What "Natural Game" Looks Like


Jul 29, 2018
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1. Soft Prostitution:
"can I buy you a drink?" "sure..." or random bro hands random hottie a drink.
The girl stays for at least 5 minutes. Minimum. Typically, they stick around and talk to the guy until they finish the drink, which is at least 15 minutes. That's in a classier bar. In a sh1thole bar, the girl ditches the guy within a couple of minutes, maybe even less than that.

2. Social Circle/Warm Approach
It looks like the guy is approaching, but he actually knows the girl (from high school, work etc). They might grind, everyone seems relaxed, it's casual. A beginner might be awed, thinking the guy actually cold approached her.

3. Legitimate Cold Approach
Typically mid 20's guys who work up a head of steam, have a lot of confidence, and figuratively speaking, beat their heads against the wall for either a short (usually) or longer (infrequently) period of time approaching hot girls. Usually these guys quickly burn out and exit cold approach. They can't sustain constant rejection for months on end.

4. Higher Tier Cold Approach
Good looking confident guys. Top 20% of guys in looks. Vulture on cougars, milf's. On the prowl for 6's. Lots of traction with social circle girls 7+. Can be blown out very harshly by girls not in their immediate social circle

5. Hard Core Cold Approach.
These guys are "lifers." This is their lifestyle. They may have graduated from cougars and 5's and 6's to 7's It's very rare for these guys to pull legitimate 8's and above consistently. I have yet to see it in friends, wings, or any pickup community guys, or "naturals."

Almost all of the guys who cold approach after learning about pickup online are either engineers, salesmen or accountants. They like systematic linear thinking and a lot of pickup programs offer that.

6. Instructor Tier
These guys aren't very good at game on average.

Neil Strauss: slightly pudgy, trashy overweight rocker long term girlfriend. Tattoeed up rocker girl follow up girlfriend.

Jeffy RSD: rejected by fat prostitutes

Ozzy RSD: no evidence he gets laid, mid 40's?

Owen Cook: no evidence he pulls hotties. A pathological liar, totally untrustworthy, sewer level sociopath.

RSD Max: probably pretty good at game. Can probably pull 7's. Minimal evidence he can pull higher. 5'5"?

All evidence suggests RSD instructor's pull 5 to 7 caliber girls at best, and probably not very consistently.

Zero evidence that any of them pulls hotties, especially multiple over time.

Conclusion: probably a rip off.

So where are all the 8+ girls going? They are in long term relationships with guys who are completely committed, invest in them financially and will not cheat. Or else, adios. This track typically leads to marriage (eventually), i.e. the last in the string of her boyfriends (maybe around a half dozen).

The choice is clear for 90% of guys. At least 90% Probably closer to 95%. Cold approach can lead to pulls of 5=6 range girls, maybe occasional 7 and 8 caliber girls. But the latter are very unlikely.

OR, commit to a girlfriend and have a chance with a hot girl. Maybe even marriage.
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Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
A few things.

First off, your breakdown assessment of tiers isn't too bad. Lots of truth there. But you're looking at all negatives and are leaving out some "tiers" all together, which I will get to in a moment.

Second, your suggestion that every man should aim for what I call the "high school sweetheart"-like progression into adulthood and probable marriage with an 8+ is just more Disney BS/Wishful thinking. I personally know many people who have gone down this path, or something very similar to it, and they are no happier 10 years down the road than anyone else in most cases. I, myself, have devoted 8 years of my life to an "8+" woman I met and first got involved with in HS. We had a child. It didn't last. I moved on.

I have female friends who were those 8+ types who married young (early-mid20's), had the perfect marriage, big fancy house, white picket fence, 2.5 kids, Mercedes in the driveway.... Now she's collecting over $100K+/yr. in alimony and child support from the man who committed to her while she rides the c0ck carousel.

