn't like frequenting clubs much anymore too much. they sort of made me feel like i'm older and a no-fun party-pooper, which could be understandable, but in the long-run, having gone clubbing every week vs. having created a balanced, proficient life, will make a big difference. it's a lot of time wasted, vs a lot of time being spent productively. i know, it's a rant, but also it's sort of a sacrafice-in-the-making...it's gonna pay-off in the long run, i know it.

thanks, and props to anyone else in the same boat


Master Don Juan
May 13, 2005
Reaction score
Midwest America
they sort of made me feel like i'm older and a no-fun party-pooper, which could be understandable, but in the long-run, having gone clubbing every week vs. having created a balanced, proficient life, will make a big difference. it's a lot of time wasted, vs a lot of time being spent productively. i know, it's a rant, but also it's sort of a sacrafice-in-the-making...it's gonna pay-off in the long run, i know it.
Yes it will. :cool:


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2005
Reaction score
I like clubs, just not drinking. I'm trying to go t-total to help with bulking out.

Clubs can be fun if you're in the right mindset. Just letting go and having fun.


Oct 4, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Pantera_man
The club scene goes against everything I am and everything I stand for and I hate it with a passion....

If my friends acted that way to me I'd tell em to f*ck off, I don't want any part of dancing to loud sh*tty music or shoving my way through crowds of f*cking idiots.

I've gone to clubs before with some of my friends.... It's too loud to talk, it's too crowded to walk, the way people act and dress makes me want to f*cking hurt someone.... My friends didn't even dance with girls, they got in a circle and danced around like a bunch of fags, and they'd think it was cute to do little moves like pretend to read a book... Guess what? No girls are watching you! F*cking give it up! No one thinks your circle dancing is cute except you, and I think it's just plain homosexual. The music f*cking sucks. If you want to pick up, go to a bar where you can actually talk to girls and they aren't just there to pretend that they're J Lo and put on a little show! Club girls have tried to get me to dance, but I won't do that.... What I will do is try to have a conversation and work on my charisma, and maybe get somewhere....But I can't do that in a club dancing like a bytch to 160 decibels of puff daddy can I? So I always end up getting drunk and angry, and do stupid sh*t.

Dude, Spot On! Yeah, I've always found clubs to be torturous. Yeah, WAY too loud, can't talk gotta scream, (usually lose my voice at the end of the night) crowds, stuck up b!tches, dealing with faggity ass#d homo's who are working their pathetic game, etc, etc...


Master Don Juan
Sep 13, 2005
Reaction score
u guys gotta go to better clubs if u think the music sux, theres different types of clubs.