What should i do with these?


Don Juan
Mar 12, 2007
Reaction score
Rhode Island
Hello everyone, i just have a few questions about when i go away to school in 2 weeks.. I'll give some background information..

So on facebook, random people like to add you as a friend, people who you dont know, idk why they think it looks good or something.. but id rather meet people in person, i feel it makes it awkward when trying to talk to them in person and they think they met you before..
Well anyways.. i have a bunch of female friends, and there are 2 of them i regularly talk to, all live like 3-5 hours away from me.. Ill call them girl A=9-9.5, B=7-8 (depends on the "lighting"),
Now girl A+B seem very interested, ive received compliments from them on my pictures, and when we talk they are always saying stuff like "your funny", cant wait to meet you, and come visit me before school starts, and how we are going to go out together, and get drunk together in school etc.. I would want to fcuk A, B if no other options, but its freshman girls, so that shouldnt be hard..
I dont know if i should come into the school looking to fcuk girl A, or just become good friends with her, and get in with her friends, or whatever..

I know many people have told me to **** anything that walks, and that i should **** as many girls as i can, but honestly i dont like that too much, i mean sometimes its good, but i do like a relationship, to feel accepted, and to have someone there..

So i was wondering how i should feel about this, as of now i feel like id be best by hooking up with her, and keeping it casual.. idk how i should handle it.. A

Any advice will be greatly appreciated.


Don Juan
Mar 12, 2007
Reaction score
Rhode Island
so basically just **** around and then figure out what works? Sounds good, was my initial approach, but didnt want to **** anything up.