Third, if you have not actually succeeded in doing this yourself, which I seriously doubt you have, you are like those people who never had kids telling someone else how to raise their kids. Had you done this yourself with lasting success, you would not be on sites like this. You would not know about Strauss, Jeffy, Ozzy, Owen, nightclub "game", etc. etc. etc., e.g., such a refined understanding of game to such an extent you could actually provide these kinds of breakdowns and observations to begin with. You would have never cared enough to look into such things to begin with. What happily married man with beautiful children and a beautiful, devoted wife would do such a thing? So spare me the BS.

As for the "left out" tiers I had previously mentioned....

From what I've read from you thus far, most of your observations come from watching other people in your life, not necessarily or primarily from your own experiences, per say. Just because you or your friends cannot seem to make certain things happen in certain ways does not mean there are no men who can get it done in the world.

I have spent years upon years working hard, overcoming adversities, grinding through trial and error and have experienced every possible relationship scenario from ONS to LTRs to Fatherhood over a 30 year run in this game to eventually climb up to a level of success and happiness within myself that there is absolutely nothing a woman can do to fill any hole, any need, any desire in my life other than her good company and sex.

Through my hard work and experiences, I have evolved into a man that is successful, attractive and fully content with myself to such an extent that I can attract those 8 types without chasing. I don't HAVE TO cold approach. I don't HAVE TO initiate openings with women all of the time. I don't HAVE TO depend on 5's and 6's to maintain a sex life, and I don't HAVE TO hope I can occasionally land me a 7/8+ once in a blue.

This is the tier every man should strive for, regardless of what he ultimately wants to achieve, be it an eternal bachelor PUA guru or happily married to his 8+ high school sweetheart... because no matter what your ultimate goal is, if you are not completely independent and happy with yourself, those perfect situations you dream of will be unsustainable. They will crumble sooner or later, and it happens because you always though those goals would make you happy.

You should already be happy when pursuing these goals.
So these 8+ women's are always hoez, out for self and shouldn't be married?


Senior Don Juan
Jul 27, 2018
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Your purpose shouldnt be your own happiness. It should be to make your mark on the world and to create a top-tier family.


New Member
Dec 19, 2017
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For me, life is a game itself. This world is our arena. Some play fair and some dont. A "natural" game for me differ among men. Its about finding your purpose in life and doing it that has positive benefits to you and to the people around you. A natural game for me has compassion and honor.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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Third, if you have not actually succeeded in doing this yourself, which I seriously doubt you have, you are like those people who never had kids telling someone else how to raise their kids. Had you done this yourself with lasting success, you would not be on sites like this. You would not know about Strauss, Jeffy, Ozzy, Owen, nightclub "game", etc. etc. etc., e.g., such a refined understanding of game to such an extent you could actually provide these kinds of breakdowns and observations to begin with. You would have never cared enough to look into such things to begin with. What happily married man with beautiful children and a beautiful, devoted wife would do such a thing? So spare me the BS.
Why are you on this site then? Is your avatar how you actually look at? I've looked at a past thread of yours and it shows that you had 10 women contact you OLD by putting up your photo and a witty quote from a movie within the first hour you posted the profile.....so you must be on a top 20% of looks and probably should be an expert at natural game. You are choosing not to marry and have a happy family?


Senior Don Juan
Jul 27, 2018
Reaction score
No. I'm merely saying there are no guarantees. There is no low-risk or risk-free way. There is no absolute answer. The nature of humans are far too diverse and complicated. Different people will process and handle the same situation in dramatically different ways, regardless of background, looks, etc. There is no sure-fire formula. If you think there is, you are more than likely operating under wishful thinking; chasing something you have not yet actually done that you believe is an answer.

The quickest way to misery.....
Happiness is not an end goal for a man. Success is.


Jan 14, 2018
Reaction score
A few things.

First off, your breakdown assessment of tiers isn't too bad. Lots of truth there. But you're looking at all negatives and are leaving out some "tiers" all together, which I will get to in a moment.

Second, your suggestion that every man should aim for what I call the "high school sweetheart"-like progression into adulthood and probable marriage with an 8+ is just more Disney BS/Wishful thinking. I personally know many people who have gone down this path, or something very similar to it, and they are no happier 10 years down the road than anyone else in most cases. I, myself, have devoted 8 years of my life to an "8+" woman I met and first got involved with in HS. We had a child. It didn't last. I moved on.

I have female friends who were those 8+ types who married young (early-mid20's), had the perfect marriage, big fancy house, white picket fence, 2.5 kids, Mercedes in the driveway.... Now she's collecting over $100K+/yr. in alimony and child support from the man who committed to her while she rides the c0ck carousel.

Third, if you have not actually succeeded in doing this yourself, which I seriously doubt you have, you are like those people who never had kids telling someone else how to raise their kids. Had you done this yourself with lasting success, you would not be on sites like this. You would not know about Strauss, Jeffy, Ozzy, Owen, nightclub "game", etc. etc. etc., e.g., such a refined understanding of game to such an extent you could actually provide these kinds of breakdowns and observations to begin with. You would have never cared enough to look into such things to begin with. What happily married man with beautiful children and a beautiful, devoted wife would do such a thing? So spare me the BS.

As for the "left out" tiers I had previously mentioned....

From what I've read from you thus far, most of your observations come from watching other people in your life, not necessarily or primarily from your own experiences, per say. Just because you or your friends cannot seem to make certain things happen in certain ways does not mean there are no men who can get it done in the world.

I have spent years upon years working hard, overcoming adversities, grinding through trial and error and have experienced every possible relationship scenario from ONS to LTRs to Fatherhood over a 30 year run in this game to eventually climb up to a level of success and happiness within myself that there is absolutely nothing a woman can do to fill any hole, any need, any desire in my life other than her good company and sex.

Through my hard work and experiences, I have evolved into a man that is successful, attractive and fully content with myself to such an extent that I can attract those 8 types without chasing. I don't HAVE TO cold approach. I don't HAVE TO initiate openings with women all of the time. I don't HAVE TO depend on 5's and 6's to maintain a sex life, and I don't HAVE TO hope I can occasionally land me a 7/8+ once in a blue.

This is the tier every man should strive for, regardless of what he ultimately wants to achieve, be it an eternal bachelor PUA guru or happily married to his 8+ high school sweetheart... because no matter what your ultimate goal is, if you are not completely independent and happy with yourself, those perfect situations you dream of will be unsustainable. They will crumble sooner or later, and it happens because you always though those goals would make you happy.

You should already be happy when pursuing these goals.
Fvck u guys can quote a whole bunch of names that I haven't even heard of much less read or listen.

Almost every thread there's someone quoting some skills/theory from some dude off YouTube or something.

And I haven't even finished reading up Red Pill.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 27, 2018
Reaction score
Wrong. The end goal is to be successful doing something that makes you happy.

Apparently, you don't believe it is possible to be successful and miserable at the same time. Do you know how many people on this planet give up 6 figure careers or some other barometer of "classical success" just to pursue something they love to do because they were THAT unhappy? Many.

And there are many more than that who never do it because they don't have the balls to make that change..... They just accept their fate in this cage they put themselves in. They are beaten, tired, unmotivated and they spend their days daydreaming.....
I think the end goal is to be satisfied with the life you've lived once you're old.

Would you fight in a war to defend your country/family even if it meant that you would sacrifice your own happiness? Or would you desert and move to a beach?


Senior Don Juan
Jul 27, 2018
Reaction score
I already have. Have you?

That would not make me happy.

Neither of these things make me a success.
No I haven't, and if you have, that would clearly give you a better sense of perspective than I have had. Which war did you fight in?

From my perspective, I would rather have a higher goal than my own individual happiness. Whether that means taking care of a family, or fighting for a cause that's greater than myself.

Focusing on my own individual happiness seems masturbatory. If I'm happy, but didn't bequeath a legacy or make my mark on the world, then who cares?

At Christmas time, while I like receiving gifts, I actually prefer giving gifts to family members who I love. By focusing on others' happiness, it makes me happy, but I don't want my own happiness to be the goal.

I want my own happiness to be the byproduct of some greater calling that I will fight for, even at the expense of my own happiness.

Does that make sense?


Jan 14, 2018
Reaction score
You'll be in a world of pain in that mentality.

And of disservice to everyone around you.


Jul 29, 2018
Reaction score
LOL, ok that's a very long post. Based on the initial section it seems as if you are claiming that its basically impossible to have a successful marriage and a happy life. No, that is false. You have a negative mindset and look for examples which reinforce this negativity.

I know lots of married couples of all ages (20's, 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's 70's) who are still married and having a great time. They have great kids too most of them. They have friends, travel.

I know many married couples also, however, that have problems in one way or another The biggest is one of the beta male husband who follows his wife around like a little lapdog. It's a huge problem and a male who leads is increasingly uncommon. I know many guys and gals who have been divorced.

There is enormous variation here and yes, the stay at home wife and husband with a 40 year job are the anomaly. But to go from that to say it's impossible to have a happy marriage is just silly.

You create a straw man then argue against it.

If you enjoy your lifestyle, banging 5's and 6's and mil's, then be my guest. No one is here to tell you otherwise. But I just don't want to see yours and others' cynicism poison others. Have a good life.

A few things.

First off, your breakdown assessment of tiers isn't too bad. Lots of truth there. But you're looking at all negatives and are leaving out some "tiers" all together, which I will get to in a moment.

Second, your suggestion that every man should aim for what I call the "high school sweetheart"-like progression into adulthood and probable marriage with an 8+ is just more Disney BS/Wishful thinking. I personally know many people who have gone down this path, or something very similar to it, and they are no happier 10 years down the road than anyone else in most cases. I, myself, have devoted 8 years of my life to an "8+" woman I met and first got involved with in HS. We had a child. It didn't last. I moved on.

I have female friends who were those 8+ types who married young (early-mid20's), had the perfect marriage, big fancy house, white picket fence, 2.5 kids, Mercedes in the driveway.... Now she's collecting over $100K+/yr. in alimony and child support from the man who committed to her while she rides the c0ck carousel.

Third, if you have not actually succeeded in doing this yourself, which I seriously doubt you have, you are like those people who never had kids telling someone else how to raise their kids. Had you done this yourself with lasting success, you would not be on sites like this. You would not know about Strauss, Jeffy, Ozzy, Owen, nightclub "game", etc. etc. etc., e.g., such a refined understanding of game to such an extent you could actually provide these kinds of breakdowns and observations to begin with. You would have never cared enough to look into such things to begin with. What happily married man with beautiful children and a beautiful, devoted wife would do such a thing? So spare me the BS.

As for the "left out" tiers I had previously mentioned....

From what I've read from you thus far, most of your observations come from watching other people in your life, not necessarily or primarily from your own experiences, per say. Just because you or your friends cannot seem to make certain things happen in certain ways does not mean there are no men who can get it done in the world.

I have spent years upon years working hard, overcoming adversities, grinding through trial and error and have experienced every possible relationship scenario from ONS to LTRs to Fatherhood over a 30 year run in this game to eventually climb up to a level of success and happiness within myself that there is absolutely nothing a woman can do to fill any hole, any need, any desire in my life other than her good company and sex.

Through my hard work and experiences, I have evolved into a man that is successful, attractive and fully content with myself to such an extent that I can attract those 8 types without chasing. I don't HAVE TO cold approach. I don't HAVE TO initiate openings with women all of the time. I don't HAVE TO depend on 5's and 6's to maintain a sex life, and I don't HAVE TO hope I can occasionally land me a 7/8+ once in a blue.

This is the tier every man should strive for, regardless of what he ultimately wants to achieve, be it an eternal bachelor PUA guru or happily married to his 8+ high school sweetheart... because no matter what your ultimate goal is, if you are not completely independent and happy with yourself, those perfect situations you dream of will be unsustainable. They will crumble sooner or later, and it happens because you always though those goals would make you happy.

You should already be happy when pursuing these goals.


Jul 29, 2018
Reaction score
OK, I am trying to read the rest of your extremely long post. Addressing the bolded part of your post for now: awfully vague, eh mate? lol.

You IMPLY, but don't state explicitly that you are banging exclusively or primarily 7's and 8's rather than 5's and 6's. Again, impossible to say what you are claiming, because you don't really claim anything.

I will say this: I have yet to meet a pickup guy or natural who had a SERIES or rotation or hot girls, even being so generous as to define 7 as 'hot' which probably is not the case.

If you DO have a rotation of 7's/8's exclusively (which you don't have since you don't claim to but only allude to, since you are "happy" or something along those lines) you would be the VERY FIRST non celebrity I've met where this is the case.

What are you even arguing against anyway? You create some fictional scenario to argue against. Then you pseudo claim to have a rotation of 8's but not really. I mean, come on, dude. Stop with the bullsh1t already.

A few things.

First off, your breakdown assessment of tiers isn't too bad. Lots of truth there. But you're looking at all negatives and are leaving out some "tiers" all together, which I will get to in a moment.

Second, your suggestion that every man should aim for what I call the "high school sweetheart"-like progression into adulthood and probable marriage with an 8+ is just more Disney BS/Wishful thinking. I personally know many people who have gone down this path, or something very similar to it, and they are no happier 10 years down the road than anyone else in most cases. I, myself, have devoted 8 years of my life to an "8+" woman I met and first got involved with in HS. We had a child. It didn't last. I moved on.

I have female friends who were those 8+ types who married young (early-mid20's), had the perfect marriage, big fancy house, white picket fence, 2.5 kids, Mercedes in the driveway.... Now she's collecting over $100K+/yr. in alimony and child support from the man who committed to her while she rides the c0ck carousel.

Third, if you have not actually succeeded in doing this yourself, which I seriously doubt you have, you are like those people who never had kids telling someone else how to raise their kids. Had you done this yourself with lasting success, you would not be on sites like this. You would not know about Strauss, Jeffy, Ozzy, Owen, nightclub "game", etc. etc. etc., e.g., such a refined understanding of game to such an extent you could actually provide these kinds of breakdowns and observations to begin with. You would have never cared enough to look into such things to begin with. What happily married man with beautiful children and a beautiful, devoted wife would do such a thing? So spare me the BS.

As for the "left out" tiers I had previously mentioned....

From what I've read from you thus far, most of your observations come from watching other people in your life, not necessarily or primarily from your own experiences, per say. Just because you or your friends cannot seem to make certain things happen in certain ways does not mean there are no men who can get it done in the world.

I have spent years upon years working hard, overcoming adversities, grinding through trial and error and have experienced every possible relationship scenario from ONS to LTRs to Fatherhood over a 30 year run in this game to eventually climb up to a level of success and happiness within myself that there is absolutely nothing a woman can do to fill any hole, any need, any desire in my life other than her good company and sex.

Through my hard work and experiences, I have evolved into a man that is successful, attractive and fully content with myself to such an extent that I can attract those 8 types without chasing. I don't HAVE TO cold approach. I don't HAVE TO initiate openings with women all of the time. I don't HAVE TO depend on 5's and 6's to maintain a sex life, and I don't HAVE TO hope I can occasionally land me a 7/8+ once in a blue.

This is the tier every man should strive for, regardless of what he ultimately wants to achieve, be it an eternal bachelor PUA guru or happily married to his 8+ high school sweetheart... because no matter what your ultimate goal is, if you are not completely independent and happy with yourself, those perfect situations you dream of will be unsustainable. They will crumble sooner or later, and it happens because you always though those goals would make you happy.

You should already be happy when pursuing these goals.